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Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 20:34
by AustrianAndyGull
Bloody hell, it's all getting a but cryptic! :lol: :na:

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 20:36
by beano
Yep that's what i meant!

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 20:37
by beano
AustrianAndyGull wrote:Bloody hell, it's all getting a but cryptic! :lol: :na:
Why? - simples :)

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 20:38
by AustrianAndyGull
Not for me it ain't Beano! :lol: :clown:

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 20:40
by taxilady
not as cryptic as Matt's pendulum :na: ;-)

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 20:44
by beano
^.^ Hope he does'nt swing for me................

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 20:52
by badamsincalifornia
Beano - How do you know? When will it be announced? Sorry to press but I think we're all getting a bit anxious that Monday has come and gone an there has not been any communication from the club one way or another.

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 20:58
by beano
A reliable source - could not poss reveal - could be a "sideways" move with new D.OF.oversseeing team affairs......

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 21:04
by wodger of awabia
beano wrote:A reliable source - could not poss reveal - could be a "sideways" move with new D.OF.oversseeing team affairs......
Right, so that's it then, Dean Edwards is the new manager!!!! :scarf: :scarf:

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 21:08
by yellowforever
wodger of awabia wrote: Right, so that's it then, Dean Edwards is the new manager!!!! :scarf: :scarf:
Andrew Candy as new manager?

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 21:10
by TeenageGull
Beano will be know by Tomorow ?

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 21:43
by taunton_gull
A cheeky chappy from the East End! :rofl: Let's be honest TUFC couldn't be more of a laughing stock right now!

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 21:47
by hector
A sideways move with a DoF simply will not work. In any case, a sideways move to where? Running the youth team, being demoted to coach. A football manager cannot move sideways. He is either in charge or he isn't and if he no longer is, that is demotion, even if they try and invent some fancy 'head of scouting' type title. Each time something like this happens, with Compton, Saunders, Cornforth and Kubik, the manager ended up giving way and the DoF taking full control, as was the case with Warnock, Lee (twice) and Atkins.

In the previous cases, you could argue that the managers were young and inexperienced. Essentially they were cheap and hopeless but that's by the by. Alan Knill is not a youthful inexperienced manager. He has been around and about the coaching and management of teams for some while - usually with disastrous results, but some clubs never learn and it looks like we are one of them.

Incidentally, I know Dean Edwards name was mentioned in jest but Deano did illustrate why he is not a football manager in his programme notes this week. Talking of England, Deano said "...our only chance of beating the best sides is by playing the English way, which means sticking two bruisers in midfield, playing at a high tempo and a big man up front.' I hope he was being highly ironic because you can just see Brazil quaking at the use of such revolutionary tactics. I did think to myself, 'that's why you are a commercial manager and not a football one and why your managerial career at Hednesford Town was so brief.'

But even Deano couldn't do any worse than Alan Knill.

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 22:02
by taunton_gull
I suppose (if true) the club is doing all it can to make a change within the financial restrictions. I would welcome this over doing nothing, although of course in an ideal world AK would leave to be replaced by someone else. Surely he could just be put on gardening leave meaning he would continue to be paid but wouldn't have control over first team matters?

Should the club sack Alan Knill?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 22:14
by AustrianAndyGull
Yes agree, if it's a question of money then hand the management of team affairs to someone else and hope the gamble pays off. If that is the only way of ensuring that Knill cannot impede our season further then so be it. It is far from ideal and we (the ones who think this) might regret it should the replacement turn out to be completely out of their depth too but at least it is proactive action. We might still go down but at least we will have tried the only other viable option that was left for us.

I'm getting quite emotional now to be fair, this is a really upsetting set of circumstances for everyone and just compounded by the fact that there is no right or wrong answer. Nobody has a crystal ball and I feel so much sympathy with the board with them not only having to appease the fans at such a desperate time but them also having to make the right decision on behalf of the club too, they have to win the bet.

I don't know who would take over from the inside, any ideas?