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Post by Gullscorer »

I posted this on 'Thought for the Day' last month, but on reflection I think it really belongs on the 'Politics' thread:

'Hate speech': Nobody would approve of speech which is intended to inflame violence or to promote discrimination, and there are already laws against this, but the introduction of legislation to ban and censor ‘hate speech’, whether on the internet or in society generally, without a careful and meticulous defining of the term, is the beginning of a dangerous downhill road to totalitarianism.

Expressing hatred is not the same as inciting it, and expressing a criticism of anything or anyone is not the same as expressing hate. Hate: to dislike intensely; to detest.

Exempting an entire group or demographic from criticism (or even from hatred, the simple expression of which, as I've said, is not the same as inciting it) could give immunity to individuals within that group or demographic from receiving strident condemnation when it is genuinely warranted.

Anyone who does not understand that such anti-‘hate speech’ legislation can be used as a weapon to censor and punish those who dare to express unapproved opinions, and to invoke fear of doing so, fails to fully grasp the lengths that ideologues are prepared to go in order to impose their own version of utopia on the rest of humanity.
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Post by Gullscorer »

The head of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, said on Wednesday that the "radically anti-European" views of Jonathan Hill, the Prime Minister's nominee for the European Commission, might prevent him getting onto the EU's executive body.

In response, UKIP leader Nigel Farage said: "This is a declaration of war by Schulz on the choice of the British government. How dare Martin Schulz interfere in the British nomination of its European Commissioner and prejudge what the decision of the MEPs will be.

"He is supposed to an independent chairman, but he has demonstrated absolutely no respect for national democracy or national government."

"And where he even gets the idea that Jonathan Hill is a Eurosceptic is completely beyond me."

Absolutely agree with Nigel Farage. That's European 'democracy', folks..
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Post by Gullscorer »

The actions of Hamas in firing rockets and hiding weapons in civilian buildings may be abhorrent, but the Israeli's are no better, and they cannot claim the moral high ground. One crime does not excuse another. The Israelis have imposed a blockade against Gaza since 2007, making the lives of its citizens almost impossible, and resistance, whether sabotage or military action, against oppression does not excuse over-the-top responses involving crimes against humanity. But it seems the extreme Zionist Jews, including Israel's Prime Minister, learned well from the Nazis of Hitler's Germany, and have shown themselves to be as bad if not worse than Hamas.

http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeas ... 75321.html
http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeas ... 18753.html

The European Union has imposed tougher sanctions against Russia, following the shooting down of the Malaysian airliner, for its interference in the affairs of Ukraine. It should now have the guts to stand up against Jewish lobbies and impose sanctions against Israel. The Israeli blockade against Gaza continues. It will be interesting to see if any appeal for donations to humanitarian aid in Gaza will, yet again be banned by the BBC from its networks. And the Jewish lobbyists have the effrontery to complain that the BBC is biased against Israel..!!

And this one: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/mehdi-h ... ostpopular
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Post by Gullscorer »

Conservative MP Bernard Jenkin says of Douglas Carswell's move to UKIP: "He'll regret this because, bluntly, the more Conservative voters defect to UKIP, the more likely it becomes that Ed Miliband becomes prime minister and we get plunged further and further into the European Union, we don't have any kind of renegotiation and we certainly don't have a referendum. Is that what Douglas Carswell really wants?"

Jenkin is wrong for two reasons:

First, it's not just Conservative voters who are moving to UKIP. UKIP is attracting voters from across the whole political spectrum.

Secondly, those voters who now support UKIP do not trust Cameron on an in/out referendum. They can see him 're-negotiating' (whatever that means) and then telling the electorate that his negotiations were 'successful' and urging them to vote to stay in the EU. Cameron and the pro-EU politicians don't realise that UKIP and anti-EU voters have had enough of negotiations, that the case for getting out is irrefutable, and that those voters want a referendum now, with no prevarication.

And I reckon Carswell will win his by-election for UKIP.. :-D
Colorado Gull
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Post by Colorado Gull »

Spot on GS.
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Post by Gullscorer »

From Wikipedia, on criticism of the EU Common Fisheries Policy. Says it all:

The Common Fisheries Policy has been argued by certain commentators to have had disastrous consequences on the environment.[10][11] This view is contradicted by historical evidence that reveals that fishing stocks have been in chronic decline over the last century as a result of intensive trawl fishing.[1] According to scientific research published in 2010, the depletion of fishing stocks is a consequence of mismanagement long before the Common Fisheries Policy came into being, a statement illustrated by the fact that British catches have declined by 94% over the last 118 years.[12] Nonetheless, the Common Fisheries Policy has continued the trend of ineffective fisheries management in European waters. Indeed, the Common Fisheries Policy has done little if anything to reverse the decline of European fish stocks.[13]

