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TUFC.V.BRFC boxing/new years day match thread.

Posted: 02 Jan 2015, 00:18
by AustrianAndyGull
friendlygas wrote:12 points ahead of you Brucie you dispicable man. No way did I turn up thinking we would turn you over and knew it would be a tough game based on how easy it was last week. These reverse fixtures usually turn out this way. We deserved a draw today based on the way the game went- no more no less but we couldn't complain had we lost because you took your chance and defended very well. Torquay supporters are great in general but you are a total a-----e.
I wouldn't worry yourself Friendlygas. In 10 years Brucie might very welll be still be taking the piss out of you for being a non league club whilst he spends his saturday afternoons playing cribbage at the local wishing he still had a football club to go and watch.

TUFC.V.BRFC boxing/new years day match thread.

Posted: 02 Jan 2015, 00:45
by friendlygas
I am sure that won't happen to you and based on todays performance from you then you can stay in contact with the PlayOffs which is, I think the best we will get too unless we find a winger and a goalscorer in the opening window. We are dropping too many points by not having a goalscorer but I am delighted with the position we are in. Big Club,small club the only thing that matters is the total number of points you achieve in the season and that is achieved by the players on the pitch not the number of supporters you have.
I must admit after your performance last week against us I thought you were going to struggle as your defence looked very open and shaky but today it was your strength. Over the two games I have been shocked by Bowman as I thought he was an excellent signing but he looked awful and disinterested in both games.
Anyway best of luck for the season. I shall pop in a few times throughout the season because I like your supporters and the forum discussing football but I can't be bothered to put up with the piece of trash that is Brucie. He is a part time supporter full of shit excuses and his self importance and condoning both players and referees from the safety of an armchair and really belives that referees have it in for Torquay and nobody else.

TUFC.V.BRFC boxing/new years day match thread.

Posted: 02 Jan 2015, 00:48
by ethantufcbaker

Bad quality but here's the foul

TUFC.V.BRFC boxing/new years day match thread.

Posted: 02 Jan 2015, 00:58
by Colorado Gull
ethantufcbaker wrote:

Bad quality but here's the foul

If that has been pulled up as a foul, then I've really had it with modern football. It has turned into a pathetic non-contact sport with everything being penalised.

TUFC.V.BRFC boxing/new years day match thread.

Posted: 02 Jan 2015, 01:01
by ethantufcbaker
dannyrvtufc4life wrote:
If that has been pulled up as a foul, then I've really had it with modern football. It has turned into a pathetic non-contact sport with everything being penalised.
I know... There's a bit of the swing of the arms but the balls going way over and everyone holds everyone these days. Tbh the player didn't make a big deal of it so accepted it like most players do every week. Can't blame the ref for that one. His linesman had a better view
Also danny are you the guy with the drum just wondering

TUFC.V.BRFC boxing/new years day match thread.

Posted: 02 Jan 2015, 01:03
by Colorado Gull
ethantufcbaker wrote: I know... There's a bit of the swing of the arms but the balls going way over and everyone holds everyone these days. Tbh the player didn't make a big deal of it so accepted it like most players do every week. Can't blame the ref for that one. His linesman had a better view
Also danny are you the guy with the drum just wondering

Yes mate.

TUFC.V.BRFC boxing/new years day match thread.

Posted: 02 Jan 2015, 01:05
by ethantufcbaker
dannyrvtufc4life wrote:
:) OK thanks

TUFC.V.BRFC boxing/new years day match thread.

Posted: 02 Jan 2015, 08:30
by Kit_robin
Video just confirms what everyone, including rovers fans, thought at the time; not a penalty, Torquay unfairly robbed of points by yet more sub standard officiating.

Also a word about Bowman. I don't know how to say this without sounding incredibly patronising or derogatory, but the only way you could think he had a bad game yesterday is if you have nothing but a basic grasp of how a football match works. Bowman didn't have many shots, granted, but he is a forward who needs service and most of our chances fell to others, mainly because he was involved in the build up to most of them!. His all round game yesterday was excellent. His movement in the first half was some of the best I've seen from him this season, and he was involved in practically all our breakaways. Some of his one touch passing linking with young and chapel showed his skill. He also won his fair share of headers against much taller centre backs. In the second half when we were defending for practically the whole time he constantly kept up his running into space to give us an outlet, and quite often dropped back to midfield when Duane was pressing.

Edit to add this: bar the first ten minutes, where he misplaced two easy passes, this was easily Hardings best game for the club. Much more reminiscent of the player I remember at Aldershot ang Wycombe. He was a calming influence, made some great tackles and, bar those two early errors, I'm not sure he gave the ball away for the rest of the game. I have been a big critic of him for the last year for drawing a large wage with no return, but credit where it's due and well done yesterday Ben. Let's hope this is the start of a return to true form.

TUFC.V.BRFC boxing/new years day match thread.

Posted: 02 Jan 2015, 08:55
by nickbrod
Agree, credit where credit is due, Harding had his best game for a long time, probably back to his better performances before going off injured in the York home match last season.
At the moment he's a better option than Richards.

TUFC.V.BRFC boxing/new years day match thread.

Posted: 02 Jan 2015, 11:55
by Neal
Would it have been a foul anywhere else on the pitch. Ive thought about it and its a NO.

