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Re: Any update on Lingy?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 08:05
by budleigh
My view is that the Boards statement is detrimental to that. Its going to make the players uncertain, removing the confidence and motivation that Knill has brought about, because they will now be uncertain about how they should be playing and who they should be impressing.
It's strange; the board say very little for a period of time whilst they sort out the managerial situation and the fans are up in arms at the lack of info; the board then issue a statement and the fans are up in arms because it is deemed too much info!

And surely the players would need to know what is happening, otherwise there would be rumour and counter rumour flying around the dressing room, potentially causing even more unrest. Whether they need to impress Ling, Knill or, as has been suggested, Jesus himself (be a believer, maybe that's nearer the actual truth!) they still have to impress someone. So they all still need to give their all, especially as it has been stated that Knill will have some say at the end of the season regarding the retained list.

Re: Any update on Lingy?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 08:49
by Jerry
budleigh wrote:
Whether they need to impress Ling, Knill or, as has been suggested, Jesus himself (be a believer, maybe that's nearer the actual truth!) they still have to impress someone.
Is this some sort of cryptic hint that Chris Hargreaves may be in the running for the hot seat next season?

Re: Any update on Lingy?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 08:52
by AustrianAndyGull
Must be Jerry. The 'other' Jesus never existed. o:)

Re: Any update on Lingy?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 09:08
by Scott Brehaut
Without wishing to turn this into a religious debate, there are plenty of non biblical accounts that tell of a man named Jesus Christ who was crucified. It's whether he was the son of god that was the issue.

Anyway, up the Gulls!!

Re: Any update on Lingy?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 09:22
by AustrianAndyGull
We have such a diverse range of topics on this site! It's great.

Was he a superstar though like the 'real' Jesus? Our very own CH?

Re: Any update on Lingy?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 09:24
by SkyBlueGull
A lot of very valid points in particular how it was felt that Ling was "toeing the line" in terms of player recruitment to allow money to be spent on the infra structure such as Bristows Bench, training ground etc. Admirable

Howevere he stated that the answers lay within the squad - and he then continued to play the same team/formation - one up front at home is criminal - and you could almost name the starting 11 each week ( if there were nos suspensions or injuries). He wasnt prepared to shake it up and give players like Cruise, Rice, Yeoman a game.So it wasnt a squad it was "the same eleven plus an occassional squad member". In fact Leadbetter and Cruise have only started matches when there has been a suspension/injury rather than on merit - when clearly they have appeared the better option - with game time

When they did come in they were slated - but what a suprise when you get 10 minutes game time in a month!!!! It would be interseting to see how many players we have used this season - in the original starting line up for each match in the League - Im sure it wouldnt be more than 14/15 and compare with other clubs.

I also feel a lot of other clubs use a rotational system whereby players are going to be replaced after 60 minutes whereas I felt that our subs only came on with 10 minutes to go as a desperation measure rather than a planned totation.

I'm sure some statto out there could prove me right or wrong but that is how I perceive it.

Thats what i find hard to understand/forgive -

Re: Any update on Lingy?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 09:51
by stevegull
austrianandygull wrote:We have such a diverse range of topics on this site! It's great.

Was he a superstar though like the 'real' Jesus? Our very own CH?
I'd bet Jesus loved a a good 50/50 tackle!

Re: Any update on Lingy?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 10:23
by Plymouth Gull
Southampton Gull wrote:I'm with you guys too. I've been a staunch supporter of Ling and seen far more games under his leadership than Stayaway Terry. Unfortunately I'm also coming round to the opinion that his time to leave has come. His illness has obviously been a factor in his ability to carry out his duties at work and the team indeed the club have suffered because of it. A fresh start for all parties would be best IMHO.
Agree with this. Anyone who saw some of the football before Ling went away will say it was mindnumbingly dull. Since Knill has come in he has brought back passion, fight and attacking football, all of which help the fans get back on side too. Some of the games under Ling & Taylor lacked all 3 of them, once we conceded it was game over but now we have the fight inside us to try and get back.

I appreciate everything Ling has done, last year was good and he brought some good players and good memories (e.g the double over Argyle won't be forgotten for a while) but I can't help but think that unless he relocates to somewhere closer to Torquay it just isn't feasible either for him or the club to carry on as they were, when clearly there were problems.

I'd also find it somewhat difficult to return to the lack of attacking football that we saw prior to Ling's illness, especially after seeing what a slight change in tactics can really do to the team!

