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Where's everyone gone in the forum?

Posted: 15 Oct 2016, 13:40
by PhilGull
I think it's just a sign of where we are. Things off the pitch seem pretty stagnant with nothing much to talk about and on the pitch it's all a bit meh. Mostly okay performances, close games, narrow losses and narrow wins. Just nothing much going on to shout about. I think we may finally be having that season that I think a lot of us have dreamed about for years - mid table obscurity, a season of nothingness!

Where's everyone gone in the forum?

Posted: 15 Oct 2016, 13:47
by gullpower
Well done Ben_Gull. Sound opinions well expressed.

As a new comer to posting on the forum I can’t comment on those who have come and gone, but it seems to me that the forum is busy when there is something of note to comment on e.g. the position of TUST in relation to a new supporters club or when property developers are about to buy the ground.

I find it hard to believe that other football fans regard TUFC as a laughing stock, as stated by some of the posts on this topic and others. We’re all in the same boat, and those clubs with a sugar daddy surely must appreciate how lucky they are. Ok, so there have been some naff decisions made, but the club’s predicament is also of the result of the hand dealt to clubs in the lower tiers of English football.

There is a point of view that the Premier League is a world league played on English soil. That said, the National League is the fourth tier of English football, the equivalent of the old fourth division. So now that there are literally billions flooding the top tiers of English football why not make provision for some of that to filter down to National League level and below? If clubs like ours had the funding to run academies and pay players better wages it might just make a difference to the game at international level, cos it can’t get much worse!

That’s my lot – off to the match, COYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where's everyone gone in the forum?

Posted: 15 Oct 2016, 13:47
by westbaygull
I'm still here :engflag: I read the forum pretty much on a daily basis, but as I haven't been to a game for so long there is little I can contribute (some may say I never did...)
The main reason for not attending is cost, also that Saturday is the only day I get 'family' time but in all honesty, if we were still in L2 I would probably nip down. Thanks to all of you that do post regularly :nod:

Glostergull, just about to put a cracker on jokes thread xx

Where's everyone gone in the forum?

Posted: 15 Oct 2016, 15:16
by hector
I think a lot of people have also migrated to BPIR. That site is the busiest of the three TUFC sites now and probably the best read.

Where's everyone gone in the forum?

Posted: 15 Oct 2016, 16:56
by Southampton Gull
brucie wrote:
The shame is we are a better bet than the likes of Forest Green, Barrow, Eastleigh and co. It just needs an investor to see that. Without one we are doomed.
The same Eastleigh that today gave their gate receipts for their home tie against North Leigh to their visitors. Whatever way you look at it that's the kind of gesture that football needs more of, from the top down.

Where's everyone gone in the forum?

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 12:55
by Louis
hector wrote:I think a lot of people have also migrated to BPIR. That site is the busiest of the three TUFC sites now and probably the best read.
The site that refers to us as 'kiddies site' ? We are all fans of the same football club, we should join together and support TUFC not belittle each other. People can talk about TUFC on here, there, TFF, Facebook, wherever... but they shouldn't feel belittled! Alan Merson has set up his own site (after being banned from TFF and here many years ago - was only temporary and he's not banned anymore so welcome back anytime). Good on that man I did the same in 2005 by setting up torquayunitedonline on a free proboards service as an alternative, when Mervo ran dotNET, I never disrespected Mervo or his site though. I'm happy to have posts reposted from here on that site (provided a courtesy link is there) but being called 'kiddies site' isn't on at all when we all put so much work into running this service for the pleasure of TUFC fans.

Rant over and this was not directed at you at all sorry hector.

Where's everyone gone in the forum?

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 13:13
by Glostergull
Southampton Gull wrote: This forum has never been a dictatorship, Andrew. It might have an ugly face presenting the admin side but discussions always take place amongst the admin team when issues arise. You rightly raise occasional objections to certain posts containing profanity yet your good mate Matt was the worst culprit of all and I never once saw you raise a complaint about that. I defended him to the last and he would have been banned on many occasions if it wasn't for me backing his corner. When the decision was made to ban him permanently it was myself that explained why and took time to discuss why it had happened. Things aren't always as they appear.

As for the 2 from the popside, Gullscorer and Emet are both strong enough to hold their own but neither descend to using profanity and do actually contribute.

