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Re: Ready for criticism

Posted: 30 Nov 2012, 23:11
by Glostergull
ferrarilover wrote:Oh God, not this again. Walshy, I love your enthusiasm, it's brilliant, but Torquay is supported basically by a couple of thousand VERY OLD MEN, none of whom have the will, desire nor capability to make like St Pauli for 90 minutes. They want to turn up, sit down, suck a Werther's Original and complain about the price of tea.
I wish you the very best of luck in your ambition, but you are doomed to failure. I have enjoyed a couple of excellent days out with the Back Step Army, but save for on very rare occasions, the atmosphere at home games is subdued and quiet. Not necessarily a bad thing, but not likely to change, either.

Matt The n00b.

Oi Yooooooo. Ooo yoooo calling old., You great big teddy you. Some of us do have spirit and want to make Old Trafford sound quiet in comparison. Yes there are a few old gits there who are real spoilsports. You all know I would cheer the rafters to high heaven even if I didn't feel well. (witness Wembley) But i bet I ain't the only one. And I know one or two old codgers who would join me. Although I think poor ole Trojans Zimmer frame ain't up to much nowadays.
Most of the zimmer squad are in the Bench anyway. and given encouragment I am sure many in the Family stand would help along too. By the way lads. has anyone contacted the club about these flags. I am sure the shop could have stocked them and we would sell a few. It's patently obvious they can be made in small quantity. The club needs all the help it can get and surely this is one way of helping. all you then need is some real sales pitch and many of the Kids would persuade the dads to fork out for one. The could hang em up in thier bedrooms.

Re: Ready for criticism

Posted: 30 Nov 2012, 23:36
by PlainmoorRoar
Plymouthgull wrote:Walshy,
Just to say I'm a 51 year old miserable git that stands in the Pop (under stanchion 2) and think your idea of the fanatics and flags are great ideas! Can I have one to do with the same old bird ? Brilliant!!
Good luck and lets show the unmentionables what real support is about!!!
Shows again why ferrarilover is wrong

Re: Ready for criticism

Posted: 01 Dec 2012, 01:47
by ferrarilover
PlymouthGull is 51. PlymouthGull likes flags. Therefore, all older men like flags.

This is by exactly the same logic (or error thereof) which suggests that Jimmy Savile was a man. Jimmy Savile was a paedophile. Therefore, all men are paedophiles.

If I were a child, I'd say something along the likes of: shows again why PlainmoorRoar is wrong.


Re: Ready for criticism

Posted: 01 Dec 2012, 01:57
by PlainmoorRoar
ferrarilover wrote:PlymouthGull is 51. PlymouthGull likes flags. Therefore, all older men like flags.

This is by exactly the same logic (or error thereof) which suggests that Jimmy Savile was a man. Jimmy Savile was a paedophile. Therefore, all men are paedophiles.

If I were a child, I'd say something along the likes of: shows again why PlainmoorRoar is wrong.

Matt The n00b.
Ferrarilover mad?

Re: Ready for criticism

Posted: 01 Dec 2012, 07:12
by ferrarilover
Yeah, apoplectic. 8/


Re: Ready for criticism

Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 11:40
by Sexy_Gulls
Good luck to you, sounds like a great idea. Don't listen to the haters, our fan base may be full of old codgers but there are plenty of us who want a better atmosphere but aren't necessarily bold enough to take the first step.

Few requests.

1. Can you come up with fresh tunes. The majority of chants seem to be the same old tunes (sloop john B, seven nation army etc) or just the players name.

2. More important. Please never get to the point where you think that being the noisy ones make you more of a fan than those that sit down and shut up. I'm not saying that you will do this, but this attitude is a problem at all clubs.

Re: Ready for criticism

Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 12:37
by stevegull
Sexy_Gulls wrote:Good luck to you, sounds like a great idea. Don't listen to the haters, our fan base may be full of old codgers but there are plenty of us who want a better atmosphere but aren't necessarily bold enough to take the first step.

Few requests.

1. Can you come up with fresh tunes. The majority of chants seem to be the same old tunes (sloop john B, seven nation army etc) or just the players name.

