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Burton game off?

Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 20:35
by Gullscorer
I'm sure the club did their best, but the weather was the bad guy here, and the decision was the ref's not the club's..

Burton game off?

Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 21:08
by Gulliball
That's not the point. No-one minds games being called off, it happens at this time of year.

The issue is that the game was called off at 3pm following a pitch inspection. Given this, the Club shouldn't have made a statement two hours before saying that the game was likely to go ahead and no pitch inspection was planned. That gives the impression that the game was likely to be on, which clearly wasn't true. I live within minutes of Plainmoor and at no time could be weather be described as a downpour, which is what the first statement said would take to call the game off. That's what will annoy people, not that the game had to be postponed.

Burton game off?

Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 21:18
by Dave
I get where you're coming from Gulliball, was on Night shift last night with a Torquay and Plymouth fan, said if the Burton game was on, I would eat my hat, and I don't own one, got up today fully expecting this game to be off , if the club were giving the impression the game would be on, they were wrong to do so.

Burton game off?

Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 21:35
by brucie
The last two posts sum it up perfectly. I am a betting man and I would have put any money on the game being called off.
Even though I don't live anywhere near Torquay, taking yesterdays forecast into consideration plus the likelyhoood of some rain today, and also the state of our pitch I was really suprised that the club and Mr Candy were making positive noises about the match being on.
Thats all well and good but as I understand it the morning and evening were dry in Torquay so there was a period of rainfall this afternoon which caused the postponement.
If the club had been saying all morning there was no pitch inspection and the match was called off two hours later because of one then that obviously isn't really good enough.
Imagine if you were a Burton fan and had travelled down - is that acceptable? no it isn't.
Lets face it - if it had stayed dry all day and then had started raining at 6pm - would the match have gone ahead? - not the slightest chance.

Burton game off?

Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 22:38
by PlainmoorRoar
Gulliball wrote:That's not the point. No-one minds games being called off, it happens at this time of year.

The issue is that the game was called off at 3pm following a pitch inspection. Given this, the Club shouldn't have made a statement two hours before saying that the game was likely to go ahead and no pitch inspection was planned. That gives the impression that the game was likely to be on, which clearly wasn't true. I live within minutes of Plainmoor and at no time could be weather be described as a downpour, which is what the first statement said would take to call the game off. That's what will annoy people, not that the game had to be postponed.
I disagree, the same people would be moaning on here asking why there was nothing on the OS about it being on.

Club were confident it would go ahead why not say this is the case, there obviously was rain and it was enough to call it off.

Note it was called off 4hours and 45mins before KO, way earlier than the Northampton game

Burton game off?

Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 22:57
by hector
Why is anyone surprised that the game was called off? We have had pretty much constant rain since about November but especially recently, so it won't take much to make an already sodden pitch waterlogged.

The club lose out if the game is postponed, so it is only right and natural hat they would want to give the game every opportunity to be played. We are a league 2 club, without the pitch technology of a premier league club, or the pitch thieving prowess of Plymouth Argyle. It's not as if the club do it on purpose and think, 'hey, I know a way we can really piss everybody off,' so to ramble on at the club because of the weather is just daft.

Burton game off?

Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 23:00
by Gulliball
I don't want to keep re-hashing the same points, what's done is done. I problem I had with the Club statement was that it gave a false impression. It said there was no inspection planned, then one took place less than two hours later, and that the game was likely to go ahead unless there was a 'downpour'. The two hours between the statement and the postponement wasn't exactly horrendous weather, it was pretty similar to what we've had for the last week. If two hours of that was enough to call the game off then the statement made at 1pm was a long way from the truth.

But anyway, the game's off and it won't do any good to go round and round in circles.

Burton game off?

Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 23:04
by hector
Perhaps we should blame the Torbay Pride. Perhaps Torquay has a higher frequency of gay marriage and that is why our games keep getting called off...


Burton game off?

Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 23:10
by Dutchgull
hector wrote:Perhaps we should blame the Torbay Pride. Perhaps Torquay has a higher frequency of gay marriage and that is why our games keep getting called off...

:lol: :lol:

Burton game off?

Posted: 29 Jan 2014, 10:07
by wivelgull
I agree with hector.

Burton game off?

Posted: 29 Jan 2014, 12:51
by harbertongull
I think the Football league should be held to account here.why on earth do they have a full midweek programme in January for heaven's sake and then pair us with a team a four hour drive away?! Words fail me! It doesn't take a genius to work out there are likely to be postponements. There are plenty of free midweek days in autumn and spring. If they insist on these fixtures they could have paired us with Plymouth instead of November

Burton game off?

Posted: 29 Jan 2014, 15:01
by brucie
What league are November in?