We can never keep everyone happy but whatever forum you use there will be those that don't get along. This forum is one of the best I've been on for both football and non-football discussions and we don't get that many objections to the content any more.
Actualy Dave. if you check the posts sent privately to admins you will see your statement that i never complained not true. Louis will back me up on that. I did. And I wasn't referring to profanity from all. But the petty squabbles from some..(look at the latter posts on Jokes Funny videos etc) will show you the war of words which did nothing to add to what should have been a fun part of the board. and as for dictating. yes I feel some on here do tend to dictate..oh this person should do that or i won't buy this or that. If one says one thing yet another sings a different song. I think the clue is in our title. Torquay United. and at the Moment I see our fans disunited. some good ideas have been put forward to help our club. but I didn't see many say they would take up the challenge. If you want to see things move forward then do something as well. don;t sit back and moan when others have done what they can and it does;t work if you sat back and did nothing. I'm not for one minute saying we should all agree with rose tinted glasses. But many are very quick to point fingers when they could not do the job themselves. maybe sometimes a little wisdom might be used before they rant. then again thats an amazing rare commodity these days.

Where's everyone gone in the forum?

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 13:35
by Dave
Louis wrote: The site that refers to us as 'kiddies site' ? We are all fans of the same football club, we should join together and support TUFC not belittle each other. People can talk about TUFC on here, there, TFF, Facebook, wherever... but they shouldn't feel belittled! Alan Merson has set up his own site (after being banned from TFF and here many years ago - was only temporary and he's not banned anymore so welcome back anytime). Good on that man I did the same in 2005 by setting up torquayunitedonline on a free proboards service as an alternative, when Mervo ran dotNET, I never disrespected Mervo or his site though. I'm happy to have posts reposted from here on that site (provided a courtesy link is there) but being called 'kiddies site' isn't on at all when we all put so much work into running this service for the pleasure of TUFC fans.

Rant over and this was not directed at you at all sorry hector.
Think we're blessed to have three TU related forums that offer something different, do agree with louis though, would be great to see all regular posters using all three forums.

Where's everyone gone in the forum?

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 14:03
by Southampton Gull
Glostergull wrote:
Actualy Dave. if you check the posts sent privately to admins you will see your statement that i never complained not true. Louis will back me up on that. I did. And I wasn't referring to profanity from all. But the petty squabbles from some..(look at the latter posts on Jokes Funny videos etc) will show you the war of words which did nothing to add to what should have been a fun part of the board. and as for dictating. yes I feel some on here do tend to dictate..oh this person should do that or i won't buy this or that. If one says one thing yet another sings a different song. I think the clue is in our title. Torquay United. and at the Moment I see our fans disunited. some good ideas have been put forward to help our club. but I didn't see many say they would take up the challenge. If you want to see things move forward then do something as well. don;t sit back and moan when others have done what they can and it does;t work if you sat back and did nothing. I'm not for one minute saying we should all agree with rose tinted glasses. But many are very quick to point fingers when they could not do the job themselves. maybe sometimes a little wisdom might be used before they rant. then again thats an amazing rare commodity these days.
Apologies, if Louis dealt with any complaints you raised concerning Matt it would explain why I never saw them but my point was that there isn't and never has been any kind of dictatorship on here. It might appear that way to some but you have to remember that Louis was a young lad when he took over this forum and it quickly became clear that he needed protecting from the type of things that occasionally happen which is why it has nearly always been myself that appeared to be the one making admin decisions. That was by design, the kind of threats I've endured over the years are no different to what I've encountered working on the doors of clubs and pubs all these years, water off a ducks back to me but not fair on a decent young man.

As I said, we can't keep everyone happy all of the time and over the years we lost some valued posters but that has always been their choice, each one had the opportunity to remain.

The nature of a forum is we all get to say what we would do if we were manager or chairman, if the ones occupying those roles don't meet expectations then critical reviews will follow. I don't see how that is wrong, it's never been different, the only thing that changes is the platform we use to express our views.

Where's everyone gone in the forum?

