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Re: Torquay United v Barnet - 16/4/13

Posted: 16 Apr 2013, 11:42
by Richinns
Brilliant response (shown below) on the Barnet's Fans Forum (to their complete trash about reporting us to the FA for cheating!) by a chap called 'secret poster': ... 1&start=60
"Re: report Torquay to the FA
Postby secret poster » 16 Apr 2013, 11:34

I'm sorry, but what the hell are you lot on? Did the manager bring you something back on one of his trips to Holland?

Did you not see the pitch at Plainmoor? It was under water after 14mm of torrential rain in 2 hours!! Do you think that the people of Torquay can control the weather? We wish we could. That way we would be able to help out our hoteliers, who have been suffering a downturn, in business, due to the awful weather we, like the rest of the country, have suffered for the last couple of years.

The is no point in covering the pitch, against rain fall.

A) How would you remove the covers, with 300 tons of rain water on them?
B) If you were able to lift the covers, where do you think the rain water would go? Into buckets at the side of the pitch. I dont think so.

PGBEE. The reason that Stevenage were not promoted was nothing to do with Torquay United football club and "Sharpe Practice" (Whatever the hell that means). It was because Stevenage's ground was unfit for the football league.

Oh and by the way. Our 1st choice 'keeper is now, due to the extra days rest, fit for tonights game. Make of that what you will, report us to the Football League. It wont get you anywhere. Put that in your pot pipes and smoke it.

See you tonight."

I have the feeling credit for this belongs to Matt!!

Re: Torquay United v Barnet - 16/4/13

Posted: 16 Apr 2013, 11:58
by Plymgull
There is no point in posting on their forum, or the football forum, no matter what anyone says they are absolutely convinced that we are cheats and deserve to go down. Even some fans from other clubs (Plymouth,York) are jumping on the band wagon. Deluded.

Hope we stuff them tonight, 3 points would be delightful and their reaction will be the icing on the cake.


Re: Torquay United v Barnet - 16/4/13

Posted: 16 Apr 2013, 13:04
by tktufc91
Some of the stuff they are saying is just hilarious. I think all of us wanted the game played on the Saturday because with the table looking as it is, a defeat for me could be the final blow in terms of confidence of staying up.

I can understand the frustration of a long journey for nothing but I am sure the majority of us have experienced many times before.

As for the game, if we look at the last two meetings, the team who has dominated the game has gone on to lose so if we do get outplayed but keep the score level then we will win!!

Honestly though, this is the biggest game in our history for a long while. Forget the play-offs and promotions, a win tonight could just keep us in the league.

2-1 gulls.


Re: Torquay United v Barnet - 16/4/13

Posted: 16 Apr 2013, 13:27
by divingbboy
Jesus, that lot on the Barnet forum are MENTAL. Firstly, the idea that the pitch was deliberately over-watered during the week in order to maximize the chances of having the game called off is cobblers. They all seem to have a Torquay 'source' or 'mate' that let them in on the little secret that, apparently, no fan South of Newton Abbot had been let in on. Secondly, simply for the psychological impact slipping into the relegation zone inevitably has, the club wouldn't want the game postponed. They're bonkers. FFS, they probably believe 9/11 was an inside job and that Elvis and Nookie Bear killed JFK. Idiots.

Re: Torquay United v Barnet - 16/4/13

Posted: 16 Apr 2013, 13:32
by gullintwoplaces
Plymgull wrote:There is no point in posting on their forum, or the football forum, no matter what anyone says they are absolutely convinced that we are cheats and deserve to go down. Even some fans from other clubs (Plymouth,York) are jumping on the band wagon. Deluded.

Hope we stuff them tonight, 3 points would be delightful and their reaction will be the icing on the cake.

Completely agree. These are deluded rants from teenage scribblers, obviously too young to know that games are often called off as a result of rain. It rained in Torquay on Saturday, in torrents. They can go make love to themselves. As for accusations of cheating from fans of a club that acquired a new pitch without paying the supplier, well I think the facts speak for themselves.

