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New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 10 Nov 2016, 14:39
by happytorq
ferrarilover wrote:That's like demanding to know Tesco's MD's salary because you shop there. It's fu<k all to do with you, or me, or anyone apart from him and his God.
Well..actually...the head of Tesco's salary should be made public, what with them being a publically listed company and all :)

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 12 Nov 2016, 15:13
by Neal
hector wrote: You're right of course; the club is a private business.

But then not many private businesses would have the gall to ask its customers to simply hand over money for nothing in return. The Players Fud would be the equivalent of going to the cinema and paying the entry price and simply saying, 'Hey, have the rest of my wallet contents as well. I don't even want a bag of minstrels in return.'

It is disingenuous at best.

So if the club is a private business whose concerns are nothing to do with us, then let it be. Let us see how far it gets without the keyboard w@nkers and terrace fodder and Alpine's troublemakers of TUST. Let's see how much 'their' private business is worth without the very people it depends on.

TUFC would fold tomorrow if the fans walked away. It is just a name after all. Once the parasites consume the body there is nothing left of what was there before they came. Once GI and Masters finish their feeding frenzy, TUFC will be gone and whilst it is lumbers on, dying before our very eyes, perhaps we, as fans, should take some control ourselves by pulling the plug and starting again so it really is OUR club.

Plainmoor78 is correct, in a different thread, when he suggests TUST should focus on buying the ground. GI wouldn't be interested in TUFC if there was no ground to try and buy and profit from. GI giving TUFC that loan was akin to drug pushers giving kids free heroin, in the hope they get hooked and the club went shuffling like some addict, rolling their sleeve up ready for the big hit and now they are screwed.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 12 Nov 2016, 16:38
by Gullscorer
The current regime at Plainmoor achieved a stay of execution at Plainmoor by putting the club into debt to GI. They kept the club alive to that extent. But it seems incredible that they are still actually trying to sell the club. Do they expect to make a little money for themselves when they finally hand over to new owners? The club is now worthless. The board should be grateful just to be able to give it away to whoever will take over, assuming there is anybody willing to take on the mess they will have left behind.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 19:52
by hector
Merse suggests again on BPIR that he has been tipped off this morning that it is a done deal and that GI/Masters consortium will take over with Tully as manager. This is the second time he has stated this and I wouldn't bet against it being true.

It's obvious anyway that Masters/GI are behind a lot of stuff and it is the worst possible outcome in my view. I just hope Torbay Council refuse to sell them the ground but watch the charm offensive that the Herald will no doubt fall for when the campaign for the ground to be sold mounts up.

Protecting a senior football team in Torquay for the long-term depends on the ground not falling into the clutches of Masters/GI. We might be vulnerable now - but watch how desperate it becomes once the sharks get their teeth into our club.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 20:17
by ferrarilover
He also reckons that Manse's return is a done deal.

A Venn diagram of Things Merse Actually Knows and Things Merse Claims To Know would be two circles about 8,000,000 miles apart.


New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 21:05
by S4fedr1ve
hector wrote:Merse suggests again on BPIR that he has been tipped off this morning that it is a done deal and that GI/Masters consortium will take over with Tully as manager. This is the second time he has stated this and I wouldn't bet against it being true.

It's obvious anyway that Masters/GI are behind a lot of stuff and it is the worst possible outcome in my view. I just hope Torbay Council refuse to sell them the ground but watch the charm offensive that the Herald will no doubt fall for when the campaign for the ground to be sold mounts up.

Protecting a senior football team in Torquay for the long-term depends on the ground not falling into the clutches of Masters/GI. We might be vulnerable now - but watch how desperate it becomes once the sharks get their teeth into our club.
I think we are beyond the "vulnerable" stage. More like s**t creek and the paddles went overboard along while ago. GI or no GI. Masters or no Masters something has to happen pretty quick.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 21:26
by Dazza
GI are going to be named in every bid just because the script in every bid is that either they have to be bought off or in some mercurial way brought in. I can believe there are no active negotiations with GI. Why should GI want to negotiate with anyone at this stage. It's in their interest just to stay stumm and see what or who emerges.

I don't really comprehend the seeming dislike in every forum of Masters, senior or junior. The Truro ground clearly sits in an area of Truro that will see development in the coming years. I can't see he can yet be accused of selling that club short by looking to do a deal with the site.. Truro are probably as high up the pyramid as they can achieve given their geographical position and as I see it he is still looking to secure a future for it. I'm not sure he can yet really be acused of asset stripping at the clubs expense. Yes he clearly is a developer by profession and probably instinct but he certainly seems to me more of a football man than GI.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 21:47
by Dutchgull
ferrarilover wrote:He also reckons that Manse's return is a done deal.

A Venn diagram of Things Merse Actually Knows and Things Merse Claims To Know would be two circles about 8,000,000 miles apart.

Wildly inaccurate as ever.......

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 21:50
by ferrarilover
We'll see.


New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 16 Nov 2016, 00:27
by Plainmoor78
Dazza wrote:
I don't really comprehend the seeming dislike in every forum of Masters, senior or junior. The Truro ground clearly sits in an area of Truro that will see development in the coming years. I can't see he can yet be accused of selling that club short by looking to do a deal with the site.. Truro are probably as high up the pyramid as they can achieve given their geographical position and as I see it he is still looking to secure a future for it. I'm not sure he can yet really be acused of asset stripping at the clubs expense. Yes he clearly is a developer by profession and probably instinct but he certainly seems to me more of a football man than GI.
Gotta admit I have wondered about this too. After all Truro City achieved their historical peak on his watch. If Dave Philips cares about TUFC, and I think he does, he wouldn't be seen around with Masters so much if he considered him to be a threat to the club.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 16 Nov 2016, 07:33
by Absolutelythirdrate
Phillips says today in the HE that the "Canadians" have withdrawn their bid, leaving just one bid which the board are thinking about. He is "hopeful" that other bids will be received in the next couple of weeks. Hardly inspires confidence does it? Why would anybody new come forward now? Why are the board taking so long to make a decision, any decision?

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 16 Nov 2016, 10:20
by Richinns
The Canadian bid was the one the club were pinning their hopes to. It is a massive blow to any of us still clinging to hope for the future of TUFC. Forget everything on the pitch - this is truly devastating news.

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 16 Nov 2016, 11:38
by nickbrod
It's going to be GI/Masters isn't it? Why don't the Board announce this and put us out of our misery?

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 30 Nov 2016, 07:49
by Gullscorer
According to a poster on TFF (a forum I must admit I visit rarely), there could be an announcement today regarding new owners..

New Owners - Soon?

Posted: 30 Nov 2016, 11:09
by Eirik
Things are moving along ... 44290.aspx

Allthough I think we have been here before?