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Torquay United v Boreham Wood TUE-22nd

Posted: 22 Sep 2015, 23:43
by tomogull
Too many misplaced passes, poor ball control, always second to loose balls, powder puff in attack, no wing play except from Hurst and even he wasn't accurate tonight. There was an Argyle fan stood next to me and at the end of the match, he said "You know what the biggest problem is? Lack of confidence". I think he's absolutely right. The other factor that has to be taken into consideration is the morale of the players. However much they try to put it to the background, what is happening off field must affect them as they wonder what their future is.

Despite losing tonight, I thought there were some positives. Durrell Berry had a good game. I thought Bell was having a good game in the first half - neat passing and winning tackles. He faded a bit in the second half but that's probably due to lack of games. I think he could be a useful signing. The idea of pushing Butler and Hurst forward sort of half worked I thought. Hurst looked more comfortable than Butler in that role but there's nothing to stop Butler playing in his usual left back position and going forward as Nico used to. I'd prefer to see a back four of Berry, Angus, Smith and Butler. Having said all that, our last five games have been against Guiseley, Welling, Kidderminster, Bromley and Boreham Wood - three of those games at home - and we've picked up just three points. That's nailed on relegation form. When we went 2 - 0 down, I would have brought on Murombedzi and where was Quigley tonight? I hope he hasn't returned to Bournemouth.

Torquay United v Boreham Wood TUE-22nd

Posted: 22 Sep 2015, 23:44
by Scott Brehaut
Granted, not as much as some, but I've invested too much of my time, effort, money and holidays/travelling time to give up on this club right now.

Tonight is a low ebb, yet I still feel slightly encouraged by some of the reports on here. We just need some of this luck to rub off on us. We need the board to act quickly and get a manager in ASAP, yet equally need them to pick the right one. I feel that the next manager is the one who will make or break this club. Get it right and our season could be reinvigorated, get it wrong and I fear it's goodnight.

Torquay United v Boreham Wood TUE-22nd

Posted: 22 Sep 2015, 23:50
by SteveDeckchair
What a load of miserable doom mongers some of our fans are. I wonder if some of them even went tonight? It's going to be a long tough season so why don't you find somewhere else to spread your misery. You are adding nothing to out current situation. Jeez, some people......

Regards the game, I'm not sure what people expect after Saturday. Of course we were nervous defensively but we lost to two free kicks and BW didn't threaten us too much in open play.

Supporters were fantastic tonight. We need to get behind our young inexperienced team like never before. Time to stand up and be counted like never before. Those there tonight got it. Time for you keyboard warriors to do your bit too.

Torquay United v Boreham Wood TUE-22nd

Posted: 23 Sep 2015, 07:38
by Oil Beef Hooked
bobby93 wrote:Perhaps I'm in the minority but I don't think we were awful this evening. We weren't good either, of course, but performance wise I think there were passages of play that were promising. We were never going to bounce back and win this 4-0. We haven't got it in us at the moment. The best we can say is that if we had defended set pieces properly, we could have scraped a 1-0 win and I think we would have deserved that.

Very pleased to have Durrell back. He and Hurst were the standout performers for me. Exodus has been found out. I would drop Butler back to left back and pair Angus with either Smith or this new chap. Then maybe give Murombedzi or someone else a run out on the left wing.

The main thing we are lacking is stability. We have an average group of players with one or two talented individuals. If we can find a level-headed, manager who sticks by his team, I think the wins will start to come back. We aren't going to achieve much this season, perhaps even next season, but after a few days of thinking this might genuinely be curtains for us, I am now starting to think that with some expectation management, we will probably be fine. A lot is resting on the managerial appointment, apparently coming in the next 7-10 days.

I think there are a lot of things wrong with our club at present, and a lot of lessons are being learned by those in charge. We are quite clearly a work in progress and this is an incredibly frustrating time. But it is still September. The season does not end until May.

I'd like to echo the words of others on here and across the internet by thanking the fans of Plymouth Argyle, Exeter City and all the other clubs (I saw shirts from Wycombe, Swansea and others) who turned up tonight. A fantastic gesture from them that will not be forgotten. I hope the anti-City chanting was taken in good humour...

Added in 26 minutes 21 seconds:
Just a few extra comments to Bobby's post above:

- Ex as Captain isn't working. We need someone more vocal and who's not afraid of putting a shift in - Gus anyone?