Economists and historians recognise that common land tends to be overfarmed and overused, and in a similar vein the absence of property rights in the waters around Great Britain and Northern Ireland has led to overfishing such that the price of fish and seafood has rocketed.[citation needed] Whereas oysters were for hundreds of years the food of the poor, now they are a luxury. Cod stocks have been on the decline for some time, as have all other varieties of fish. Innovators are starting to come up with fish "farms" to get over this problem.[citation needed] To compound this problem, EU quotas mean that a huge number of fish are thrown overboard after being caught; yet as they are dead, this does not alleviate the problem as it was intended.[14] Indeed, it just makes the fish at market all the more scarce and prices even higher.[citation needed]

The Common Fisheries policy has been a major reason for countries with big fish resources coupled with small home markets, like Norway and Iceland, the Danish dependencies Greenland and the Faroe Islands, and some more dependencies, to stay outside the European Union.[citation needed]
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Post by Gullscorer »


From the ancient Greek and Roman empires to the British Empire, from Hitler and Stalin to tin-pot dictators around the world, this has been the guiding principle of those who seek to gain and maintain power and control over peoples throughout history. For example, the British ruled over the Princely States of India by setting one against another and promising protection for each in exchange for taxes.

The Scottish people have voted decisively and democratically to remain part of the United Kingdom, yet our politicians are ignoring their wishes with ‘promises’ of more powers and autonomy for the Scottish Government and devolvement of powers for the English regions.

But make no mistake. These are not promises. They are threats. And they emanate from the European Union itself.

For some years now the EU has been setting up Territorial Autonomies, Regional Development Agencies, and Regional Assemblies throughout Europe, with the intention of moving away from nation states to regionalisation, when eventually democracy will be non-existent and all its regions will be vying for favours from a Central Committee.

For example, since the year 2000 the South West Regional Assembly, replaced in 2009 by The Strategic Leaders Board, based in Bristol, has been deciding issues which affect us all, such as transport and housing, without any democratic accountability.

What they cannot achieve by propaganda, they will accomplish by subterfuge. Step by step, little by little, stealthily and unnoticeably, our naturally evolved historical democratic rights and institutions are being removed. Eventually nation states themselves will disappear, national governments and assemblies will be dissolved, and the EU itself will become the sole nation, governing over Soviet-style regions of which Stalin and Mao would have been proud.

This is all part of the grand EU plan to set up a totalitarian state subjugating all its regions and peoples in perpetuity. Movements for democracy and independence will be suppressed and banned.

The EU never intended Scotland, nor any other part of Europe, to be an 'independent' nation state. The EU was never intended to be democratic.

Divide and rule..!!
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Post by Glostergull »

well based on all that has been written, I am therefore announcing that 52 Wellesley Street Gloucester has informed her majesties Government that it will be declaring UDI. As a result we will also declare a 5 miles territorial limit around this address which effectively puts Gloucester as a separate state. So Henceforth Gloucester and Tredworth will be known as the Democratic Peoples Republic Of Gloucester.
Road blocks will be put up with customs posts at Tesco Quedgely. Westgate bridge and the A40 roundabout. with the A417. and ring road. Please do not be alarmed at the military vehicles with Pea shooters and Water pistols. They are for your own fun and safety. well we wouldn't want anyone getting hurt would we.
Anyone who disagrees with me will be given the ice bucket challenge and doused with goo.
Parliament will be held in Costa Coffee. as we cant think of anywhere else to go. tax will be set at 2% as we aim to attract as many celebs and millionaires into Gloucester. We need someone to buy us all the drinks. all will have to take an English exam so we can understand em when drinks are ordered.
All laws will be held up to a referendum to make sure the public agree and can understand em and they make sense. Common sense will be brought back. as will proper punishments to fit the crime. ie Hanging for double parking. don't want to send the message we are nambie pambies.
Anyone with any further ideas to make this a fun country please step forward
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Post by Colorado Gull »

I was at the UKIP conference on Friday and Saturday. It was amazing!
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Post by Gullscorer »

For the Conservatives to cause one MP to move to UKIP is careless; for them to lose a second MP to UKIP is Reckless.. :)
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Post by Glostergull »

wait untill they lose a third
Always Look on the bright side of life

Check out my poems topic... http://www.torquayfans.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4843
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Post by Gullscorer »

Two by-elections to be held on Thursday 9 October 2014 in the constituencies of Clacton, and Heywood & Middleton.
Polls give optimism to UKIP:
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