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Re: Danny Stevens - Thankyou

Posted: 10 May 2013, 12:40
by SteveDeckchair
Miaow! CAT Lover!

Re: Danny Stevens - Thankyou

Posted: 10 May 2013, 13:08
by Scott Brehaut
AustrianAndyGull wrote: Not quite Scott, i believe there was a bloke in St Peter Port who specialized in making fridge magnets for tourists and he made one once from a life-size photograph of your willy. :clap: :lol:
Alas, I couldn't find a picture of mine, so contacted your partner and she sent one of yours instead (thank the lord for microscopic zoom)....

Re: Danny Stevens - Thankyou

Posted: 10 May 2013, 13:14
by AustrianAndyGull
I doubt it, being in a long term relationship, my partner hasn't seen mine for about 8 years so she ain't a friggin' clue what it looks like! :)

Re: Danny Stevens - Thankyou

Posted: 10 May 2013, 13:16
by usagullmichigan
AustrianAndyGull wrote:I doubt it, being in a long term relationship, my partner hasn't seen mine for about 8 years so she ain't a friggin' clue what it looks like! :)
So it was you who had the sex change between you two? lol

Re: Danny Stevens - Thankyou

Posted: 10 May 2013, 13:18
by SuperNickyWroe
usagullmichigan wrote: So it was you who had the sex change between you two? lol
he didnt need one mate - hes always been a girl! =D

Re: Danny Stevens - Thankyou

Posted: 10 May 2013, 13:20
by AustrianAndyGull
i DO NOT menstruate!! :@

Re: Danny Stevens - Thankyou

Posted: 10 May 2013, 13:23
by AustrianAndyGull
Poor Danny, he'll be visiting the site and reading all the eulogies about him and then fall headlong into a random passage of filth discussing penis size, sex changes and menstruation!!! :-/

The poor lad. ( that's what i say to my willy :-o )

Re: Danny Stevens - Thankyou

Posted: 10 May 2013, 13:56
by SuperNickyWroe
AustrianAndyGull wrote:i DO menstruate!! :@

edited for factuals.

Re: Danny Stevens - Thankyou

Posted: 10 May 2013, 14:15
by Regiment
when my lad was mascot a few seasons back, he picked Danny as his favourite player, for the photos etc. My boy was 7 at the time, but said Dan was really nice to him, and made a point of coming speak to him after the game.

Really nice guy, provided us with some great moments as others have mentioned (including his goal against Plymouth last season - you gotta love anyone who scores against them), and has definitely done his bit for TUFC during his 6 years here. All the best Danny, good luck wherever you go next.

Re: Danny Stevens - Thankyou

Posted: 10 May 2013, 14:50
by chippygull
I think my biggest tribute to him is that I only ever remember him with a smile on his face!! That speaks volumes in the modern game!

Re: Danny Stevens - Thankyou

Posted: 10 May 2013, 17:44
by northharrowgull
Well I don't get to see too many games living in London but whenever I have over the last 5 or 6 years Danny has always played very well. Plenty of pace and an eye for goal. I accept that has not always been the case but I for one will be sorry to see him go. Best of luck paper boy wherever you end up. Just as long as its not back at scummy Luton!!!

Re: Danny Stevens - Thankyou

Posted: 10 May 2013, 19:52
by bobby93
Not like he's going to read this but I'd also just like to say thanks in an anonymous internet user kind of way.

I think we all knew this was coming and that the time was right for both parties, but when he played well he played very well and I can remember many occasions where he ran rings around BSP right backs twice his size. Had a good year in Lingy's first year too.

Re: Danny Stevens - Thankyou

Posted: 11 May 2013, 20:34
by MH91
Football can be a cruel game or should I say business...Had Ling stayed, most probably he would have offered Danny a new contract. With Ling being sacked, Danny does not get a contract and is now forced to probably go a division lower and rellocate from the place he had lived for the last 6 years...I feel bad for Danny and again wish him all the best. As for what bobby93 said, for a small club like hours I actually think that players read what we write every now and again. Otherwise these wishes for Danny or whoever it is are completely useless. The lower down the pyramid of football clubs you go...the more you get the sense of community and the club actually rooted in the community. This is what is so special about our TUFC!!!

Re: Danny Stevens - Thankyou

Posted: 11 May 2013, 20:52
by AustrianAndyGull
MH91 wrote:Football can be a cruel game or should I say business...Had Ling stayed, most probably he would have offered Danny a new contract. With Ling being sacked, Danny does not get a contract and is now forced to probably go a division lower and rellocate from the place he had lived for the last 6 years...I feel bad for Danny and again wish him all the best. As for what bobby93 said, for a small club like hours I actually think that players read what we write every now and again. Otherwise these wishes for Danny or whoever it is are completely useless. The lower down the pyramid of football clubs you go...the more you get the sense of community and the club actually rooted in the community. This is what is so special about our TUFC!!!

Firstly, for all the tributes Danny isn't quite good enough now for Torquay United and it's just as well Lingy went otherwise we'd be hanging on to a player not quite up to the job for us moving forward. I feel bad for Danny too but it's the way it is.

Secondly regarding this 'tribute' being useless if Stevens himself hasn't read it. I posted the thread because i wanted to tell other fans that he deserved some praise and not for Danny to read. If he's read it then great but if we take your point literally then what's the point in using the site for praising Howe for a great goal or Downes for a great challenge or Poke for a great save? It's not for the players, it's to tell other fans of ones opinion and gratitude for a player doing something.

Finally, you are right about the TUFC community, it's something special and which i'm proud to be a part of even if i'm not a Devonian.

Re: Danny Stevens - Thankyou

Posted: 11 May 2013, 21:40
by SuperNickyWroe
AustrianAndyGull wrote:
Firstly, for all the tributes Danny isn't quite good enough now for Torquay United and it's just as well Lingy went otherwise we'd be hanging on to a player not quite up to the job for us moving forward. I feel bad for Danny too but it's the way it is.

Secondly regarding this 'tribute' being useless if Stevens himself hasn't read it. I posted the thread because i wanted to tell other fans that he deserved some praise and not for Danny to read. If he's read it then great but if we take your point literally then what's the point in using the site for praising Howe for a great goal or Downes for a great challenge or Poke for a great save? It's not for the players, it's to tell other fans of ones opinion and gratitude for a player doing something.

Finally, you are right about the TUFC community, it's something special and which i'm proud to be a part of even if i'm not a Devonian.
correct andy.

unfortunately, there is no place for sentiment in football.