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Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 22 May 2013, 19:37
by ferrarilover

I'm watching the BBC Spotlight News and an article come on about how global warming is killing all the animals. Skip forward, and I'm not joking, to the very next thing (the weather report) and the pompous **** is telling us all how the last three months have been the coldest Spring for three billion years. MAKE UP YOUR MINDS!

Road traffic law is all to cock.

Apparently now, they're saying that driving while on the phone is 4 times more dangerous than drink driving. Why then, is the penalty for driving while on the blower 3 points and £60 where as the penalty for the much less dangerous activity of drink driving is a 12 month ban?
The One Show videoed 18 people in 30 minutes using their phones while driving. Not a single accident or near miss. How dangerous can it really be? I'm willing to wager that if you'd let loose 18 pissed idiots in 30 minutes on the same road, there would have been an accident of some kind.
If using a phone is so dangerous, why are we allowed to use hands free? Seems to me that it isn't having the conversation which is "dangerous", it's holding the phone. Now, firstly, it's not a specific offence to hold any other object while driving, so why pick on mobile phones. Secondly, if you can't hold something in one hand and drive with the other, how do people cope with manual gearboxes? Thirdly, if you can't hold a phone and drive at the same time, did you really ought to have a license in the first place?

Need to make up their minds...


Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 23 May 2013, 00:01
by Wisconsin_gull
MAtt - You would have a field day with the to88ers out here - phone in rh, starbucks in lh and small dog in lap - driving presumably.... :@

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 23 May 2013, 00:13
by cambgull
According to a weatherman on BBC Breakfast a while back, he said that global warming for us Brits means colder winters and rainier summers. We supposedly share the same latitude as Siberia and without the Gulf Stream, we would be sharing their -20 degree winters.

As for the mobile phone thing, I think it's more down to taking your eyes off the road, not so much of actually holding it.

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 23 May 2013, 08:06
by EmetEdadsBeard
ferrarilover wrote:Anyway...

I'm watching the BBC Spotlight News and an article come on about how global warming is killing all the animals. Skip forward, and I'm not joking, to the very next thing (the weather report) and the pompous t**t is telling us all how the last three months have been the coldest Spring for three billion years. MAKE UP YOUR MINDS!

Road traffic law is all to cock.

Apparently now, they're saying that driving while on the phone is 4 times more dangerous than drink driving. Why then, is the penalty for driving while on the blower 3 points and £60 where as the penalty for the much less dangerous activity of drink driving is a 12 month ban?
The One Show videoed 18 people in 30 minutes using their phones while driving. Not a single accident or near miss. How dangerous can it really be? I'm willing to wager that if you'd let loose 18 pissed idiots in 30 minutes on the same road, there would have been an accident of some kind.
If using a phone is so dangerous, why are we allowed to use hands free? Seems to me that it isn't having the conversation which is "dangerous", it's holding the phone. Now, firstly, it's not a specific offence to hold any other object while driving, so why pick on mobile phones. Secondly, if you can't hold something in one hand and drive with the other, how do people cope with manual gearboxes? Thirdly, if you can't hold a phone and drive at the same time, did you really ought to have a license in the first place?

Need to make up their minds...

If you read or watched a bit of science regarding Global warming you would understand it a little better. global warming means the polar ice is melting more and quicker. polar ice is fresh water, and is less dense than salt water so 'floats' above it, this has the effect of diverting the warm gulf stream deeper under the Atlantic thus lowering the temperature of the seas around western Europe and making our climate colder than it is now.
Simple really.

As for the driving using the phone argument, you are wrong. There is no specific law agains't holding anything while driving (as far as I'm aware anyway) but if you are eating, drinking, holding your phone, whatever you are not in total control of the car thus driving without due care and attention, which is an offence and costs lives (unfortunately, usually other peoples). I see loads (9/10 are young women) texting while driving to work every morning. As many of them are sh1te drivers to start with, I don't think adding the distraction of a phone in their hands is a particularly good idea.
If i were a traffic cop I could give 100 tickets a day out with the crap I see on the roads every day. :-/

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 30 May 2013, 23:10
by AustrianAndyGull
Gyms, joined one yesterday. The machines are top of the range and it has a cross section of society from knuckledragging rednecks in vests with celtic arm tattoos to old blokes with involuntary muscular tics BUT it's boring as f*ck! I was so bored on the treadmill that i watched Homes Under The B*stard Hammer for 20 minutes on the TV on the machine! I burned 300 calories AND found out that there are properties available for refurbishment in Burnley for under £60k! Backofthenet!

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 31 May 2013, 18:11
by Gullscorer
Most of you should be done for posting without due care and attention. :goodpost: Or driving whilst holding anything... :red:
And anyone who goes to a gym for exercise should be detained under the appropriate Section of the Mental Health Act..

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 31 May 2013, 21:49
by SuperNickyWroe
Gullscorer wrote:Most of you should be done for posting without due care and attention. :goodpost: Or driving whilst holding anything... :red:
And anyone who goes to a gym for exercise should be detained under the appropriate Section of the Mental Health Act..
andy already is.............

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 01 Jun 2013, 09:21
by AustrianAndyGull
don't you mean WAS?

I was released this morning................................. :) :lol:

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 01 Jun 2013, 11:10
by SuperNickyWroe
AustrianAndyGull wrote:don't you mean WAS?

I escaped this morning................................. :) :lol:

edited for factuals according to reports from the Derbyshire Mental Health Team and the Old Bill.

