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Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 05 May 2012, 00:42
by Trojan 67
This thread was started as a means to "let of steam" and to keep the Main Board clear of "she - ite". :|

Emet is King of this thread :bow: and the spirit of this thread is to have a f'ckin' good moan followed by the next whinging turd having their f"ckin' good moan.

:clap: :bow: :clap:

This thread is a success. :devil:

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 05 May 2012, 00:48
by SuperNickyWroe
Trojan 67 wrote:This thread was started as a means to "let of steam" and to keep the Main Board clear of "she - ite". :|

Emet is King of this thread :bow: and the spirit of this thread is to have a f'ckin' good moan followed by the next whinging turd having their f"ckin' good moan.
:clap: :bow: :clap:

This thread is a success. :devil:
and another moan is having to follow the previous turd^^^^^^^^^^ =D

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 05 May 2012, 00:52
by Trojan 67
Sh*t happens. :'(

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 05 May 2012, 01:44
by Trojan 67
I've missed something ( Regiment v cambgull).

This particular thread is an acquired taste and only appreciated by those who take their madness seriously.

:clap: :bow: :clap:

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 05 May 2012, 15:31
by cambgull
Ding ding, round one!

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 05 May 2012, 22:50
by AustrianAndyGull
I've missed this! Not having a PC for nearly a week has meant that i have had to actually rant at 'actual' people in everyday life. The Brady v Luke case was very interesting and funny. Thanks lads! I've got to agree with Brady though on this occasion Luke. Some of the levels of customer service and problem resolutions in the UK are appalling and if i pay for a hotel room and THAT happened to me then the cost of the room would be the very least i'd expect. I'd actually risk getting arrested to exercise my rights as a consumer in getting an acceptable resolution to the problem. At the end of the day customers come first even troublemakers like Brady ;-) ( only joking!).

Luke , you are right in a sense that PI offered Brady another room but the incident that occurred caused more inconvenience than the usual 'minor' reasons that people swap rooms for.

On the rant theme, Libraries. I joined this week so i could get some books for my little girl and they told me i could take out 32 books! THIRTY TWO F******G BOOKS!!!! I've only GOT 2 eyes for Christs sakes! :slap:

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 27 May 2012, 02:48
by Wisconsin_gull
If Austerity is to be taken seriously, then we have to cut frivolous spending - stop entering the ruddy Eurovision, before it's too late :@ :@ :@
Just seen a pic of some Russian Grannies - wtf is going on - we're all losing it! :O :O
Humperdink 76yo and 12 points - to be expected. Needed a few more pensioners in bath chairs with him singing the techno version of Grand dad...

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 27 May 2012, 23:45
by Glostergull
Trojan 67 wrote:Sh*t happens. :'(
Are you still trojan or have you turned into Achmed. On second thought that would sort out the problem with CAmgull. set Achmed on him. at least it would be one good moan

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 28 May 2012, 12:38
by SteveDeckchair
Someone mentioned car parks a few pages back and for what it's worth, I want to add my two-penneth.

I paid £3 at Dawlish Warren carpark on Saturday and the bleddy machine decided it would eat my money and not give me a ticket. It just sat there whirring away. Never mind the fact that the price is only £2.70 and if you have no change, you over pay. I mean, no change from a machine in 2012 is a con and these money grabbing bar stewards should be held to account!

There was however a really helpful phone number on the machine if there was a problem. I called it, only to get through to the Teignbridge District Council office in Newton Abbot, which of course is closed for business on a weekend. What a load of old toss!

I had to pay another £3 at a different machine and by the time I put my ticket in the car, I saw the original machine working fine. Some lucky bugger had my orignal ticket no doubt and the machine malfunction was apparently a figment of my imagination!

Let's just say, I nearly ran the fecker over. Grrrrrrrr!!!!

Edit: I nearly ran the machine over.

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 28 May 2012, 14:30
by Regiment
schools and their "themed" non-uniform days :-

what is it with teachers that think if they send a letter home on a Monday, requesting that the kids come in to school the following thursday wearing "70's themed costume" is a good idea. Are you f**kin' kidding me ?? How many 9yr olds have a selection of 70's clothing in their wardrobe just for such occasions ?? ooh, what shall we go for this time, the John Travolta Saturday Night Fever white suit, or the Huggy Bear pimp suit ?!?!? FFS.

where the hell are you supposed to buy this stuff at such short notice anyway, because at the moment i want nothing more than to spend my money on such sh*te.

thank you teachers, you really put a lot of thought into that idea didn't you ?? f**kwits.

