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Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 28 Jun 2013, 14:11
by AustrianAndyGull
Oh and Luke, about the stopping at clear roundabouts time I just hope they stop long enough for me to get out and urinate on their window. Absolutely unbelievable these people.

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 28 Jun 2013, 17:25
by chunkygull
AustrianAndyGull wrote:I think everyone has valid points about this debate but the 2 key components of all these bad drivers are ignorance/arrogance and lack of common sense. Give them all the advance driving in the world if you wish but these undesirable human traits will always ensure that our roads are full of complete fannies. Especially ones wearing suits and driving silver cars and the ones who fail to say thankyou which is the singlemost annoying thing for me about driving. I would think nothing of spitting in their faces as to me they are stealing oxygen. Anyway, rules are there for a reason but if they are continually flouted and these rule breakers go unpunished then the rest of us will continue to suffer. I do happen to think Matt is wrong to speed at 100mph although I regularly do 80 ish and I do agree with him that the very people who trawl the motorways every day or on a regular basis at 80, 90 100mph are more aware of the dangers around them generally speaking and are less likely to have accidents. If you pay attention to what is going on around you and are extremely alert and aware then I reckon if you did 150mph then you'd still have less accidents than some motorists who quite frankly should be owning donkeys instead to get around, should wear straw hats and drink scrumpy under a tree and have black teeth. Numbskulls.
definitely agree with your points about drivers andy. arrogance is a major component in a sh!thead drivers psyche.

about the other highlighted bit, careful what you are saying because that is the stereotype according to what anybody north of somerset thinks about all us bumpkins and yokels down in the south west and devonshire. =D

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 28 Jun 2013, 23:07
by cambgull
Gullscorer wrote:Luke, I had no thought of sarcasm, FFS it was just a joke. Lighten up. And it was not unfunny. Perhaps you disliked it because the joke was on you??
Oh, it was joke? Sorry, I didn't realise. Maybe it's only funny for fellow dullards who drive at 30 mph in the middle lane.

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 29 Jun 2013, 02:51
by Gullscorer
cambgull wrote:Oh, it was joke? Sorry, I didn't realise. Maybe it's only funny for fellow dullards who drive at 30 mph in the middle lane.
Nope, not just for them. I thought it was funny too.. :~D

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 29 Jun 2013, 15:34
by AustrianAndyGull
Cloud storage, cloud capabilities, cloud computing.

As soon as I've saved up enough money there is a field in the far north of Scotland waiting for me to build a small croft on it where there is no internet, no telly and I can keep my own chickens, pour myself a glass of Old Pulteney and watch the seals swim buy and be a normal human being once more. If I don't then I will become engulfed in people talking b*llocks about clouds and sh*t as well as having their entire world inside a 'mobile device' and becoming a robot. Technoparents are actually the new breed of feckless mums and dads as whenever I see some kids in a park playing or a pushchair being pushed I always see the 'responsible' nurturing parents face down into a screen of some sort. Wake up and smell the coffee!! You are being lobotomised and you can't even see it!!!! Is looking at your emails more important than your own f*cking children?!!!!!!!!! Jesus, get social services round asap. Neglect now comes in a new 'format' (if you forgive the bullsh*t speak).

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 29 Jun 2013, 15:39
by AustrianAndyGull
Little did I realise that supposedly intelligent people would become addicted to a screen and neglect their own kids. The chavs I can understand, they haven't even got any brain cells but we're talking middle class or aspiring middle class here. Probably the same people who have kids and then cart them off to boarding school so they don't have to have their lives interrupted. Total w*nkers.

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 29 Jun 2013, 17:02
by AustrianAndyGull
The Prime Minister David Cameron has made a 'surprise' trip to Afghanistan to meet the troops out there. I bet they're over the f*cking moon.

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 01 Jul 2013, 12:52
by cambgull
It'll be a good test of their training. Being sat there with a loaded rifle and not using it on the total egit. How tempting it must be when you're trained to kill and could quite easily wipe Cameron off the face of the earth.

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 01 Jul 2013, 13:42
by Scott Brehaut
cambgull wrote:It'll be a good test of their training. Being sat there with a loaded rifle and not using it on the total egit. How tempting it must be when you're trained to kill and could quite easily wipe Cameron off the face of the earth.
....and then being left with Nick Clegg.......

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 01 Jul 2013, 13:46
by cambgull
Clegg would be much easier to deal with, he doesn't have a mind of his own, he just does what Cameron tells him to.

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 01 Jul 2013, 16:24
by Dave
A whinge at Tiegnbridge district council.

Midday a roadsweeper turns up goes up and down my road , leaves it looking spotless. 3pm a council grass cutting crew turn up and do the verges, spotless road now covered in grass cuttings and shredded litter.....take a :bow: for such great planning.. :@

Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 01 Jul 2013, 16:37
by AustrianAndyGull

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 01 Jul 2013, 17:45
by AustrianAndyGull
People who finish their EBAY item description with the word...........RARE!


Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 01 Jul 2013, 17:50
by ferrarilover
forevertufc wrote:A whinge at Tiegnbridge district council.

Midday a roadsweeper turns up goes up and down my road , leaves it looking spotless. 3pm a council grass cutting crew turn up and do the verges, spotless road now covered in grass cuttings and shredded litter.....take a :bow: for such great planning.. :@
For **** sake, it can't be hard, can it, for the bloke organising the road sweeping to have a chat with the bloke organising the cutting. Thick *****, the lot of them.


Re: Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 02 Jul 2013, 02:12
by Gullscorer
AustrianAndyGull wrote:People who finish their EBAY item description with the word...........RARE!

And people who begin any description of something for sale with the words 'COLLECTORS' ITEM'. Yes I know they're doing us a favour because it tells us the price they're asking is a rip-off, but collectors don't need telling, and it's still annoying! :@