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Re: What price Zebroski?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 14:04
by DavetheRave
how did he carry on there then? the general club staff or playing staff? both?

Re: What price Zebroski?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 14:10
by teeboo100
dave believe me when i say this mate he was despised a years rolling contract was the reason for his continued employment perhaps people should ask the present staff if they feel happier working with a respectfull individual like marting ling rather than walking over egg shells each day with paul control freak buckle

Re: What price Zebroski?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 14:26
by Regiment
i see on the OS they're advertising the Sparkworld summer sale. seems like we're having one of our own, just hope we don't let things go on the cheap too.

Re: What price Zebroski?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 14:28
by happytorq
If anybody in the know would like to share some information, either about transfer fees, or Buckle's tenure as manager, please send me a PM. I don't know anything :(

I won't tell anybody else ;-)

Re: What price Zebroski?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 14:31
by mickyflash
teeboo100 wrote:some interesting points however the buckle bashing continues simply because buckle continues to bash torquay united football club he is now paid by bristol rovers and has no affinity with torquay anymore fair enough how about respect respect for his previous employers who could have sacked him many times during his reign and choose to stand by him a man universaly despised because of his disgusting attitude to the gereral staff of our club a man who engineered a move while planning one of the biggist games in torquay history against stevenage. ask youself why stanley and branston deals where not agreed march or april time stanley would have signed no doubt so would branston fact is buckle new what he was doing his attitude towards this club stunk in the last few weeks of his reign. the players where flat at manchester the manager did not care 1 bit and any 1 who argues that point are compleatly olivious to what goes on around them... paul knew exactly what he was doing now ime not saying its the end of our club far from it we have to rebuild that takes time and the club have entrusted martin ling for the job ile just be gald when paul buckles name is consigned properly to the history of torquay and hopes he falls right on his .....
Stanley was offered a contract by Buckle (for TUFC) in March, Craig said he loved it down here and his agent convinced him to keep his options open. Why would Buckle do that if he was engineering his move? Why would he continue to pursue Ross Hannah? People are so quick to take 2 + 2 and let it to equate to anything they like if it means they can slate Bucks.

Don t get me wrong, he has a horrible attitude and not a very nice person in anyway, you are right he was despised by the staff but he is a good manager, and as ANY good manager would when he sees quality players that he trusts and are available (especially for free) he goes for them. The man is doing his job that he is employed to do. Its not as if he has a gun against Simon Bakers head telling him to let Zebroski go. We need to start looking closer to home and hope Ling is prepared to be a bit more ruthless with the resources he is given because so far I haven t seen any suggestion that we are going to be anything other than relegation fodder

Re: What price Zebroski?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 14:38
by teeboo100
stanley wasnt offered a contract though was he if he had he would have signed as for ross hannah he was here on trial then suddenly went back dont you think if we would have pushed hard enough he would have signed come on paul knew he was going he saw the the potential in stanley do you think he would have tied him down to torquay or say hang on craig i mite not be here next season keep your options open lad. i agree he is a decent manager never argue that point but u dont have be so mersanary about everything do you....

Re: What price Zebroski?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 14:43
by tufcbrett
End of the day we dont know, Zebs is leaving for what ever reason it is.
We need to worry about getting a squad together to at least stay in this division. I have faith that Ling will bring in some good players to fill the gaps.

Re: What price Zebroski?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 14:47
by numpte
clemy1989 wrote:various members have posted knowledge of a fee being agreed would any of you be brave enough and name this price. be interesting to see what sort of figure we are looking to recieve
I heard over £100k, the exact figure was £150k - rejected.

However, I didnt beleive it but now that a transfer request has come in, doesn't this mean we dont have to pay Zebroski any 'bonus' for moving when he didn't want to. Perhaps that was part of the negotiation.

£150k - i'd take it.

Re: What price Zebroski?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 14:51
by mickyflash
teeboo100 wrote:stanley wasnt offered a contract though was he if he had he would have signed as for ross hannah he was here on trial then suddenly went back dont you think if we would have pushed hard enough he would have signed come on paul knew he was going he saw the the potential in stanley do you think he would have tied him down to torquay or say hang on craig i mite not be here next season keep your options open lad. i agree he is a decent manager never argue that point but u dont have be so mersanary about everything do you....
Well that goes against what Craig said to me, last time I spoke to him (in March) he was house hunting in Torquay.

TUFCBrett you are spot on, the main concern now is not who did what, but what the hell do we do now!

Re: What price Zebroski?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 14:56
by teeboo100
fair point micky its the future not the past

Re: What price Zebroski?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 14:58
by Richinns
teeboo100 wrote:fair point micky its the future not the past
With that in mind teeboo - have you got any news on future additions?? Think we could all do with a litle cheering up!

Re: What price Zebroski?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 15:01
by happytorq
Richinns wrote:With that in mind teeboo - have you got any news on future additions?? Think we could all do with a litle cheering up!
We're getting a new grandstand, didn't you know? :lol:

Re: What price Zebroski?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 15:01
by teeboo100
3 players will sign on the old dotted tomorrow one of them is stevens though if u can count him as a player or a garden gnome a goalie and one other not sure it will cheer every1 up though

Re: What price Zebroski?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 15:04
by Richinns
teeboo100 wrote:3 players will sign on the old dotted tomorrow one of them is stevens though if u can count him as a player or a garden gnome a goalie and one other not sure it will cheer every1 up though
If there are no surprises then it will be Saah, Stevens and Olejnik then

Re: What price Zebroski?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011, 15:09
by taunton_gull
Whilst this was inevitable it doesn't half hurt! Zebs has been immense for us, I can't have any complaints about his performances in a yellow shirt. I don't think we will see anyone with such an effective mix of effort and ability for some time to come. What we are seeing is unfortunately the worst side of football. As already mentioned the transfer request reason is complete rubbish and Zebs has no doubt been tapped up by the slimy one. In fairness to the board there's nothing they can do, I just pray we get the right amount which should definitely be more than we got for Benyon.

I've been trying to stay positive about next season but now I'm starting to worry. If the standard of our team next year is the equivalent of Chris Zebroski replaced by Parkinson I think we're in for one hell of a scrap. I pray ML can pull a couple of decent signings out of the bag but at the moment I don't know where we are. Simon Baker has rightly stated next year might be tougher with the grandstand/training ground improvements etc but come August I fear we may only have a team who is capable of finishing within the bottom third of the division which is a real worry. I hope the board keep focus, there is no point in improving the ground if we are going to be conference fodder. The next few signings are vital and I hope will prove that we are capable of at least finishing around mid table.