Fingers crossed for a win tonight. I will be there with my rubber pants on in case I am made to suffer by a nervy performance from the team. Hopefully Chesterfield can beat Argyle and Southend get a win (or even a draw) at Aldershot.

Re: Torquay United v Barnet - 16/4/13

Posted: 16 Apr 2013, 13:33
by divingbboy
gullintwoplaces wrote:As for accusations of cheating from fans of a club that acquired a new pitch without paying the supplier, well I think the facts speak for themselves.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Torquay United v Barnet - 16/4/13

Posted: 16 Apr 2013, 15:23
by ferrarilover
Haha, that post is amusing Rich, but it's not my doing (see odd comma use). That said, I approve entirely of the sentiment.

I'm reserving this section of my post for my second amusing visual gag of the day.


Re: Torquay United v Barnet - 16/4/13

Posted: 16 Apr 2013, 15:42
by brucie
More time off work for tonights slug fest between two god awful teams - however we play, whatever the line up, whether we cheat, I don't really care. If we can fluke a one nil win come 9.35pm that will be a massive result.

Re: Torquay United v Barnet - 16/4/13

Posted: 16 Apr 2013, 15:58
by PlainmoorRoar
Yep brucie is right no matter how it happens we have to win!!

Hopefully a good result can be matched with a win for Southend and Chesterfield!


Re: Torquay United v Barnet - 16/4/13

Posted: 16 Apr 2013, 16:02
by Dave
HA, HA Matt, that post has all your hallmarks on it, the odd changed of coma and writing style is easy, we believe you thousands don't.

Will not able to make the game tonight :'( sing loud and proud for me.

Re: Torquay United v Barnet - 16/4/13

Posted: 16 Apr 2013, 16:31
by ferrarilover
I'll say this and no more: there is a reason that post looks like my work (even though it isn't). Prof. Brian Cox would agree, Dr Rowan Williams wouldn't.


Re: Torquay United v Barnet - 16/4/13

Posted: 16 Apr 2013, 16:35
by Dave
Oh what I forgot to say, there a few of our own fans who think it, I work with plymouth who thinks it, and there is a number on the league 2 forum who aslo think we have been a bit naughty here. Of course we havn't but it is comical, and I did think the peice on the o/s about Pokey having a few days extra considering the circumstances did come accross a bit cheeky.. :)

At the end of the day if we win tonight we will by some be accused of cheating, if we lose the same people will laugh at us and say, see cheats never prosper. Who cares, Matt, or anyone else before you let yourself get so wound up by it.

Easy answer to it, just say I fling you 20p and you can ring someone who gives a flying fork.. :)

Re: Torquay United v Barnet - 16/4/13

Posted: 16 Apr 2013, 16:38
by Scott Brehaut
Some could argue that Barnet have cheated relegation most seasons, given their last minute escapes each time......


Re: Torquay United v Barnet - 16/4/13

Posted: 16 Apr 2013, 16:42
by ferrarilover
There seems to be some sort of suggestion on here that the opinion of strangers (on the internet) about things I say (on the internet) somehow bothers me.

I have less than a week until my dissertation is due in and I haven't done it yet. This piece of work will either stick me with thirty grand's worth of unserviceable debt or it'll propel me to a career with almost unlimited earning potential. Instead of getting on with it, I'm dicking about on YouTube watching cat videos and posting nonsense on here. If that's how fussed I am about something as important as the rest of my life, how bothered do you really imagine I am about some loser Barnet mugs who reckon that Torquay United controls the weather?


Re: Torquay United v Barnet - 16/4/13

Posted: 16 Apr 2013, 16:48
by Dave
Judging by some of your posts Saturday and since, I would say you were indeed bothered by it. And it's ok I use to have 2 accounts on exeweb, even use to answer my own posts.. :) nobody spotted to me, and you would have thought I would have been easy to spot, it took the mods nearly 6 months to catch on. :-D