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Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 11:40
by kevgull
My rule of thumb is give a manager 10 games and we should be somewhere near 15 points.

I would have some concerns if we don't pickup a minimum of 4 points after our next 3 games though.
2 of these are at home and we must take full advantage.

Good point at home to Tranmere
Beaten by the Officials away at Aldershot
Cluster f*ck performance away at Gateshead

Before the start of the season I reckoned we would have 5 points from our 1st five games, nothing has changed for me to think any differently I'm afraid 😳


Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 12:13
by Plainmoor78
Given the nature of the teams we play in the next three games 4 points is way too low. We should be aiming for 7 with a draw against boreham wood.

If you wait for 10 games then you've blown nearly a quarter of the season. Ten games might be reasonable for a new manager, but not one whose track record at the club is as suspect as Nicholson's.


Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 12:30
by kevgull
Plainmoor78 wrote: ↑13 Aug 2017, 12:13 Given the nature of the teams we play in the next three games 4 points is way too low. We should be aiming for 7 with a draw against boreham wood.

If you wait for 10 games then you've blown nearly a quarter of the season. Ten games might be reasonable for a new manager, but not one whose track record at the club is as suspect as Nicholson's.
Shifting sands though Plainmoor78 as GI has set the pre season budget and we don't know if it has gone up, down or stayed the same.

I do fear another nail biter of a season coming though!


Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 12:31
by Northampton gull
wivelgull wrote: ↑13 Aug 2017, 11:15 Well! These opinions outdo (almost, not quite) last season's desperate rants. Not having seen United for the past three and a half seasons I don't have the gall to make pontifical pronouncements, so I have to go - more or less - on what is written on this forum. However, what I do read doesn't seem at all promising for the forthcoming season. Of course, the usual - always part-time - nutters come and go while the true supporters remain (which is why I always pay attention to brucie's opinions). For all that, the forum continues to provide light relief and, in this case, wild hilarity, for no-one in the universe could have conjured up such a figure as GARRY BIGOT. There must be a scriptwriter or a purveyor of jokes to a comedian who can do something with this wondrous creation. Garry Bigot - I salute you!
sadly just a dyslexic person with a key pad


Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 12:58
by notnow
Nicho is a good manager and has and is doing a great job under the constraints in place, I knew it wouldn't take long for the doom mongers to start out ffs, its pathetic, I am looking forward to hearing these same pessimists eat humble pie when we are at the top end of the table, and when next season another club are coming in for Nicho! It will happen! Nicho has a good side here and that will show very soon!


Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 13:15
by sgf
Doom Mongers, are you serious?? Manager's with a smaller budget have done better than KN. We will NEVER be at the top end of the table with him in charge. He will not be snapped up by a bigger club- get real.

Can anyone honestly say in two and a bit seasons he has put his stamp on the team? No. For god sake he changes formations and players with the weather and, at times, looks clueless

This is not personal dig at him but he is not a manager. I have given him ample opportunity and there has been no improvement whatsoever.

The signs were there before the season started. Pre season friendly or not, you should not be getting stuffed by the likes of Tiverton and Stoke Gabriel.

His post match interviews are becoming laughable.


Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 13:29
by Burnhamgull
sgf wrote: ↑13 Aug 2017, 13:15 Doom Mongers, are you serious?? Manager's with a smaller budget have done better than KN. We will NEVER be at the top end of the table with him in charge. He will not be snapped up by a bigger club- get real.

Can anyone honestly say in two and a bit seasons he has put his stamp on the team? No. For god sake he changes formations and players with the weather and, at times, looks clueless

This is not personal dig at him but he is not a manager. I have given him ample opportunity and there has been no improvement whatsoever.

The signs were there before the season started. Pre season friendly or not, you should not be getting stuffed by the likes of Tiverton and Stoke Gabriel.

His post match interviews are becoming laughable.

After two years, we still have no apparent style of play and a desire to constantly tinker with the team and formation. Isn't that not what pre-season is for???

We have to get away from this habit of employing "legends"/formerplayers as manager. It doesn't work.


Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 13:39
by sgf
Hallelujah! I said in a previous posting that we need a fresh pair of eyes- someone that, from a playing point of view, can rip the bloody thing up and start from scratch.

Wes Saunders, John Impey, Chris Hargreaves, Paul Compton......IT DOESN'T WORK!!!

Bring in someone that doesn't care about ruining their "legendary" status and will quite happily put some noses out of joint.

I'd rather an unpopular successful manager that a popular crap one


Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 14:20
by OrpingtonGull2
Kevin Nicholson comes across as a lovely man, who has galvanised the Gulls to avert disaster for the last two seasons.

