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Posted: 04 Jul 2015, 22:07
Jurrassic World - A belated review, but hey I really enjoyed it, it seems film makers have stopped coming up with much original decent stuff so they are chucking remade/rebooted/sequels at us a lot, relying on a bit of nostalgia from tried and tested classics that we all know and love. This was a good film, a decent take on the series with a few nice nods to the original. Dont take any notice of stuffy arty farty critics, just enjoy a film for what it is and enjoy the spectacle. 8/10
Terminator Genysis - "He's Back" Another sequel/reboot. I watched the 3rd one right before viewing this just to brush up a bit, didnt need to watch 1 or 2 as I know them inside out and the content of this film is only really linked to the first 3 and mainly only 1, anyway Salvation (4) was boring as shit. Dont care, dont care, dont care what the critics say. take no bloody notice, I bloody loved this film, yes it has its dodgy moments, namely some really clunky dialogue, yes the film makers spoiled a few surprises in their over eagerness to sell the thing, but as an episode in the series it is definitely a deserved 3rd and it might just be me but in many ways I liked it as much as 2, a couple more viewings it might even draw level. You do need to know the series to follow what the hell is going on, it isnt a new reboot you can just pick up and start with, but there is plenty for anyone who likes big action flicks to chew on. Arnie isnt the worlds greatest actor abviously but there is something about him and his most famous characters screen presence, he steals the show from all around him. Mind you the likes of Arnie and Stallone have made a lot of dodgy or rubbish films good just by being in them. Like I said stuff the critics, if you like Terminator films or big action flicks in general get yourself to the cinema for this on, it gets a bit twisty and complicated in places, it might make your brain ache a bit, but it is an enjoyable film, I hope it does better than predicted because I really want to see a couple more that have been mooted as a new trilogy. 9/10
Terminator Genysis - "He's Back" Another sequel/reboot. I watched the 3rd one right before viewing this just to brush up a bit, didnt need to watch 1 or 2 as I know them inside out and the content of this film is only really linked to the first 3 and mainly only 1, anyway Salvation (4) was boring as shit. Dont care, dont care, dont care what the critics say. take no bloody notice, I bloody loved this film, yes it has its dodgy moments, namely some really clunky dialogue, yes the film makers spoiled a few surprises in their over eagerness to sell the thing, but as an episode in the series it is definitely a deserved 3rd and it might just be me but in many ways I liked it as much as 2, a couple more viewings it might even draw level. You do need to know the series to follow what the hell is going on, it isnt a new reboot you can just pick up and start with, but there is plenty for anyone who likes big action flicks to chew on. Arnie isnt the worlds greatest actor abviously but there is something about him and his most famous characters screen presence, he steals the show from all around him. Mind you the likes of Arnie and Stallone have made a lot of dodgy or rubbish films good just by being in them. Like I said stuff the critics, if you like Terminator films or big action flicks in general get yourself to the cinema for this on, it gets a bit twisty and complicated in places, it might make your brain ache a bit, but it is an enjoyable film, I hope it does better than predicted because I really want to see a couple more that have been mooted as a new trilogy. 9/10