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Re: Politics

Posted: 11 Jan 2015, 08:42
by Neal
Gullscorer wrote:85 people own half the world's wealth: ... n-poorest/

If money is power, then we live in a dictatorship working to make that small elite even richer and more powerful, democracy is a sham, and unbridled capitalism is as evil an ideology as the worst aspects of fascism and communism.

And the propaganda of that powerful elite, promulgated by those working for them in a controlled media, ensures that the mass of the population meekly accepts the status quo. They believe they are free, when the reality is that we all live on a prison planet.

In politics, as in life, it is not a question of Left versus Right. It is, as Nigel Farage has stated, a question of Right versus Wrong.
:goodpost: TOTALLY AGREE!


Posted: 13 Jan 2015, 10:14
by PhilGull
Gullscorer wrote:85 people own half the world's wealth: ... n-poorest/

If money is power, then we live in a dictatorship working to make that small elite even richer and more powerful, democracy is a sham, and unbridled capitalism is as evil an ideology as the worst aspects of fascism and communism.

And the propaganda of that powerful elite, promulgated by those working for them in a controlled media, ensures that the mass of the population meekly accepts the status quo. They believe they are free, when the reality is that we all live on a prison planet.

In politics, as in life, it is not a question of Left versus Right. It is, as Nigel Farage has stated, a question of Right versus Wrong.
And Nigel Farage is very much a part of that elite.


Posted: 13 Jan 2015, 15:09
by Gullscorer
PhilGull wrote: And Nigel Farage is very much a part of that elite.
That's great because, if true, he will know the minds and aims and methods of his opponents and will be in a better position to fight the new totalitarianism and to lead the people to freedom.. :-D


Posted: 13 Jan 2015, 16:48
by PhilGull
Gullscorer wrote: That's great because, if true, he will know the minds and aims and methods of his opponents and will be in a better position to fight the new totalitarianism and to lead the people to freedom.. :lol:
Fixed that for you (it's the closest smilie I can see for showing sarcasm!).


Posted: 18 Jan 2015, 13:25
by Gullscorer
BBC general election and local election coverage: ... pendix.pdf


Posted: 19 Jan 2015, 14:59
by Gullscorer
The wealthiest 1% will soon own more than the rest of the world's population, according to a study by anti-poverty charity Oxfam. The charity's research shows that the share of the world's wealth owned by the richest 1% increased from 44% in 2009 to 48% last year. On current trends, Oxfam says it expects the wealthiest 1% to own more than 50% of the world's wealth by 2016.


Posted: 19 Jan 2015, 15:49
by AustrianAndyGull
Yeah, and there is absolutely nothing anybody can do about it so now what happens?

On a similar theme but rather more small scale, perhaps those lofty bods in the tree canopies at Oxfam should maybe filter some of their 'generous' salary down to the people who give up their time to keep them in employment? =D


Posted: 14 Feb 2015, 13:16
by Gullscorer
Thinking of voting Labour? Do you have kids? Boys? Read this open letter to Yvette Cooper MP from Karen Woodall of the family separation clinic: ... te-cooper/
And this on political correctness: ... rrectness/


Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 14:09
by Gullscorer
FA. No, not Football Association. Education. FA.

Boys have been falling behind girls in education for the past thirty years. There are now almost twice as many young women in higher education than there are young men. If this situation were reversed, with half as many women in higher education than men, there would be a huge outcry and feminists would be up in arms. Because feminism claims to be all about equality, right?! But boys are not the ones who are failing. Society is failing our boys. And what are feminists saying and doing about this situation? FA.

And if feminism is all about equality, why don’t feminists call themselves egalitarians? Why don't they even hold to egalitarian principles? And what are they saying and doing about the disproportionately large number of homeless men, male suicides, and other problems and disadvantages faced by men in today’s society?

FA. ... 07.article ... -our-boys/


Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 14:31
by cambgull
I don't think I've ever heard (or seen) so much rubbish. It's always someone else's fault. It's never the fault of boys being bone-idle and lazy, it's never the fault of parents who don't push their kids to do better.

No, it's a bunch of feminists oppressing men.

What a crock of shite...


Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 22:30
by Gullscorer
Ha ha.. I thought that would get you going Cambgull.. =D

You miss the point though. It's not about feminists oppressing men. It's about feminism, which purports to be about equality, always playing the victim card and totally ignoring the issues facing men and boys. If those same issues were a problem for women, feminists would be up in arms.

"It's always someone else's fault": that's one of the tenets of feminism! :)


Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 16:22
by cambgull
Gullscorer wrote:Ha ha.. I thought that would get you going Cambgull.. =D

You miss the point though. It's not about feminists oppressing men. It's about feminism, which purports to be about equality, always playing the victim card and totally ignoring the issues facing men and boys. If those same issues were a problem for women, feminists would be up in arms.

"It's always someone else's fault": that's one of the tenets of feminism! :)
Well considering I've made about 3 posts in 4 months, it's very unlikely you expected it to catch me.