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 14:34
by Louis
forevertufc wrote: Think we're blessed to have three TU related forums that offer something different, do agree with louis though, would be great to see all regular posters using all three forums.
Cheers Dave, everyone is welcome here.
Southampton Gull wrote: Apologies, if Louis dealt with any complaints you raised concerning Matt it would explain why I never saw them but my point was that there isn't and never has been any kind of dictatorship on here. It might appear that way to some but you have to remember that Louis was a young lad when he took over this forum and it quickly became clear that he needed protecting from the type of things that occasionally happen which is why it has nearly always been myself that appeared to be the one making admin decisions. That was by design, the kind of threats I've endured over the years are no different to what I've encountered working on the doors of clubs and pubs all these years, water off a ducks back to me but not fair on a decent young man.

As I said, we can't keep everyone happy all of the time and over the years we lost some valued posters but that has always been their choice, each one had the opportunity to remain.

The nature of a forum is we all get to say what we would do if we were manager or chairman, if the ones occupying those roles don't meet expectations then critical reviews will follow. I don't see how that is wrong, it's never been different, the only thing that changes is the platform we use to express our views.
Cheers Dave (other one) and it's been great having you support the site grow over the years and not just deal with the abuse and legal threats that come part and parcel with running a forum. Matt has without a doubt been the biggest challenge when running this site for us all. He's the TorquayFans Trump, caused great discussion and banter but personal abuse and going too far were always his downfall. We always let him back after short bans but he let us down again and we are legally responsible for content on here (parents always reminded me that their children visit this site too and didn't care for his posts). Think I've gone off the point but bottom line is we are very lenient and want to cater for all in a non-censored freedom of speech way.

Where's everyone gone in the forum?

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 14:58
by bixieupnorth
all sorted now southampton cheers, you were right, i'd been typing email address not username!! idiot!!

see you in leeds then supes, think we'll be aiming to be there for 11 at the whitelocks, cheers

Where's everyone gone in the forum?

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 16:32
by SuperNickyWroe
bixieupnorth wrote:all sorted now southampton cheers, you were right, i'd been typing email address not username!! idiot!!
see you in leeds then supes, think we'll be aiming to be there for 11 at the whitelocks, cheers
You total plank Bix. :rofl:

.....yes mate see you in dirty Leeds! =D

Where's everyone gone in the forum?

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 21:35
by brucie
Glostergull - what a load of tosh that is. None of the supporters/posters on here are to blame at all. Its a forum after all - everybody disagrees with everybody else.

I don't go anymore because I cannot face a three hour round trip to watch this absolute dross. Do I blame the manager for this? of course I don't - what chance does he have?

The player fund was a good idea but I don't contribute to it anymore because I frankly wouldn't have a clue where the money was going, and don't expect the board to tell me as no one ever opens their mouths.

Where's everyone gone in the forum?

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 22:18
by hector
Louis wrote: The site that refers to us as 'kiddies site' ? We are all fans of the same football club, we should join together and support TUFC not belittle each other. People can talk about TUFC on here, there, TFF, Facebook, wherever... but they shouldn't feel belittled! Alan Merson has set up his own site (after being banned from TFF and here many years ago - was only temporary and he's not banned anymore so welcome back anytime). Good on that man I did the same in 2005 by setting up torquayunitedonline on a free proboards service as an alternative, when Mervo ran dotNET, I never disrespected Mervo or his site though. I'm happy to have posts reposted from here on that site (provided a courtesy link is there) but being called 'kiddies site' isn't on at all when we all put so much work into running this service for the pleasure of TUFC fans.

Rant over and this was not directed at you at all sorry hector.
No worries, Louis - I didn't take it that way, so don't worry. Yes, BPIR can be like entering a rowdy pub at times but there is a lot on there of interest - which isn't to suggest that there never is on here. Perhaps the requirement to be a member before you can read the site means that people are a little more candid.

Where's everyone gone in the forum?

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 22:55
by taxilady
someone has commented on BTPIR that this was 'referred to as 'the kiddies site' by some because Louis was 'a kid' when he set this forum up (as SG confirms on this thread); others thought that the content on here sometimes has been 'kiddy-like'(as you say, Admins, some posters no longer belong ). BTPIR has also suggested that they don't mind being referred to as the Old Gits Club in comparison. Personally, I like the fact that there are three forums; I don't see that as dis-united or necessarily destructive. I belong to all three, but don't 'pop in' much to TFF.I am appreciative however that people take the time & trouble to run these forums for us. Thanks Admins !