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 28 May 2012, 14:43
by ferrarilover
Can probably put this here without it being discovered by anyone who might actually care enough to make a fuss...

**** ing robbing Chinese bastards!

A Visa (one nano-gram of ink in a passport) is £34. Yup, THIRTY FOUR **** ING QUID! And that's just the start if it, you then have to pay the same again to 'process' it. So they're making £33.99(.9999999999) profit in the Visa itself and they then want me to pay the annual salary of half the staff for their 'processing' it!
And just to top it all off, I have to pay for the postage both ways and it must be recorded, special, übermegaglobalnet postage, **** ing £13!
That's nearly £100 to be allowed into a country which no one in their right mind would wish to go to anyway.
Come on China, let's be realistic, if anyone is doing any sneaking, it's going to be your oppressed, shackled, micro controlled population sneaking out to get to the free world. Bloody cheek!

(just in case anyone official does see this, it was posted under duress and I can prove it)


Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 28 May 2012, 14:47
by Southampton Gull
Interesting, Matt. It won't be that long before not speaking Mandarin will be a handicap for any trader, their economy is booming while the rest of the world is in disarray.

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 28 May 2012, 14:53
by ferrarilover
Regiment wrote:schools and their "themed" non-uniform days :-

what is it with teachers that think if they send a letter home on a Monday, requesting that the kids come in to school the following thursday wearing "70's themed costume" is a good idea. Are you f**kin' kidding me ?? How many 9yr olds have a selection of 70's clothing in their wardrobe just for such occasions ?? ooh, what shall we go for this time, the John Travolta Saturday Night Fever white suit, or the Huggy Bear pimp suit ?!?!? FFS.

where the hell are you supposed to buy this stuff at such short notice anyway, because at the moment i want nothing more than to spend my money on such sh*te.

thank you teachers, you really put a lot of thought into that idea didn't you ?? f**kwits.
I always buck the system with fancy dress. You have two choices. The less praxtical of the two is to keep '70s as a decade, but change the century. Send him in as an early Victorian. Probably not practical, if you haven't got a Huggy Bear costume lying around, what are the chances you have the gear for this.

I suggest then, that you interpret '70s as an age, and send him in in some beige trousers, pulled up to his arm pits, a dark green knitted cardigan with pockets full of tissues and Werthers Original. It'll get a laugh and it'll cost you bought more than a trip to the local charity shop to pick up the gear.

You're welcome.


Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 28 May 2012, 15:27
by westbaygull
Parents who don't bother sending their children in 'themed' outfits, when we staff have made the effort to look resplendent in armpit high beige trousers, green knitwear.... ;-)

Actually, although I hate the themed days, our last one involved me having to buy some rather gorgeous red patent boots, which bring me up to about 5'7". Size 5, Regi, if you ever need them for a starship trooper themed day.

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 28 May 2012, 15:59
by Regiment
westbaygull wrote:Parents who don't bother sending their children in 'themed' outfits, when we staff have made the effort to look resplendent in armpit high beige trousers, green knitwear.... ;-)

Actually, although I hate the themed days, our last one involved me having to buy some rather gorgeous red patent boots, which bring me up to about 5'7". Size 5, Regi, if you ever need them for a starship trooper themed day.
not sure they're really my colour - Red tends to clash with my eyes !! but thanks for the offer

ferrarilover wrote:I always buck the system with fancy dress. You have two choices. The less praxtical of the two is to keep '70s as a decade, but change the century. Send him in as an early Victorian. Probably not practical, if you haven't got a Huggy Bear costume lying around, what are the chances you have the gear for this.

I suggest then, that you interpret '70s as an age, and send him in in some beige trousers, pulled up to his arm pits, a dark green knitted cardigan with pockets full of tissues and Werthers Original. It'll get a laugh and it'll cost you bought more than a trip to the local charity shop to pick up the gear.

You're welcome.

thanks Matt. You really are our very own "Dear Deidre" aren't ya ?? the idea to go as a 70yr old is quality, that would be funny as hell - maybe i'll contact the parents of all his classmates and get them all to do the same !!