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Posted: 03 May 2015, 20:38
by PlainmoorRoar
Scott Brehaut wrote: Why is everything a conspiracy with you?
:goodpost: :goodpost:


Posted: 03 May 2015, 23:12
by Gullscorer
Yep, most of Scott's posts are good. That one was clear and concise. However, it was based on a false premise: that I see conspiracies everywhere.
Plainmoor Roar, you obviously didn't bother to read my previous post, in which I answered his question, or you chose to ignore it. So just for your benefit I'll repeat it here:

"The Independent report is evidence of nothing, and where did I mention conspiracy? Some reports said the broadcasters succumbed to pressure from Downing Street, others said that Cameron was under pressure from other parties, Miliband himself said the final decision lies with the broadcasters. It doesn't need a conspiracy for the BBC or any other broadcaster to be biased and lacking impartiality, just a lack of vigilance and a growing culture of fear."

I would just add that, as Nigel Farage himself reminded us today, OFCOM declared UKIP to be one of the four major parties in the election campaign and should be treated as such by broadcasters, a responsibility which the BBC has palpably failed to uphold.


Posted: 04 May 2015, 18:40
by Gullscorer


Posted: 07 May 2015, 23:46
by Scott Brehaut
Well, if the exit poll is correct, and if Cameron is PM again, I can't see Ed remaining as leader of the Labour Party.

In fact, I think his brother would make a sudden reappearance....



Posted: 08 May 2015, 10:25
by cambgull
Ed will resign, Clegg will resign and Farage will resign. The former two will be replaced by equally dull people and Farage will probably be replaced by someone closer to the middle. UKIP will lose all their voters from this election and then not gain new ones due to past reputation.

And now I shall turn off my crystal ball! Muhahahahaha


Posted: 08 May 2015, 15:42
by Gullscorer
Full election results and statistics here:

The reason Miliband and Clegg did so badly in this election is, of course, those 'this is what a feminist looks like' tee shirts which they wore last year, whereas voters understand perfectly, that is what idiots look like. Farage, who is not a feminist, lost his seat for other reasons, most of which do not reflect well on the British media. These three have indeed resigned, but Natalie Bennett, who is a feminist, refuses to resign and has stated she intends to serve out her full term as Green Party leader. 'Nuff said..

Interesting to note that the SNP ended with an amazing 56 seats for only 1.5m votes, but the Lib Dems won 8 seats for 2.4m votes, and UKIP only one seat for nearly 3.9m votes, yet UKIP was the party with the largest increased share of the total votes in the election.

I forecast UKIP's support will increase further in the coming years as people see them as the squeaky clean party, having got rid of all their bad eggs while other parties sweep theirs under the carpet, and as the EU continues to reveal itself as an expensive undemocratic failure.

And I forecast there will be a widespread clamour in favour of proportional representation, though I'm undecided as to whether that's a good thing or not..


Posted: 08 May 2015, 16:08
by happytorq
Gullscorer wrote:Full election results and statistics here:

The reason Miliband and Clegg did so badly in this election is, of course, those 'this is what a feminist looks like' tee shirts which they wore last year, whereas voters understand perfectly, that is what idiots look like. Farage, who is not a feminist, lost his seat for other reasons, most of which do not reflect well on the British media. These three have indeed resigned, but Natalie Bennett, who is a feminist, refuses to resign and has stated she intends to serve out her full term as Green Party leader. 'Nuff said..

Good lord, you're an idiot.


Posted: 08 May 2015, 16:11
by Jerry
Gullscorer wrote:Full election results and statistics here:

The reason Miliband and Clegg did so badly in this election is, of course, those 'this is what a feminist looks like' tee shirts which they wore last year, whereas voters understand perfectly, that is what idiots look like. Farage, who is not a feminist, lost his seat for other reasons, most of which do not reflect well on the British media. These three have indeed resigned, but Natalie Bennett, who is a feminist, refuses to resign and has stated she intends to serve out her full term as Green Party leader. 'Nuff said..

Interesting to note that the SNP ended with an amazing 56 seats for only 1.5m votes, but the Lib Dems won 8 seats for 2.4m votes, and UKIP only one seat for nearly 3.9m votes, yet UKIP was the party with the largest increased share of the total votes in the election.

I forecast UKIP's support will increase further in the coming years as people see them as the squeaky clean party, having got rid of all their bad eggs while other parties sweep theirs under the carpet, and as the EU continues to reveal itself as an expensive undemocratic failure.

And I forecast there will be a widespread clamour in favour of proportional representation, though I'm undecided as to whether that's a good thing or not..
The UK public turned down the option of PR in a referendum not long after the last election.

Unfortunately the arguments for it were presented poorly and the big 2 parties (understandably) put the full weight of their publicity machines behind the status quo.

Any future vote would follow the same pattern as most people don't understand the process and can't be bothered to try and understand.

As for Natalie Bennett, I would imagine she hasn't resigned as her party won its highest ever share of the vote rather than because she is a feminist.


Posted: 08 May 2015, 16:12
by Scott Brehaut
Yes, of course Ed and Nige lost it because of the t shirts....

What does it matter whether or not Natalie Bennett is a feminist? Also, why SHOULD she resign? The party she represents has increased it's voting share by 3.8% and has gained widespread national media coverage. Sounds like a good enough job to me.


Posted: 08 May 2015, 16:15
by Scott Brehaut
I guess this is another thread that is going to go down the feminist route.

Seriously, you've got major issues and I implore you to seek help.


Posted: 08 May 2015, 16:44
by PlainmoorRoar
Scott Brehaut wrote:I guess this is another thread that is going to go down the feminist route.

Seriously, you've got major issues and I implore you to seek help.


Posted: 08 May 2015, 19:01
by Orange Gull
Gullscorer wrote:
The reason Miliband and Clegg did so badly in this election is, of course, those 'this is what a feminist looks like' tee shirts which they wore last year, whereas voters understand perfectly, that is what idiots look like. Farage, who is not a feminist, lost his seat for other reasons, most of which do not reflect well on the British media. These three have indeed resigned, but Natalie Bennett, who is a feminist, refuses to resign and has stated she intends to serve out her full term as Green Party leader. 'Nuff said..
You cannot seriously believe this.


Posted: 08 May 2015, 19:13
by Gullscorer
Actually, no, I don't. I was just winding you all up.. :rofl: =D


Posted: 10 May 2015, 20:21
by EmetEdadsBeard
Gullscorer wrote:Actually, no, I don't. I was just winding you all up.. :rofl: =D
Personally, I don't believe you, and finally other posters have started to get bored of your ramblings
I think :-/


Posted: 10 May 2015, 20:42
by Southampton Gull
Enjoy the election, Emet? :-D