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Posted: 27 Apr 2016, 00:23
by Southampton Gull
Kevin Nicholson's statement on Facebook.

Hello guys.
Sorry not to reply to you sooner but I have been out this evening watching the Truro game with Stephen Breed and the Chairman.
I am not aware of any plans for me to be replaced and I met with the soon to be new owners earlier today to discuss my future and what we need to do going forward.
They will be getting back to me but they know what plans I have for this club and that I would like to be part of it and what should be a very bright future.
I've heard several rumours tonight and, as far as myself, Breedy and the Chairman are aware none of them are true.
If anything changes I'll let you guys know and thank you for the out pouring of support.
I don't think that we've scratched the surface yet of what needs to be done and achieved here and I hope to be given the chance to really make a difference.

Nothing unexpected there, let's hope he signs a deal after confirming for himself that he'll be able to work with total freedom.


Posted: 27 Apr 2016, 00:29
by monkeyboy
If I was buying into a business that I didn't have much knowledge about, I would employ somebody with good local knowledge, good connections and who I know and trust. This may be why Harrop is being touted as being involved in the running of TUFC.


Posted: 27 Apr 2016, 00:29
by Flipper
He can't tell us what he doesn't know I suppose. Let's hope he gets what he wants. Still worried though as I'm not so sure that the new owners will be as truthful and as honourable as Kevin.


Posted: 27 Apr 2016, 00:32
by Flipper
monkeyboy wrote:If I was buying into a business that I didn't have much knowledge about, I would employ somebody with good local knowledge, good connections and who I know and trust. This may be why Harrop is being touted as being involved in the running of TUFC.
What local knowledge ? And does he have more connections than our current management team ?@


Posted: 27 Apr 2016, 00:40
by monkeyboy
I believe Mr Harrop has lived in the area for quite some time. I expect given his years involved in football he has a lot of connections, considerably more than Nicho. I would like to add that this is not a slight on Nicho, I would like nothing more than to see him managing the team. He has shown great man management skills and has the drive the club needs. I just believe that the pending new owners will want somebody involved that they know and that makes sense to me.


Posted: 27 Apr 2016, 00:51
by Flipper
monkeyboy wrote:I believe Mr Harrop has lived in the area for quite some time. I expect given his years involved in football he has a lot of connections, considerably more than Nicho. I would like to add that this is not a slight on Nicho, I would like nothing more than to see him managing the team. He has shown great man management skills and has the drive the club needs. I just believe that the pending new owners will want somebody involved that they know and that makes sense to me.
Yes it does make sense and he may have more connections than Nicholas but does he have more than Nicho and Robbie combined ? Don't forget Nicho is not in this on his own. He has a trusty sidekick who has played at a considerably higher level than Harrop and I expect has many connections within the game.


Posted: 27 Apr 2016, 01:36
by monkeyboy
Yes he probably does have more connections than Herrera and Nicholson combined. Playing for a top club does not mean you will have meaningful connections, certainly not more than somebody who has had a variety of roles around the country and in particular working as a scout. Anyway, Harrops connections is just another facet which makes him ideal for a role at TUFC for the owners to be. I certainly wouldn't want him as manager and I hope to God the new owners don't want him as manager. I think, though, that he may have something to offer and wouldn't necessarily rock the boat like some people fear.


Posted: 27 Apr 2016, 03:07
by Orange Gull
Your previous posts informing us of what has been going on or what will be happening at the club have always been proven correct SG, for better or for worse, which is why I'm very worried right now. We've been told that we should be very excited for the plans that the new owners have in store for us, yet this is anything but. We've ended the season on such a high and there is surely no legitimate reason why Nicholson should not be given the opportunity to finish what he started. The new board must know that by getting rid of a popular manager, they will just be alienating most of the fanbase?


Posted: 27 Apr 2016, 06:56
by Neal
Only once have I sort of boycotted the club, and that was Roberts era, as I couldn't support an owner who wanted to use the club, the fans, the players as a means to make money from themselves. I went through the Web era, but with no social media it wasn't so obvious, although the mini Wembley idea was a complete joke. AND I was much younger and maybe not so wise :)

If I detect and think Gaming International are in it purely to make money IM OFF! Because I wont be used by money grabbing property developers.

What Gaming International need to answer is this? Why on earth do you want to buy a football club when its gonna cost you lots of money? Well if your serious about moving the club forward that is.

I would support TUFC in the South Western League but I wont if the people in charge are milking it for themselves!


Posted: 27 Apr 2016, 07:30
by Kit_robin
Neal wrote: If I detect and think Gaming International are in it purely to make money IM OFF! Because I wont be used by money grabbing property developers.

What Gaming International need to answer is this? Why on earth do you want to buy a football club when its gonna cost you lots of money? Well if your serious about moving the club forward that is!
Really... They are a business with no links to south Devon, the fact they're in it to purely make money is, and always has been, a given. Rather than your black and white enquiry the question is, and always has been, how are they going to make money whilst keeping TUFC sustainable and moving forward? It's not impossible but difficult, and I haven't come out for or against the new regime yet because it hasn't been answered.

Just as in this nicho situation, I will wait to see what actually transpires before I start chucking all my toys out of the pram. I don't see why Harrop couldn't be involved somewhere if that's what the new owners want, it's their money after all. Do I want him as manager? No, obviously not, but as yet he isn't. I like other posters would accept nicho leaving if the replacement is of a suitable quality, Harrop doesn't fit that for me.


Posted: 27 Apr 2016, 07:35
yes i think we need to see what happens before we all start kicking off, none of us know whats going to happen and as ive said on here before, we cant afford to be fussy at the moment on who takes us over, we havent got a pot to piss in and this group have money and can take us back to the football league, lets give them a chance as i cant see anyone else rushing to buy us, and lets hope nico is still manager.


Posted: 27 Apr 2016, 08:18
by CraigUnder
ROADRUNNER wrote: we havent got a pot to piss in and this group have money and can take us back to the football league, lets give them a chance as i cant see anyone else rushing to buy us, and lets hope nico is still manager.
The problem is RR, this money the group has is not being made available to Nicho if you look at the budget given for next year is the same if not less than this season


Posted: 27 Apr 2016, 08:25
by Kit_robin
Bleeper wrote: The problem is RR, this money the group has is not being made available to Nicho if you look at the budget given for next year is the same if not less than this season
This is the bit that worries me personally, far more than whether Nicho is the manager. Doesn't matter who's in charge, if they have a budget the size of welling we will be again fighting relegation.


Posted: 27 Apr 2016, 09:37
by PhilGull
I'm not going to comment on whether I think Harrop will be a good manager or not. I was more than happy with the appointments of Knill and Nicho so I know nothing!*
What I will say is that Nicho has done more than enough to deserve a new contract and it would be pretty crappy of any new owner to waltz in and put someone else in charge from the get go.
Nicho has done us proud this season, we now need to return the favour and make it clear to any new owners that we want him as our manager.

*Well, I'm right 50% of the time I 'spose!


Posted: 27 Apr 2016, 09:41
do we know the budget then? have they come out and said it will be smaller ?