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Chris Hargreaves services?

Posted: 03 May 2015, 14:34
by SuperNickyWroe
Gloomy Gull wrote:........are being used by BT Sport right now.

He is a pundit on the Rovers / FGR match on TV !!!
Some might say that's the best place for him.

Chris Hargreaves services?

Posted: 03 May 2015, 20:44
by tomogull
stefano wrote:
I was surprised to see Stefano's response, Andy - he must be in a particularly grumpy mood today ! I have no problem whatsoever in anyone supporting more than one team. I've got old mates who have moved away because of work or to get as far away as possible from mother-in-laws (or ex-wives). They support the team where they're living because it is logistically not possible, or too expensive, to get to many Torquay matches. But they always look for Torquay's results and want to know what's happening at Plainmoor. Another mate who is a Plainmoor 'regular' moved to the area about thirty years ago from Manchester where he supported Stockport County. He still thinks of himself as a Stockport supporter and religiously checks on their results. My problem is the thousands of sofa Man Utd, Liverpool or Chelsea 'supporters' who won't get off their ars*s to support their local team.

Going back to Hargreaves, I hope he succeeds and gets us back into Div 2 as soon as possible so we can come up to Bootham Crescent and show you what you're missing. As stefano would say ........ ;-)

Chris Hargreaves services?

Posted: 04 May 2015, 09:10
by stefano
=D You are right Tomo bouts of grumpiness does come in waves ever since my bloody bus pass arrived! ;-)

Chris Hargreaves services?

Posted: 23 May 2015, 14:50
by arcadia
It looks as though the club will keep with Chris Hargreaves who has said that he can't get players of the standard required to compete to win the league. I understand that he's stated that the players are on £345 a week but did not quote what money he's on. If Bill Phillips is Chairman he should tell Hargreaves to keep his mouth shut and get on with the job he is employed to do as he knew the circumstances when he took over from Knill. :keepie:

Chris Hargreaves services?

Posted: 23 May 2015, 22:29
by Mellow Yellow
arcadia wrote:It looks as though the club will keep with Chris Hargreaves who has said that he can't get players of the standard required to compete to win the league. I understand that he's stated that the players are on £345 a week but did not quote what money he's on. If Bill Phillips is Chairman he should tell Hargreaves to keep his mouth shut and get on with the job he is employed to do as he knew the circumstances when he took over from Knill. :keepie:

Errrrr ?

Chris Hargreaves services?

Posted: 24 May 2015, 10:18
by Southampton Gull
You'll have to excuse arcadia, football isn't his strongest subject ;-)

Chris Hargreaves services?

Posted: 24 May 2015, 22:35
by arcadia
[quote="Southampton Gull"]You'll have to excuse arcadia, football isn't his strongest subject ;-)[/quote

It just shows that you know nothing about team spirit or how to manage a football club. I had first hand information that this was one of the problems in the dressing room you prat.

Chris Hargreaves services?

Posted: 25 May 2015, 01:31
by Scott Brehaut
arcadia wrote: It just shows that you know nothing about team spirit or how to manage a football club. I had first hand information that this was one of the problems in the dressing room you pratt.


Chris Hargreaves services?

Posted: 26 May 2015, 17:05
by happytorq
Scott Brehaut wrote: *prat


I remember having this discussion/argument ad nauseum when I was at school. I seem to be in a minority of one in the "only one T" camp.

I've since decided that I knew the true path and my friends were all idiots.