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Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 14 Jun 2012, 23:08
by usagullmichigan
Here in Michigan. It has been a great summer here. Saturday is going to be 95.

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 15 Jun 2012, 00:20
by Trojan 67
usagullmichigan wrote:Here in Michigan. It has been a great summer here. Saturday is going to be 95.

That's a moan ?


Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 15 Jun 2012, 00:30
by usagullmichigan
nope just a response. If had to moan, the humidity is awful here.

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 15 Jun 2012, 00:37
by Trojan 67
usagullmichigan wrote:nope just a response. If had to moan, the humidity is awful here.

If ?

No if, that's a legitimate moan and worthy of this thread. :clap: :bow: :clap:

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 15 Jun 2012, 11:43
by Glostergull
God bless Good Old Blighty. I would find plenty to moan about at 95 with all that humidity! I can't stand all those who have to lie on beaches and moan if it ain't at least 80

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 15 Jun 2012, 12:16
by stevegull
I can't stand it when people give the temperature in old terms!! It just seems illogical to me and degrees centigrade is clearly much simpler and clearer.

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 15 Jun 2012, 15:31
by HeavenAndHele
austrianandygull wrote:The summer - WHERE THE f**k IS IT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Judging by the photos my brother and his missus have posted on Facebook, it's in Kefalonia...

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 16 Jun 2012, 09:00
by cambgull
It's a beautiful day up here, stop your moaning! That said, you are north of Birmingham and its raaght grim up't norf.

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 16 Jun 2012, 19:25
by AustrianAndyGull
Great accent that Luke! But we don't say up't norf. Just up norf, bloody southerner! :~D

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 18 Jun 2012, 20:42
by EmetEdadsBeard
austrianandygull wrote:Great accent that Luke! But we don't say up't norf. Just up norf, bloody southerner! :~D
Norf! :@ NOrf!! :@ :@ NORf!!! :@ :@ :@ NORF!!!! :@ :@ :@ :@ WHO EVER SAID NORF IN THE NORTH? :@ :@ :@ :@ :@

GERCHA :slap:

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 18 Jun 2012, 21:11
by Southampton Gull
Who gives a shit how you say it, nobody understands you norverners anyway :)

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 18 Jun 2012, 21:13
by AustrianAndyGull
No Emet, cockney wankers say 'ap norf'. Admittedly i don't say up norf but up north. I don't even say oop north. And just to correct Luke when he says up't norf, we only say up't when we are going to the pub say or to shops for example. Not when we are going up to the north. So we'll say, up't pub or often we will even leave out the 't' and say up shops or up pub or up fields. Most of the time though everything is down, so down t'pub or ' eyup sunshine wer gooin dahn t'pub forra few jars ya cummin wi us lad?'.

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 19 Jun 2012, 13:34
by Glostergull
All I can add to that is Oops Yours!

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 20 Jun 2012, 12:59
by cambgull
You could just speak English, Andy!

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 20 Jun 2012, 13:55
by Regiment
i think you could speak austrian andy, even that would make more sense ;-)