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Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 20:46
by AustrianAndyGull
Oh and whilst i was in there i noticed a sign saying that TOWIE 'star' Amy Childs is going to be in store signing copies of her autobiography. Hope she has a ghost 'signer' accompanying her as she hasn't a clue how to write or a hold a pen, or speak properly for that matter but HEY! She's got a pair of t*ts and a fadge so she is able to be completely brainless but still make stacks of cash from equally brainless 'people' who watch the show and will buy the book. If Aliens landed on earth they would be that staggered on how dense some of the human race is that they won't bother obliterating us out of sympathy.

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 01 Nov 2012, 13:35
by AustrianAndyGull
Workers that strike because their factory / place of work is to close meaning loss of employment. Tell you what strikers, let's keep it open just SO you can have a job. Sh*t happens, that's happened to me before and desperate though it is especially if you've got a family the world doesn't owe you a job. Stop
wasting your time on the picket line and go and look for another job like the rest of have to when our jobs end.

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 01 Nov 2012, 13:35
by AustrianAndyGull
Postage Stamps.............SOMEONE IS TAKING THE P*SS NOW!! HOW MUCH?!!!

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 01 Nov 2012, 13:41
by Scott Brehaut
Use email ;-)

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 01 Nov 2012, 14:01
by AustrianAndyGull

What's email? :-/

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 01 Nov 2012, 19:06
by AustrianAndyGull
I'm actually not going to rant anymore because i think i've seen the light and every rant i have doesn't change anything, it only serves to get me madder so it is a self defeating act. No more RANTING!! I will have 'mild' complaints regularly but no more artery blocking episodes i'm afraid to say, the Austrian is going cool and calm from now on. :)

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 07 Nov 2012, 16:35
by AustrianAndyGull
Not a rant but a normal point for normal people. People who queue up overnight or all day to wait until midnight to buy a newly released computer game are total losers. I think you'll find that people who DON'T are normal and they would wait until a gap in their day the following morning/afternoon/evening to go along and pick a copy up.

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 07 Nov 2012, 21:46
by Richinns
Online shopping:

- Buy something - they take the money in seconds.
- Item arrives a week later and it is not what you ordered.
- Phone to let them know and send you a returns pack and promise to send out correct item.
- Return item - going out your way to get to a post office to do so.
- Many days later - phone again to ask where is the correct item - promise to return the call.
- Days later - phone again to ask where correct item is and where my returned call went - will look into it and return call.
- Days later - phone again to ask where correct item is and where my returned call went and where my returned call from my previous call went - told item not available at will get a refund
- Week later - no refund - phone to ask where my refund is. On hold for 10mins. "Sorry sir we have no been asked to refund you from our head office". Wait 3 - 5 days for this from this point for a refund.
- 3 - 5 days later - I will let you know but not hopeful!!!!

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 07 Nov 2012, 21:51
by AustrianAndyGull
Sorry to hear about your unfortunate event Richinns but i'm glad this thread hasn't turned into a one man band! :clown: Am i allowed to ask who you shopped with? ( unless it's a sex aid gone wrong in which case don't bother! ) :lol: :lol:

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 08 Nov 2012, 21:00
by Richinns
austrianandygull wrote:Sorry to hear about your unfortunate event Richinns but i'm glad this thread hasn't turned into a one man band! :clown: Am i allowed to ask who you shopped with? ( unless it's a sex aid gone wrong in which case don't bother! ) :lol: :lol:
Haha - no them guys offer spot on customer service!

H Samuels = w@nkers!

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 18 Nov 2012, 21:23
by AustrianAndyGull
Anyone know when the annual 'BEST CHRISTMAS ALBUM EVER' on cd will be released? I want it because i didn't get one last year and this year has EXACTLY the same songs on it but just in a different order. 8/

I also want the 'DADS ANTHEMS' album because it is so amazing and also the 'DRIVING ANTHEMS' because i'm too thick to burn my own music. :~D

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 28 Nov 2012, 13:37
by AustrianAndyGull
The Government planning to fix a minimum unit price for alcohol in a bid to stop binge drinking and carnage in our towns and cities. This just shows how out of touch they really are. Binge drinking is ingrained in UK culture and it can NEVER be stopped. It is not the price of booze that is the problem it is the culture of the society we live in so nothing can be done. They can put the prices up to whatever they want and people will still find a way to buy it and binge drink. Just go out in any town or city and the evidence is there. Are people put off by paying £3 or £4 for a beer / wine / voddy? No. They just buy it, get more drunk, buy more and then wake up in the morning having spent about £60. Teenagers will still go to the offies and buy whatever they can. They will find the extra money from somewhere, either from nicking it from their mums purse or comitting crimes to fund their habit or even nicking the booze direct from the shops. The Government are simply stacking up the problems instead of dealing with the real problem of why people in this country drink to excess. Tax it and if it still doesn't work we still make more money. Absolute jokers!

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 21:22
by AustrianAndyGull
The Government again moaning about Starbucks, Google and Amazon et al not paying as much tax as they should be, morally. If it's not illegal then they ain't doing anything wrong so either pass a law that prevents this happening or shut the f*ck up! :@


Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 21:46
by LukeGull
Yeah Andy the thing about not paying tax annoyed me as well. It has been going on for quite a long period of time, all these stupid news stories and debates about it. If they aren't going to make it illegal and make these companies pay tax, then these companies are obviously going to do what's in the best interest and take advantage of the loophole. That much is obvious. Wouldn't it be so much easier if they just made it illegal, it's not as if those companies are going to stop trading in the UK.

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 03 Dec 2012, 21:52
by AustrianAndyGull
Well said Luke and welcome to the ranting thread, which as you can see is generally dominated by myself and emet but even he has been quiet of late. Must be mellowing in his old age eh emet? :lol:

We're not really miserable tw*ts, we just have strong, simple opinions. Getting stuff off your chest is healthy! :-D :nod: