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Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 18:05
by hector
Like Dave, I sort of imagined he would be gone today. It is surely difficult for the club to ignore the feelings of supporters for too much longer, lest they alienate fans completely.

Yet a part of me is not surprised.

What justification there is for persisting with him any longer baffles me. A look at the league table and our current form - not just last 6 games but entire season - provides more than ample evidence for suggesting this manager is not working out.

Whilst 7 clubs in the last week have removed their manager - all clubs doing no worse than us in their respective divisions - perhaps to give the new man time to rectify things in January - what are TUFC doing? Sitting on their hands, with fingers crossed (difficult, I know) hoping it will somehow turn good, ignoring what is staring them in the face. The fact that there is no game this weekend because, oh we got knocked out of the cup, yet again, is the perfect opportunity to try and recruit someone in time for the next game.

I am just absolutely puzzled as to why Alan Knill is still our manager and the fact that 6 people, out of 74 have voted to keep him is just plain bizarre. They must want us to get relegated. I would love to know what their justification is for keeping one of our worst ever managers - worse even than Cornforth, Compton & Saunders - is.

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 18:07
by Scott Brehaut
Dave_Pougher wrote:This is potentially very serious now (stating the bleeding obvious) I fully expected Knill to be on his way today and that is obviously not going to happen now probably before Crimbo or indeed at all. Not sure what's happened to the "Do the board owe the fans" thread but it appears to have disappeared.

On reflection that thread isn't as offensive or daft as I first thought. The board do owe some sort of reasonable explanation particularly in view of our current state and their intentions and particularly on the day they advertise the "half season ticket". Whilst I appreciate they always want what's best for the club how do they expect supporters to invest in the ticket when they feel so disheartened? I was prepared to buy the half season ticket knowing full well I wouldn't be attending all the games to "do my bit" but I will not being so whilst AK remains in charge.

Yes the board do owe the fans an explanation as to their intentions, for saying or doing nothing only promotes speculation and is now alienating the support.

The thread was removed because, unfortunately, children invaded it and started name calling etc.

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 18:11
by Dave_Pougher
Ok I wasn't aware of that but thanks for letting me know

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 18:52
by arcadia
The post should have read 'when is he being sacked' this is embarrassing for the club, there should be a statement to stop the jokes coming out as it's going beyond it. When you see the clubs that have sacked their managers this week and our manager is still in a job I can't believe whats going on. The supporters will be lost if no action is taken, anyone in the club would be better, a temporary a change is needed untill the board can sort it out.

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 19:04
by lucy6lucy
ferrarilover wrote: She knows.

Obviously must want to see her investment go down the drain

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 19:17
by AustrianAndyGull
I just wish they'd tell us either way so we can come to terms with it and prepare for the battle ahead. Fans AND Players.

The board can often be portrayed as amateurish despite their good intentions and this is one such example IMO. They aren't culpable for any of this but they should lead from the top, make a strong decision which it will be EITHER way and inform the fans who pay their money. This is only fair and a sensible thing to do.

Otherwise it's weeks and weeks of more vitriol rightly or wrongly and more alienation.

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 19:31
by arcadia
I think the forum should have a social evening to meet the manager he would have to guess who each of us were. Who keeps posting this, who keeps posting that. We could guess who's, who it would be a laugh. :~D

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 19:35
by stefano
arcadia wrote:I think the forum should have a social evening to meet the manager he would have to guess who each of us were. Who keeps posting this, who keeps posting that. We could guess who's, who it would be a laugh. :~D
Might be quite frightening ... especially with a nurse standing next to some ;-)

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 19:40
by AustrianAndyGull
:clap: :lol:

I was actually stood next to one at Scunny as it happens.

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 19:41
by AustrianAndyGull
I somehow don't think the evening would end up being very 'social' with all us lot in one room! :lol:

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 20:01
by wodger of awabia
Perhaps the "sacking meeting" did not take place over the weekend but is scheduled for tonight, tomorrow or Wednesday, maybe the Board are still working on the appointment of the new manager, & they will announce his appointment as soon as everything has been sorted. I really can't believe that Knill will still be the manager by the end of the week, & the Board still have faith in his leadership.

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 20:15
by beano
He knew Saturday - will be told soon.....

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 20:22
by wodger of awabia
beano wrote:He knew Saturday - will be told soon.....
Good, good, excellent, well done, good!!! :) :clap: :clap: :-D :-D :scarf: :scarf:

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 20:22
by AustrianAndyGull
If he knew on Saturday then he doesn't have to be told because presumably he already has been?

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 20:25
by wodger of awabia
AustrianAndyGull wrote:If he knew on Saturday then he doesn't have to be told because presumably he already has been?
I think that beano means that we ( the fans ) will be told soon.