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Re: Devon Bowl (4/12/2012)

Posted: 05 Dec 2012, 00:55
by ferrarilover
Super, I'm guessing you've seen Baker and Artemi before? Artemi I can take or leave, but Baker has been pretty good in the games in which I've seen him, I was wondering how you view this performance in terms of his whole time here?


Re: Devon Bowl (4/12/2012)

Posted: 05 Dec 2012, 05:56
by supergulls
I've seen baker play about 3 times and as I said its only my opinion but do I see him breaking through and playing in the league regularly ? The answer is no.. is he as good as say nial thompson, the answer would be no again. So as we only have a set budget that has to be divided by a certain amount of players I would rather his portion and artemi's go back in the pot for the manager to use elsewhere such as giving Rene a bit more to secure his signature for next year.

I have seen artemi numerous times and as said before he is not a better defensive midfielder than what we already have at the club so realistically I don't see the point.

Re: Devon Bowl (4/12/2012)

Posted: 18 Dec 2012, 17:53
by Yellow4life
There is match highlights here:

Including thompsons brilliant penalty, Martin Rice foul and ME(as assistant referee!)

Re: Devon Bowl (4/12/2012)

Posted: 19 Dec 2012, 23:10
by ferrarilover
How was the most blatant penalty in the history of the game not given?


Re: Devon Bowl (4/12/2012)

Posted: 20 Dec 2012, 08:38
by Yellow4life
You raise a valid point, however supporters fail to understand the following:

1. The final decision lies with the referee. If the assistant feels the referee is in a better position then the assistant is; in theory, not allowed to give the decision.
2. Although the decision may have seem clear on the night for you watching; imagine our position, we have to look not only at the player with the ball but any off sides, off the ball fouls etc.

I believe the only way for spectators to find out how hard it really is; and not to moan at officials, is for them to try and referee a game themselves. So yes we all agree it probably should have been a penalty looking back at it now, but that was the decision which we had milliseconds to act upon. It happens and will always happen.

That's just my opinion.

Re: Devon Bowl (4/12/2012)

Posted: 20 Dec 2012, 19:33
by ferrarilover
That's all well and good, Y4, and I'm not really having a go, but surely, SURELY that decision is SO blatantly obvious as to render it impossible to miss? Even if you're looking for offside, handball, pulling, swearing, spitting, headbutting and a million and one other things, a tackle that late and that bad must, surely, be unmissable if you're looking anywhere near the ball?

As it happens, I've qualified as a referee in a number of different sports (including football), so I do know how hard it is (you want to try lacrosse refereeing, nigh on impossible) to get everything right and I do often sympathise with officials where others seek only to criticise. I've never run the line, but I always imagine, in a number of ways, it is more difficult than being the man in the middle.