I don't miss the point though, you do, again. It isn't about feminism at all. THE ENTIRE WORLD IS NOT ABOUT FEMINISM. It's about attitude, aptitude and intelligence. It's about striving to be the best person you can be. Equality is very simple in school, every teacher is judged on their classes' scores and grades, so for them, they need both genders to do the best that they can in order to gain their bonuses/meet their targets. There is nothing to gain by attempting to make sure girls attain better grades than boys. To assume that inequality is prevalent is to assume that teachers wish to not hit their targets. If anything, everything is IT based now which is, generally speaking, a man's domain (no pun intended), so the advantage should be towards boys, right?

The same issues don't exist for women/girls because they have, in general, a better attitude towards schooling than boys. That's why there is a higher intake of females in Universities, that's why women are starting to get better jobs and higher pay within the working world and that's why there are jealous men who spend half of their life going on about feminism without actually attempting to better themselves within a field in order to keep ahead of the curve. Instead, they spend hours each day studying websites which are basically just news sites with as much bias as the Daily Mail, feeling hard done by, complaining whenever a hard working woman manages to do something well and rather than become the better person intellectually, attempts to down tread someone who is just better than them.

Life is a very simple thing when you keep it this way;

Is someone doing something better than you?

If yes, try harder, learn more and strive for excellence.

If no, try harder, learn more and strive for excellence.

Pretty simple, right?


Posted: 24 Feb 2015, 00:05
by Gullscorer
No, I’m not having that, Cambgull. You mix together a few things on which we both agree with some surreptitious personal attacks. It’s you who’s missing the point. You’ve made about three posts in four months? Judging by what you write, I suspect you’ve probably read about the same number! (Call that a personal attack if you want to. I can handle them, I presume you can too).

Actually we’re more or less in agreement regarding the contents of you’re second paragraph. You're right, it’s not all about feminism. Less than 20% of women identify with feminism. Most men and most women get along together just fine, and for the most part are all for justice, fairness and equality. And I agree, that goes for most teachers too. But consider this: if girls have a better attitude towards schooling than boys these days, for whatever reason, have you ever stopped to ask yourself why? Many teachers have, and are extremely concerned about the situation and are trying to address the problem.

Feminists, however, don’t give a damn about this, nor about any of the other issues men face in today’s society. For example: lower life expectancy, unemployment, homelessness, suicide, imprisonment, child custody and family court bias, workplace fatalities, etc., all issues on which we don't hear a whisper from feminists who don't even admit that men are facing such problems. Because feminism is all about equality, right? Bollocks. Do you really think feminists would remain silent if it were girls and not boys who face an education crisis?

You think the Daily Mail is biased? All newspapers are biased. Even the Guardian! Though most of them occasionally try to offer a different viewpoint: ... stival2001 Everything we read is biased. But if you read everything with a critical eye and an open mind before making up your own mind, you might have a chance of arriving at the truth. (But will it be the absolute truth? Is there such a thing? Perhaps that’s a discussion for another time). So many people, maybe yourself included, are unaware of the insidious toxic influence of feminism. This is from the USA: this kind of thing may not be typical but it's also part of the problem here and cannot be ignored: ... ontessori/

As Margaret Thatcher and Edwina Curry have said in the past, people should achieve whatever success they're aiming for solely on merit. All-women short lists and positive discrimination were/are anathema to them. Thatcher once said feminism is poison. But perhaps you’re more of a Harridan Harman/Yvette Cooper fan? If you can force yourself to do so, you can read about Ms Cooper here: ... te-cooper/

Try reading what's in these links (with an open mind) and you might begin to understand..


Posted: 24 Feb 2015, 10:30
by cambgull

You miss the point due to your obsession with this subject, yet again.

You come from a country which spent hundreds of years bullying other countries to succumb to our power. You only have to look at the Commonwealth; a range of countries whom we basically invaded and took over control.

You live in a race which, since the existence of Homo Sapiens, has had men assuming power.

So given this, it's taken around 30,000 years of evolution for women to finally try and assert some dominance. Fair play to them. They took a bit longer than the Jews, but they got there in the end. Now we, as men, have 4 choices.

Firstly, we see this attempt at power and quash it by decisive action, down treading women like we have done thousands of years. "Me Tarzan, you Jane".

Secondly, we see this attempt at power and better ourselves to stay ahead of the game, keeping power by intelligence and merit.

Thirdly, we see this attempt at power and let it happen, as it isn't really that much of a problem. This is the way that the majority will take due to apathy.

Fourthly, we see this attempt at power and bleat about it on a football forum and then don't actually do anything about it. Oh wait, this one just won't work!

Everything you do on this forum is pointless, but incessantly going on about it, you don't open minds, you close them. You put people off the subject entirely and cause more apathy due to them now being fed up of hearing it. I'll put this bluntly so you finally get the point.

YOU DO MORE HARM THAN GOOD. You don't help the situation, you make it worse. And the worst part of this, you're far too obsessed and stupid to see it. If you're trying to promote a cause, and you put off the majority, you've failed, try a different tact. But instead, you carry on, despite the only people who reply to anything you post about it argue with you. Use your brain, you're not helping matters, you're one of the biggest parts of the problem.


Posted: 25 Feb 2015, 13:13
by cambgull
I think I might have broken him...