Re: Any update on Lingy?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 11:30
by Mattpuma
To my mind Martin Lings position is now untenable. Alan Knill has brought a breath of fresh air and revitalised the playing staff and supporters.
Imagine if Martin comes back next season and plays his usual brand of safety first bore football for the first two games, the crowd will be straight on his back and he will be back to square one with a lot of stress heaped on his shoulders. I for one dont wish him to go through that.
It would be best for all parties if a clean break was made, football is a cruel game sometimes but it can also provide massive rewards. Every manager knows this before they take the job.
As we know to our cost when the boot is on the other foot and a manager has done well they dont hesitate to drop your club for "greener pastures".
I wish Martin well and thank him for his efforts but now I fully support Alan Knill and hope he is our manager next year, his whole demeanour and positive approach is just what we need.
Maybe Martin would be better suited for now to a number two role where he can rebuild his confidence.

Re: Any update on Lingy?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 11:38
by Gullscorer
I too reluctantly have to agree with this. I have the greatest respect and sympathy for Lingy, but his affliction (and nobody who hasn't suffered this will appreciate how devastating it is) was obviously affecting the squad both psychologically and in terms of performance, and who's to say when he returns to the same stressful work and conditions which contributed to his breakdown, that the same thing will not happen again.

He really needs to get a club nearer to his home which would be easier for him to manage, or to get a less stressful non-managerial job for a while, which would give him a chance to get his inner strength and resilience back. This would probably be the ideal scenario for him.

However, if he does come back to Plainmoor fully fit and effective, I would certainly welcome, support and applaud him. But whatever happens, I'm sure every one of us would wish him all the very best.

Re: Any update on Lingy?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 18:18
by Glostergull
I find it indeed sad that someone puts a thread up on here asking genuinly whether there was any update on Martin Lings condition. We have all been worried about him for months, it was a genuine question, But then the thread descends into whether he was responsible for our poor form etc and questioning his quality and commitment, tactics etc.
The thread was asking for an update. Nothing more. nothing less. It wasn't looking to examine what he did or how he did things.
Haven't there been enough threads on his tactics and what he did or didn't do. Why do we have to descend to the depths of questioning the very character of the man when if we are meant to be decent caring individuals we should just be asking after how he is. is he alright. etc. it makes us all look just as uncaring as the Premier league world where money rules.
Let's let the guy get better. If he is suffering from stress then let's make his recovery easier and stop this petty bickering and bantering. It can't make it any easier for him or the rest of the team. I know some of the players do see what gets posted on here and it does get back to them. It will affect them. don't make it harder for them than it already is. save the aggro for other threads if you have to.

Re: Any update on Lingy?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 18:25
by usagullmichigan
Glostergull wrote:I find it indeed sad that someone puts a thread up on here asking genuinly whether there was any update on Martin Lings condition. We have all been worried about him for months, it was a genuine question, But then the thread descends into whether he was responsible for our poor form etc and questioning his quality and commitment, tactics etc.
The thread was asking for an update. Nothing more. nothing less. It wasn't looking to examine what he did or how he did things.
Haven't there been enough threads on his tactics and what he did or didn't do. Why do we have to descend to the depths of questioning the very character of the man when if we are meant to be decent caring individuals we should just be asking after how he is. is he alright. etc. it makes us all look just as uncaring as the Premier league world where money rules.
Let's let the guy get better. If he is suffering from stress then let's make his recovery easier and stop this petty bickering and bantering. It can't make it any easier for him or the rest of the team. I know some of the players do see what gets posted on here and it does get back to them. It will affect them. don't make it harder for them than it already is. save the aggro for other threads if you have to.
I agree. I was going to say something this morning. He is suffering from stress and here we ware voting him out. Shameful really.

Re: Any update on Lingy?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 18:47
by supergulls
Here here to the last two posts, some of you have short memories and are so fickle, when Martin was winning his manager of the month awards last year if you believed everything on here I swear lingy could walk on water and feed the 5 thousand.

Re: Any update on Lingy?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 19:48
by Southampton Gull
The thread has evolved as have the playing fortunes of the team. I see nothing wrong or disrespectful in that. It's a football forum not a bloody church.

Re: Any update on Lingy?

Posted: 23 Mar 2013, 22:19
by brucie
Glostergull - It is because Lings "illness" and the manner in which we have capitulated in recent months go hand in hand. Martin Ling is the manager of a professional football club he isn't the clerk to a parish council.
What anybody posts on here isn't going to have any bearing on his recovery - it is nonsense.
Ling has been seen out and about at more than one football match so there isn't any need to "worry about him" at all. I am sure he is on the road to recovery.
But really all this hand wringing is just silly.
And to suggest that there is anything "shameful" on here is equally daft.
As someone else said Lings position as manager of Torquay is probably now "untenable".
I wish him all the best but personally I am glad he isn't here - we have got Alan Knill and long may it continue.