2. More important. Please never get to the point where you think that being the noisy ones make you more of a fan than those that sit down and shut up. I'm not saying that you will do this, but this attitude is a problem at all clubs.
Very good second point that I wish to elaborate on. I think this kind of attitude would create a "who's the best Torquay fan" mentality which normally ends in tears. For example that Leeds fan that invdaded the pitch and hit Kirkland a couple of months ago probably thought it was a good idea because it made him more of a fan than the others sat in the stand. I obviously know that the Torquay Fanatics wouldn't encourage that type of terrible behaviour but it's the creation of a culture in the terraces where younger people in particular want to prove that they are "the best Torquay fan".

Encourage people to join chants and wave flags, sure, but don't disrespect those who prefer to sit and think about the football on display in front of them.

Re: Ready for criticism

Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 12:46
by AustrianAndyGull
Totally agree Steve. I generally sing my way through most games with the others at the back unless i feel a bit sh*tty but when i started watching Torquay i would sit on my own mostly :'( out on the end of a block of seats taking it all in and enjoying the odd outburst. I'd always had the inclination to sing and be animated but i suppose the combination of going to watch a club i didn't really know much about and the fact i knew not 1 Torquay fan or any of the cliques that were apparent especially at away games meant i took a back seat for most games and sat out of the way. It's only the last few seasons that i have been a regular amongst the singers.

I can appreciate both sides of the fence and i in no way would say someone is less of a fan if they don't sing. That's their choice and we're all different and WE ALL should respect that and i'm sure we do.

Re: Ready for criticism

Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 21:13
by chardie
I think this is an excellent idea, anything to improve the atmosphere at the ground can't be a bad thing.

Any news on the "Three little birds" song? was it played on Saturday? Great song IMO

Re: Ready for criticism

Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 21:47
by brooker
It all looks brilliant! Really like the banderi designs, and it was great to see you on the pop at the weekend srarting chants and having a laugh. I also thought the lad with the drum was good, although he was drowned out by the Dagenham supporters' earthquake machine; that must be the loudest drum in the football league! How are you planning to distribute the small flags before the city game? would be good to see as many as possible about. great work though mate, roll on N'ampton

Re: Ready for criticism

Posted: 05 Dec 2012, 22:23
by holsten
Quick snap from Saturday (Dagenham)

Feel free to donate towards flags and future displays by following the Paypal link on the website:


:scarf: :scarf:

Re: Ready for criticism

Posted: 09 Dec 2012, 22:11
by WestLondonYellow
I think what your trying to do here is a great idea, i was able to get to the game against Dagenham and i though you made a difference to the atmosphere and if we can get this to grow and expand ibviously the greater effect it will have.

It could turn out to be something that attracts new people in to the ground as a way to enjoy the game as opposed to purely attending to watch the game.

I notice you'v eintroduced a link to a club in Holland, have you considered this. In Poland the big clubs their have other clubs in the same league that they are friends with, and they support each other at games, obviously not when they play each other though.

Two ideas here, either, can we try to create a friendship with one of the big clubs in the Premier league and encourage their fans to attend with us, or, can we try to create a friendship with a Polish club, and take advantage of the amount of Polish guys in the area, because believe, me, if you've never witnessed it, they really know how to create an atmosphere. The link below is Lech poznan fans warming up before a game, i've witnessed Wisla Krakow at Craven Cottage, their fans were immense.

(and we say we have the best atmosphere in England)

Re: Ready for criticism

Posted: 09 Dec 2012, 22:15
by WestLondonYellow
oh and one other thought, how about selling T-Shirts, with a colour that is in keeping with the club, but makes you stand out form the crowd, ie yellow but not the team shirt, that way you would all stand out more in the crowd, people who weren't aware of you as a group would instantly recognise something and that would generate more interest from those inclined to be interested.

Re: Ready for criticism

Posted: 15 Dec 2012, 01:19
by madgull
Hey guys, looking good, are you still gonna be in the central section on the left of the steps (as you come up them) for the City game? Hopefully gonna be there, and will be popping a friends Torquay (and football match in general) cherry, so wanna make sure we're in with the noisy feckers as per usual!!

Re: Ready for criticism

Posted: 16 Dec 2012, 19:41
by TF12Gull
Mad gull the singers will be down the end towards the away end for e****r

Would just like to know what the bench think of what were doing as they'd notice more than anyone being opposite the fanatics.

Do the big flags look good when players come out?
Has noise improved?

And was wondering if anyone in bench or family stand could video the pop at certain points of the game see what it's like and could be put onto dannys YouTube account
