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Clarke Osborne

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 17:18
by lucy6lucy
dawlishmatt wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 16:50 Southampton Gull. If Boris Johnson makes a cock up of his time as prime minister, would you be prepared to be Clarke Osborne's campaign manager if he decides to put his name forward as the next Tory leader and have Teigngull as your assistant? 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
You just don’t know when to stop do you ! if I was an admin I would lock the thread for your sanity. You do realise you are coming across as an arsehole.

Clarke Osborne

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 17:22
by dawlishmatt
lucy6lucy , my last comments were meant as a joke to try and defuse a situation that had obviously gotten out of hand.

Clarke Osborne

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 17:32
by Southampton Gull
stefano wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 17:16 There is a God I was starting to lose the will to live! ;-)
Rugby will do that to you πŸ˜‰

Clarke Osborne

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 17:36
by Teigngull
Bully :-
A person who habitually seeks to intimidate or harm those whom they perceive as vulnerable !
SG take note- this is you , sorry but it's about time you realised .

Clarke Osborne

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 17:50
by MellowYellow
Teigngull wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 17:36 Bully :-
A person who habitually seeks to intimidate or harm those whom they perceive as vulnerable !
SG take note- this is you , sorry but it's about time you realised .
Snowflake: person who is overly-emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions.

Clarke Osborne

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 17:51
by Southampton Gull
Teigngull wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 17:36 Bully :-
A person who habitually seeks to intimidate or harm those whom they perceive as vulnerable !
SG take note- this is you , sorry but it's about time you realised .
Whom exactly do I perceive to be vulnerable?

You're an idiot with the sole agenda of disrupting this forum while glorifying in how wonderful you perceive another forum to be. I'm quite happy with the person I am, forceful postings on an Internet forum just show determined argument, isn't that the freedom of expression you pretend to care about?

Your agenda is so plainly obvious but you've been free to enjoy it, what you deem to be my shortcomings is of no consequence to me but then I usually ignore the advice of idiots. Fancy a pint?

Clarke Osborne

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 18:30
by culmstockgull
Folks,this has gone as far as it can and all too often on this forum totally away from the original topic raised by Dawlishmatt. If Osborne reads this forum he must be laughing his socks off, how one man can raise the blood pressure of so many is a mystery to me. Love him or hate him I am all for keeping his stewardship under review, but not at the expense of Torquay supporters knocking lumps of each other, all I do know is that if SouthamptonGull's vision of what will ultimately happen to our club comes close to fruition then we will all be shoulder to shoulder regardless of personal animosity to prevent him achieving his aims.

Clarke Osborne

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 18:36
by Teigngull
No animosity here just enjoying the privilege afforded to me to blow off steam, you know what I'm saying ?
Even though I may come across idiotic.

Clarke Osborne

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 18:44
by sgf
It's days like today, I **** hate the internet

Clarke Osborne

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 19:24
by SuperNickyWroe
MellowYellow wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 17:50 Snowflake: person who is overly-emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions.

Absolute Gold.

Clarke Osborne

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 19:28
by Teigngull
sgf wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 18:44 It's days like today, I **** hate the internet
Why, debate is healthy, if we all agreed it'd be boring

Clarke Osborne

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 20:45
by sgf
It started off as a debate but descended pretty quickly. Name calling and questioning some ones mental state is not debate. This thread is embarrassing

Clarke Osborne

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 21:00
by standupsitdown
Some disappointing posts on this thread but we mustn't put aside discussion as to the future of the club just because there has been some success on the pitch.

Clarke Osborne

Posted: 05 Aug 2019, 01:15
by stefano
Southampton Gull wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 17:32 Rugby will do that to you πŸ˜‰
You have managed to stamp straight on my Achilles heal because I do love both games. This is clearly blatant bullying and I think I will have to slip away to cry. Life is just so unfair! SG you are just a big cuddly bully! ;-)

Clarke Osborne

Posted: 05 Aug 2019, 08:09
by Trojan 67
SuperNickyWroe wrote: ↑04 Aug 2019, 19:24 :rofl:

[highlight=yellow]Absolute Gold.[/highlight]
