Welling v Torquay Sat 6th Apr 3pm

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TorquayFans Admin
TorquayFans Admin
Posts: 6189
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Watches from: Bristow’s Bench

Post by Louis »

Here's the latest prediction league update… Last game vs Welling 1-0 LOSS

Username ----------------- +Points ----------------- Overall Points
Incredigull ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 40
RodneyJacksRightFoot ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 38
Swindon gull ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 33
Chelston TUFC ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 32
Louis ----------------- ----------------- 32
DerekDawkinsJnr ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 31
portugull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 29
SuperNickyWroe ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 29
Dave ----------------- ----------------- 28
leetufc ----------------- ----------------- 28
North Curry House ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 28
Brewers boy ----------------- ----------------- 27
Hereford Gull66 ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 27
Cruisinho ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 26
gullsgullsgulls ----------------- ----------------- 26
Midlandgull ----------------- ----------------- 25
zebgull ----------------- ----------------- 25
budegull1954 ----------------- ----------------- 22
Cheddargull ----------------- ----------------- 22
Eirik ----------------- ----------------- 22
Rio Doherty ----------------- ----------------- 22
Admiral ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 20
Gullsandbeyond121 ----------------- ----------------- 20
Hot Rod ----------------- ----------------- 20
Minneapolisgull ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 20
ShropGull ----------------- ----------------- 20
The deluder ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 20
United62 ----------------- ----------------- 20
UnitedinDevon ----------------- ----------------- 20
Sesimbra ----------------- ----------------- 19
tufcyellowarmy ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 17
Vick ----------------- 3-2 ----------------- 17
AdrianC ----------------- ----------------- 16
MellowYellow ----------------- ----------------- 16
theyellowfromexeter ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 16
happytorq ----------------- ----------------- 15
Hornblower ----------------- ----------------- 15
Southampton Gull ----------------- ----------------- 15
Dgulls ----------------- ----------------- 14
Taelee73 ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 14
The Great Muta! ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 14
WainwrightGull ----------------- ----------------- 14
Dave_Pougher ----------------- ----------------- 13
notnow ----------------- ----------------- 12
torregull ----------------- ----------------- 12
culmstockgull ----------------- ----------------- 11
Brixham63 ----------------- ----------------- 10
Mr Tea808 ----------------- ----------------- 10
Skillsy ----------------- ----------------- 10
Danglebert ----------------- ----------------- 9
Oil Beef Hooked ----------------- ----------------- 7
Wolborough ----------------- ----------------- 7
Brucie ----------------- ----------------- 6
Colorado ----------------- ----------------- 6
OceanYellow7 ----------------- ----------------- 6
Osgoodisgood ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 6
Redgull1902 ----------------- ----------------- 6
Stoneybroke ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 6
Forest gull ----------------- ----------------- 4
Jackom ----------------- ----------------- 4
Stratfordgull ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 4
aggrey_25 ----------------- ----------------- 3
Nick Potkins ----------------- ----------------- 3
PainintheGULLLiver85 ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 3
teddiebear ----------------- ----------------- 3
Willhtq ----------------- ----------------- 3
Drummergull90 ----------------- ----------------- 2
Gull1989 ----------------- ----------------- 2
Stickingitin ----------------- ----------------- 2
SWgull ----------------- ----------------- 2
Xeon ----------------- ----------------- 2
York_Gull ----------------- ----------------- 2
dawlishmatt ----------------- ----------------- 1
Jamestee67 ----------------- ----------------- 1
JimNichol'sdog ----------------- ----------------- 1
Kevgull ----------------- ----------------- 1
Kingsgull83 ----------------- ----------------- 1
numpte ----------------- ----------------- 1
Ray Johnstone ----------------- ----------------- 1
Rivieratouch ----------------- ----------------- 1
SDYellow ----------------- ----------------- 1
MoxGull2502 ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 1
DevonBee ----------------- ----------------- 0
Knightmaregull ----------------- ----------------- 0
markypoos77 ----------------- ----------------- 0
Paignton Gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Saints1908 ----------------- ----------------- 0
Wubble U ----------------- ----------------- 0
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Posts: 430
Joined: 19 Dec 2015, 14:34
Favourite player: Rodney jack
Location: Torquay.
Watches from: Bristow’s Bench

Post by Taelee73 »

Once Marshall gave abuse back to fans, that was always going to be hard to come back from. Although I understand it must be really difficult being vocally abused/slagged off and being unable to respond.

The best response is on the pitch, and despite his whole hearted approach, he's got himself sent off twice this season.

It was the same with Mcgavin, with Reid, Little and more. Fans need a scapegoat for their rage. Although I do feel if you wouldn't say it face to face to them in the street, maybe don't when you're in a crowd

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