As it stands, we have had only one bad result: the defeat at Gateshead. The performances against Tranmere and Aldershot were fine against two of the strongest sides in our league.

The previous manager, who is a pundit for bt sport, does not come across as such a nice fella, and his record with the gulls is no better.

We dont want to lose Nicho unless there is obviously a better way. Give Nicho time.
In a way perhaps it has been more exciting to have the romance of avoiding relegation last minute, then just being an average mid table side. At least we have high drama, the lows then the highs.
I am sure that Nicho will get it right 3rd time around. Torquay is a lovely club, with great fans, and we have had fun these last two seasons with the great escapes.


Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 14:22
by Burnhamgull
OrpingtonGull2 wrote: ↑13 Aug 2017, 14:20 Kevin Nicholson comes across as a lovely man, who has galvanised the Gulls to avert disaster for the last two seasons.

As it stands, we have had only one bad result: the defeat at Gateshead. The performances against Tranmere and Aldershot were fine against two of the strongest sides in our league.

The previous manager, who is a pundit for bt sport, does not come across as such a nice fella, and his record with the gulls is no better.

We dont want to lose Nicho unless there is obviously a better way. Give Nicho time.
In a way perhaps it has been more exciting to have the romance of avoiding relegation last minute, then just being an average mid table side. At least we have high drama, the lows then the highs.
I am sure that Nicho will get it right 3rd time around. Torquay is a lovely club, with great fans, and we have had fun these last two seasons with the great escapes.

**** hell, :}


Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 14:26
by sgf
OrpingtonGull2 wrote: ↑13 Aug 2017, 14:20 Kevin Nicholson comes across as a lovely man, who has galvanised the Gulls to avert disaster for the last two seasons.

As it stands, we have had only one bad result: the defeat at Gateshead. The performances against Tranmere and Aldershot were fine against two of the strongest sides in our league.

The previous manager, who is a pundit for bt sport, does not come across as such a nice fella, and his record with the gulls is no better.

We dont want to lose Nicho unless there is obviously a better way. Give Nicho time.
In a way perhaps it has been more exciting to have the romance of avoiding relegation last minute, then just being an average mid table side. At least we have high drama, the lows then the highs.
I am sure that Nicho will get it right 3rd time around. Torquay is a lovely club, with great fans, and we have had fun these last two seasons with the great escapes.

I'm guessing that's a joke, yeah?? If we accept 19th is better than 12th we may as well all pack up and go home.....omfg


Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 14:44
by notnow
So managers have done better on less budgets? not 150 miles away from London that's for sure, Nicho has produced a miracle seasons past with young inexperienced players that found themselves in an almost dead and finished situation, he managed to make teams out of them that looked pretty handy especially last season. Now he has been provided a bit more financial help, learned along the way and now has a side with a lot more maturity and power from the outset which will (if you just give them a chance) come good without any doubt so don't write him off already ffs. we have had a tough start to the season with a side that have not really gelled yet but will do and it will start Tuesday 3-0. so, there you go!


Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 15:15
by portugull
I posted after the Aldershot game that I believe Clarke Osborne will be ruthless in his decision making if Nicholson, after 8 games, comes up short.

After we play Chester at home on Sept 2nd we will have played 8( 4 at home and 4 away.)

If we achieve 11 points out of 24 then we should be mid table. Anything less then I think Nicholson will be very vulnerable.

With a wafer thin squad, Fallon and Haworth are clearly not match fit, Jordan Lee ill and a big miss, Liam Davis yet to kick a ball in match time, Gowling injured, Reid broken wrist,the signs are not good at all.I said after the Tranmere game we look very light weight in attack and Pittman is the only striker with any pedigree based on his career to date.

I hope on Tuesday night we get a big reaction from the players as Boreham Wood at home is just the sort of game we need to win if we are to make any sort of progress this season.


Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 15:18
by nickbrod
Predicting a 3-0 win? Now that would be wonderful but notnow!


Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 15:22
by sgf
notnow, with the greatest of respect the argument that we are a footballing outpost were may be valid 25+ years ago but my work takes me over the south of England and roads are a darn sight better than they used to be. I don't profess to read Exeter forums or articles but you can do Exeter to Torquay in 20 minutes now and I didn't hear City moaning about them being a footballing outpost when they were in the NL.

If we can't attract players from the likes of Bristol City, Rovers, Swindon etc who have been released then I would suggest that is down to the money they are being offered, not Geography. Granted, this may not be Nico's fault, I just grow weary of our location being used as an excuse. Footballers will travel anywhere if the price is right.....

This has kind of distracted from the main argument which is, with the right manager, this is a mid table side.