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 02 Jun 2013, 11:38
by AustrianAndyGull

Last night they would have found me enjoying a meal outside in the sunshine at the Rockingham in Wentworth followed by a lovely round walk past the churchyard and fields and back to the car. Then i stayed at a mates in Rotherham and got mullered whilst listening to Slayer and Exodus from which the singer is my double apparently. :-/ My beard is a bit shorter but i've got a skinhead now and some stars and stripes bermudas and i can grunt loudly on a microphone whilst throwing myself around like a headcase so i guess they're right. :) Oh and there is also a golf course behind his house so it's great to have some childish fun with some of the clowns who think they are 10 men with a golf club. One bloke i saw this morning was literally about 22 stone and he had one of those electronic buggy/caddy things following him! I shouted to him that if he pulled his own trolley then maybe he wouldn't be such a fat sh*t!!! He wobbled around the green like a human blancmonge with townie clothes on. :lol:

The only negative to the 'sojourn' was having to see the New York Stadium this morning bathed in sunshine with league 1 football to look forward to. Total total b*stards. :'(

I'm out of Rotherham now and feel so much better for it. :)

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 22:35
by AustrianAndyGull
Teacher convicted of having child porn gets permission to go back into the classroom.

Am I just thick? (no need to respond to that one Bitchie) Does anyone else see a slight issue here?

My child would be withdrawn from the school immediately and wouldn't go back regardless of if the school did a u turn and banned him. If there are people who are supposedly intelligent enough to let convicted child sex offenders work with their children then I guess it's the thicko's like me who have a lot more upstairs.

Basically it's a f*cking disgrace and in the words of Jezza Clarkson, the people responsible should be shot and then shot again.

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 22:37
by AustrianAndyGull
This decision confirms that the world has indeed gone absolutely barking.

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 07 Jun 2013, 15:40
by AustrianAndyGull
Oh great. The sports centre has a pool which I can use as part of my free membership but it has communal changing rooms in the mens. This is 2013 for Gods sakes and if it's contravening human rights for a woman to get changed in front of a man in communal changing rooms then it should also be the same for men getting changed in front of other men FFS! Of course you could have the situation where homosexual men can get look at other men freely which is a contravention of my human rights (i'm not a homophobe but the thought repulses me and it probably happens in communal changing rooms all across Britain ) but also the fact that I don't feel comfortable showing my knob or anus to members of the same sex thankyou very much! It's archaic and I need my own personal space away from prying gay eyes and swinging foreskins which is what some men think nothing about doing when they are in there. Yeah just stand there mate and dangle your phallus about like an overboiled bratwurst. Very nice, thanks. I really don't care how big your todger is, all that matters is that I've got one and it works.

Sort this hideousness out Chesterfield Sports Centre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get some f*cking cubicles put in!!!!

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 07 Jun 2013, 17:17
by chunkygull
AustrianAndyGull wrote:Oh great. The sports centre has a pool which I can use as part of my free membership but it has communal changing rooms in the mens. This is 2013 for Gods sakes and if it's contravening human rights for a woman to get changed in front of a man in communal changing rooms then it should also be the same for men getting changed in front of other men FFS! Of course you could have the situation where homosexual men can get look at other men freely which is a contravention of my human rights (i'm not a homophobe but the thought repulses me and it probably happens in communal changing rooms all across Britain ) but also the fact that I don't feel comfortable showing my knob or anus to members of the same sex thankyou very much! It's archaic and I need my own personal space away from prying gay eyes and swinging foreskins which is what some men think nothing about doing when they are in there. Yeah just stand there mate and dangle your phallus about like an overboiled bratwurst. Very nice, thanks. I really don't care how big your todger is, all that matters is that I've got one and it works.

Sort this hideousness out Chesterfield Sports Centre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get some f*cking cubicles put in!!!!
2nd time writing this, bloody pop up made me lose what i wrote.

anyway, totally agree with this. i wouldnt want anybody looking at me b0ll0ck naked and i doubt if they would want to. likewise i dont want to look at anyone else either.

when i was a young buck i didnt really care too much about getting showered and changed after football or swimming but then i was in much better physical condition, as was little chunky (i have put on far too much weight since those days).

another consideration is, there are usually children at the swimming baths, and with the knowledge and education we have these days, should we really be doing the communal showering and changing thing. we could quite easily be putting them on display for a predator. which the thought of makes me sick to my stomach and bloody angry.

thinking about it, when i was a kid and went swimming at our local leisure centre we were all lumped in 1 room together to change. not a pretty sight, men of middle to old age wandering around with not a stitch on, showing off their saggy, hairy asses (bending down to dry their feet, or to pull up pants and socks), their wrinkly - dangling ball bags and dodgy todgers flapping about.something no kid should see. EVER. :Z

there is definitely a case for invasion of personal space.

i remember secondary school, after P.E we all had to shower and change together. we were all developing at different stages (i was alright). many of the lads hated it and didnt want to show their body or their bits off. to be fair i hated it. many though would try anything to get out of it. either bringing a note and not doing P.E at all or trying to sneak off without a shower.

the teachers would always force everyone to shower, even virtually dragging kids to the showers, threatening with detention, then standing there to watch for a while.even if P.E was the last lesson of the day.

emotional distress anyone.

one teacher in particular developed a rep for watching us in the showers a little bit too often and for far too long at a time. this rep followed him around for years.

i dont know if its still like this in schools. if there were shower and changing cubicles there wouldnt be such problems though surely.

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 07 Jun 2013, 17:27
by AustrianAndyGull
Chunky, today there were schools swimming with the boys just getting changed with the men and also I have seen a dads having to get their kids (girls too) changed too in the mens communal areas as there are no cubicles. Err paedophilia anyone?

The council need to get this sh*t sorted and I shall be along on Monday morning when I go the gym to complain most voiciferously. I know it was the same for us when we we were kids and it never did anybody any harm but you just cannot get away with this in 2013 like I said.