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Posted: 27 May 2014, 15:57
by PhilGull
People need to remember that only 34% of the electorate voted and only 27% of them voted for UKIP . The other parties need to forget about Farage and his mob. It's the 66% of the country who didn't vote they need to be concentrating on...


Posted: 27 May 2014, 17:54
by ferrarilover
9.18% of the voting population voted UKIP, which means that it's almost certain that someone that stupid will be on the Jury tasked with assessing the evidence against you.
Let that sink in for a minute. Someone who thinks their problems are caused by faaaaaaakin' foreigns, comin' over 'ere, nickin' our faaaaaaakin' jobs, innit, is tasked with sitting, quietly and attentively, and assessing evidence presented by people who are so far advanced from these idiots that they're almost a different species.

Regardless of the rise of neo-Naziism across Europe (they won't actually win an election, not in England at least), it's more the exposing of a genuinely nasty underbelly which is concerning me.



Posted: 27 May 2014, 18:09
by cambgull
I don't know what's worse, that 9% of the country support UKIP or that 66% of the country don't give a crap. Must be all the foreigners.


Posted: 27 May 2014, 18:30
by Dave
Well that's not strictly true is it, and just how spin doctoring has touched us all. The turn out for 2001 general election was 59.4 % 2005 61.4 % and 2010 65.1 % making and average turn for the last three general elections rounded up to 62 % meaning that only around 28 % of the voting public since the turn of the century failed to vote and, if my maths are right 20 % of the voting public voted UKIP.

UKIP aren't stupid , they're well aware a slice of that 27 % will not vote for them in the GE but if they target the right areas with the right people don't be at all surprised if they don't return 1 maybe 2 MP'S, and hopefully so, British politics is full of arrogance and a kick up the arse is needed.


Posted: 27 May 2014, 20:49
by ferrarilover
A kick up the arse that thinks men should be able to rape their wives, that working time regulations should go out of the window, that maternity/paternity and adoption leave should be scrapped, that inclement weather is caused by homosexuals and that the problems facing the country are not to do with a situation which existed during the boom years as well as the bust, but with the half a dozen Romians and Polish who inhabit London.

This insularity always comes to the fore during times of economic hardship. It's a self preservation thing. I understand why he's so popular with people, it's easy to like him. He confirms your prejudices, he gives you a convenient excuse for the fact that life hasn't quite turned out the way you hoped, he goes down the pub. He's everyone's best mate. Thing is, it's like being back at school and electing the class president. No one voted for the speccy kid at the back who campaigned along the lines of better school meals and an increase to the library budget, shit which actually matters and will improve your lives. They all voted instead for Brad, the slick surfer dude who promised to have the school day shortened by 30 minutes and to make the girls do PE in their panties. Yeah, great, if this were an episode of The Simpsons, that would be ace, but it's not, it's the fate of a nation of over 60,000,000 people. Instead of voting for the man who makes unpopular but correct decisions, these idiots want to vote for a man who can't even be arsed to turn up for work because he was too busy getting pissed at 2pm on a Wednesday down the Dog and Duck.



Posted: 27 May 2014, 21:23
by DerbyshireGull
Politicians won't improve my life or indeed your lives. The only ones responsible for our lives are us. We should forget all about politics, let them get on with their lives and let us all get on with ours. Them and us are two separate entities, always have been and always will and no matter who we vote for EVER this will not change and neither will our lives because of it.

Matt is right about Farage, he's a penis (although Matt didn't say this exactly but you get my point).

They all are.

Pursuing something that you have no control over and can never change is a waste of time. Just like casting your vote.


Posted: 27 May 2014, 22:13
by Gullscorer
“If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it.”

Mark Twain


Posted: 27 May 2014, 22:25
by DerbyshireGull
Gullscorer wrote:“If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it.”

Mark Twain
absolutely :lol:


Posted: 29 May 2014, 17:07
by Dave
This the whole thing, not just regarding arrogance in politics but hypocrisy on a grand scale. UKIP branded racist, blaming the bad weather on homosexuality, agreed an utterly ridiculous thing to say and truly absurd thing to believe, however that's not official UKIP policy or what that party stands for, that was the personal view of a UKIP councillor. Men having the right to rape their wife, a personal view point of a former UKIP donor, and not official party policy, yes UKIP did abstain from a vote in the European parliament on violence against women, quite why I don't know, probably inline with the fact they abstain pretty much from all votes, but the fact remains that was back in 2006, 8 years ago, and hopefully things have changed since then.