We all know ALL teams including us pull shirts, hands around forwards etc etc on set pieces into your penalty area. It is something the FA should do something about actually but not a pen every time or the scores will end up 10-10. But far too much of it goes on un punished and its unfair on the attackers.

But look there was disputed decisions on MOTD last night, so that's football, always has been and if you cant stand it, then it aint the sport for you because it will not change

TUFC.V.BRFC boxing/new years day match thread.

Posted: 02 Jan 2015, 12:32
by brucie
Your "shocked" by Bowman but he has still scored more goals than any of your forwards you numpty.

Actually I havn't any problems with anyone other than a jumped up little prick of a Bristol Rovers supporter like yourself.

Have a look at the video of the penalty incident. The "Foul" is actually comitted by the BR player who is all over Macdonald.
Macdonald reacts by pushing Harrison but that is clearly after the ball has gone out of play.

As Hargreaves said its a disgusting, disgraceful decision. It is beyond farcical - it is not a penalty in a million years.

Yet you come on here and pontificate that its a definate penalty. Just shows you up for the bone head you are. :goodpost:

TUFC.V.BRFC boxing/new years day match thread.

Posted: 02 Jan 2015, 12:51
by Behind-the-Gulls
Couldn't really see clearly enough to comment on penalty but reaction of Rovers players and fans at the time suggests it was a very soft one.
Strange game really after a poor first half thought Rovers would come at us all guns blazing but I felt pretty comfortable throughout.
Great turnout by Rovers fans but amazed how quiet they were-sure if they had got behind team more they would have got a response from players.
Encouraging performances from Seabright and Harding,but good effort by whole team.
Alfreton's game postponed yesterday,which will give them an advantage,but hopefully we will have enough to pick-up three points on Sunday.

TUFC.V.BRFC boxing/new years day match thread.

Posted: 02 Jan 2015, 13:49
by friendlygas
For f--ksake Brucie are you real, Why pick up on every point.

"Have a look at the video of the penalty incident. The "Foul" is actually comitted by the BR player who is all over Macdonald.
Macdonald reacts by pushing Harrison but that is clearly after the ball has gone out of play"- what a load of bullshit Brucie. I have looked at the penalty incident and the "foul" was not commited by a BR player but by your player and was spotted by the linesman. I am not saying it wasn't a soft penalty because it was but can I ask you why the linesman would flag it if nothing had occurred? You can't honestly say he had it in for you Brucie because YOU WEREN'T THERE as usual. If you had you would have known that it was one of the few decisions he gave our way in the whole game and no 21 got away with holding all game. You and all others have already said that the supporters didn't shout for it so how do you come to the conclusion that he was swayed by the large home crowd? You are a first class prick and perhaps you would be better off SUPPORTING your team by actually attending games instead of criticising officials for every decision that don't go your way. At least the Officials have the guts to turn up..unlike you.

Your "shocked" by Bowman but he has still scored more goals than any of your forwards you numpty.- My genuine thoughts over the two games I have seen him as I thought when you signed him you had made a great signing but if he is great fair enough-just not in the two games against us.

Actually I havn't any problems with anyone other than a jumped up little prick of a Bristol Rovers supporter like yourself.- Read your posts and comments by your own supporters and I think you will see otherwise.

As Hargreaves said its a disgusting, disgraceful decision. It is beyond farcical - it is not a penalty in a million years.- There again Hargreaves did also say that the game at Plainmoor was an even affair other than the weather!!!
Anyway the fact remains 4 points from two games against you,12 points more than you and i will take that as I really thought you would be up with us at this stage and I've watched football for far too long to predict that we will finish 12 points above you or even that we will finish above you.
Now f--k off back to your armchair and your radio as I personally think Torquay are far better off without you at the game.

TUFC.V.BRFC boxing/new years day match thread.

Posted: 02 Jan 2015, 13:59
by nickbrod
Leaving aside the playground banter if you want a better idea of why Rovers were awarded a penalty and MacDonald given a second yellow then listen to David Thomas on today's Herald Express podcast.
I was at the match but from our terrace position it was impossible to see any of the events but Dave Thomas is a very experienced journalist and I believe from his better viewpoint he has summed up the farcial penalty and red card really well.
To sum up neither the penalty nor yellow - for swiping a corner flag (!) - were warranted.

TUFC.V.BRFC boxing/new years day match thread.

Posted: 02 Jan 2015, 14:21
by CP Gull
Yes Nick, having listened to the David Thoms podcast, he has now had the opportunity to look closely at the DVD and it appears if anything it was the young Rovers striker (Harrison) who was the aggressor and put his face into MacDonald's. The club are considering appealing the red card for MacDonald as it appears all he was (actually) guilty of was swiping a corner flag with his hand - hardly the sort of thing that should warrant a second yellow card!

Not only that, but it gets worse! It seems that the Benyon disallowed goal on Boxing Day should have stood as well! I was right behind that goal when Benyon chested it in over the line and like everyone else in the ground assumed it had been disallowed for offside .... turns out that it clearly wasn't offside but was actually disallowed for handball!!!! That decision was made by a linesman who was at least 20 metres away and with facing Benyon's back !!!! I can say now, it was definitely Benyon's chest that steered it past the keeper and so, to make matters worse we have been denied THREE points by poor officiating over the two BRFC games .... albeit we certainly wouldn't have deserved a point on Boxing Day!