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Re: Colin Lee back in football ...

Posted: 24 Feb 2012, 22:51
by Dave
stevegull wrote:What is a forum?

It's two-um plus two-um.

I'll get my coat.
I had to read that three times before I got it (DOH), I think i'll get my coat aswell and join you ... :rofl:

Re: Colin Lee back in football ...

Posted: 25 Feb 2012, 00:04
by Glostergull
happytorq wrote:Everybody knows that nothing good can ever come from anything named Colin.

Colin Lee. Colin Murray. Colin Farrell. Colin Oscopy.

Although I hear that Mr. Oscopy is a real insider.

A fact I can confirm having met him again this week. I just wish I didn't have to keep bumping into him.

Re: Colin Lee back in football ...

Posted: 25 Feb 2012, 00:09
by Glostergull
Trojan 67 wrote:

Hasn't anyone told you ?

60 is the new 40, even though the knackered body tells you otherwise. ;-)
Well you should know Alan me old (very Old) mucker. Oh damn I am following fast.
Phew can't we ever get a speed up on these new fangled zimmer frames