The media, people across the political divide, and a percentage of the public seem only to happy to act all indignant, take the moral high ground and enter this crusade against UKIP, fine, people have the right, but to do this, you need your own house in order.

There is racism in all parties just some selected evidence. ... 27982.html.... ... email.html

Homophobia... ... stigation/.

And criminals in all parties, from the early 1900's through to early 70's which Liberal and Labour MP's sent to prison, from Aitken to Archer both ex-minsters sent down for perjury, to 2011 which saw 4 MP's and 2 peers sent to prison, yep, there's a lot of hypocrisy in politics.

UKIP as yet haven't realised a manifesto for next years general election, when they do I'm it will be subjected to proper scrutiny. Made my laugh in the run up to the recent elections , UKIP will create a single 31% tax bracket for all, how's that fair, what they didn't tell you was that policy was from their 2010 manifesto and it also said UKIP would scrap N.I and raise the tax free earnings threshold £15,000 obviously again that was from 2010 but would still today take many of the low paid out of tax altogether, as for scraping N.I, I wouldn't hold that against UKIP N.I no longer does what it was designed to do, so is just a another income tax.

I have not found one single shred of evidence to suggest that UKIP would scrap maternity pay, a totally ridiculous thing to do, so lets see if that appears in their manifesto, also can't find any official evidence to support the suggestion that UKIP would scrap the working time directive, but come the working time directive, jeez, it has an opt out clause, when it first came into force, I, and many of my work mates were working unlimited overtime, we were doing this because we wanted to and all of us were only to happy to opt out of the working time directive. When made redundant I had a few job interviews every one including the job I took, it was made pretty clear (in not so many words, catch my drift) that a job offer would be dependant on opting out of the working time directive, to be honest wouldn't hold scraping the working time directive against UKIP either, it's not actually worth the paper it's written on.

I did vote UKIP in the Euro's for my own reasons, haven't decided whether I'm going to vote in the GE let alone for UKIP, waiting to see their manifesto, and hope from some proper, with no scaremongering debates from all sides, before I make my mind up.


Posted: 26 Jun 2014, 23:43
by Gullscorer
The population of the UK grew by more than 400,000 last year, according to the latest official figures. The Office for National Statistics estimated there were 64.1 million people in the UK in June 2013, a rise of 0.63% on the previous year.

Just over half of the growth was accounted for by natural change - births minus deaths - while net migration represented 46% of the rise.
A quarter of the UK population growth was in London.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said the British population grew more last year than in any other EU country.

While there were 212,100 more births than deaths, the figures show 183,400 more immigrants arriving in the UK than emigrants leaving.

In total, that's like a city bigger than Nottingham. A UK population increase like that year upon year is unsustainable. And there's no evidence that such population increases will be of any benefit to the British economy, but plenty to indicate that everyone's quality of life will gradually and inexorably diminish over time.


Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 11:00
by Southampton Gull
Gullscorer wrote:
In total, that's like a city bigger than Nottingham. A UK population increase like that year upon year is unsustainable. And there's no evidence that such population increases will be of any benefit to the British economy, but plenty to indicate that everyone's quality of life will gradually and inexorably diminish over time.
Which is all part of the plans laid out by the NWO ;-)


Posted: 04 Jul 2014, 09:34
by Gullscorer
Don't let anyone fool you that political correctness is just about being tolerant and nice to people and treating them with proper respect. That's called good manners. Political correctness is something else.

Political correctness has been deliberately designed to subvert free speech, debate and common sense, replacing these with a ruthlessly enforced set of totalitarian ideas. Far from being tolerant, politically correct people are the most intolerant of all people and have the worst manners. They refuse to debate subjects (as their views don't stand up to the most elementary scrutiny), preferring just to scream ridicule and abuse at you.

And here's an article which eloquently describes the situation: ... l-justice/

'The freedom to criticise ideas, any ideas - even if they are sincerely held beliefs - is one of the fundamental freedoms of society.'
Rowan Atkinson


Posted: 05 Jul 2014, 12:42
by Gullscorer
David Cameron: ‘Please support the Conservative Party’... =D


And: David Cameron: ‘Please support the Conservative Party’... =D


And: David Cameron: ‘Please support the Conservative Party’... =D



Posted: 10 Jul 2014, 19:23
by Gullscorer
Any government powerful enough to give you everything you want is powerful enough to take away everything you have.


Posted: 11 Jul 2014, 19:39
by Colorado Gull
QMV will be the end to our democracy as we know it.

We must use article 50!