- As someone else had mentioned, we are certainly lacking confidence on the pitch. Hardly surprising given the off field turmoil at the moment. We need a decent manager and some stability. Trivia question - how many managers, including assistant managers that have stepped in for 1 or more games have we had over the last 3-5 years?

- The atmosphere last night was incredible. New songs/ chants, flags, banners and the use of mobile phone torches. Probably the best atmosphere we've had at Plainmoor in a while - brilliant. That should now be our benchmark for future games. Also a huge thank you to the Plymouth, Exeter, Yeovil et al supporters who came last night. Your support means a lot to us. :bow:


Torquay United v Boreham Wood TUE-22nd

Posted: 23 Sep 2015, 07:47
by samuel
Passing was poor but generally I thought we were a bit unlucky last night. No breaks at all. I am with the positive brigade, this is not the time for desertion. Stick with the team. I can't remember who said it (perhaps tomogull, gullin2places or Scott) but perhaps the only way out of this in the absence of a millionaire, is for the fans to turn up in numbers. The atmosphere was quite good last night, imagine what it could be like with 3000. It's a bumpy ride for sure but Breed and Philips seem genuine people committed to the cause. This is NOT the time for giving up, come on Taxilady and others, lets get over this spell UNITED, that's what the name of this club is all about.

Torquay United v Boreham Wood TUE-22nd

Posted: 23 Sep 2015, 07:53
by Lloyder5
I agree with Bobby93, there were some glimpses of better things to come. I have seen three games, Woking, Cheltenham and Boreham Wood and what those teams seem to have in common is fairly limited ambition, they set up in a very compact way, keep things very simple and wait for the opposition to make mistakes. Is that the National League house style away from home? To do this successfully you have to avoid making silly mistakes like jumping over the ball when defending a free kick. Stability, confidence and composure 'could' have seen those teams beaten. Lots of work to be done.

Torquay United v Boreham Wood TUE-22nd

Posted: 23 Sep 2015, 09:34
by Tarrboy1
I too remain optimistic. I didn't feel that way last night but after a nights sleep, optimism has to be the overwhelming emotion.

Yes, we are completely lacking in confidence but you've got to hope that the new manager will be able to turn that around. I still think we have signed some decent players for this level and its just a case of fitting them in to a proper formation, giving them that will to win and add one or two in the rights areas. We need a centre half (please get rid of the Ex!!) and a centre mid, although I think Bell could be decent enough.

I know its tough but we have to remain positive.

Torquay United v Boreham Wood TUE-22nd

Posted: 23 Sep 2015, 10:01
by lucusmc
There big lad up top only signed for them yesterday! It seems like every team we've played this year have had a big striker up top. A typical non league striker in many ways. We do not have that presence!!

Torquay United v Boreham Wood TUE-22nd

Posted: 23 Sep 2015, 14:22
by tomogull
Oil Beef Hooked wrote:
Spot on, OBH. I also agree with Bobby93's post (in fact, it was almost the same as mine I was bashing out on the keyboard when his appeared on the Forum !). Sadly, Geoghaghon is not the answer. He played for Nuneaton last season and look where they are. Angus as captain? Hmmm - not convinced but I don't see anyone else capable of filling the role. He seems to have calmed down this season and not got involved in so many 'handbags' so perhaps the added responsibility of captain would help his game. On the other hand, John Terry regularly gets himself involved in 'handbags' and he's considered a good captain ........

Apart from me, only Tarrboy1 has mentioned Fergus Bell in their postings. I was impressed how he was getting himself involved, winning tackles and threading through some decent passes in the first half. He faded a bit in the second half but that's not surprising considering his lack of match practice. On last night's showing, he could be an important player for us.

Torquay United v Boreham Wood TUE-22nd

Posted: 23 Sep 2015, 16:47
by PL21gull
Tremendous vocal support last night, mostly lots of effort from the players (except for sure our uncommanding captain), but let down badly by the tactics - do training sessions consist of just lofting hopeful balls? I am so fed up with seeing the visiting sides play us off the park with basic football skills and tactics, with support from midfield, with movement and triangles.
Wake up management, airball does not win games, we looked threatening when playing on the deck so let's try to play as a team, a modern team.
And perhaps even try shooting low/straight and making the opposing keeper play so at the very least shots rebound off him.
And setting up a defensive wall - for the second goal we had 4 defenders blocking the centre of the goal with our keeper behind them; the strikes were excellent, skimming over the slick surface, but both sides of the goal were left available. Why?

Torquay United v Boreham Wood TUE-22nd

Posted: 23 Sep 2015, 19:10
by brucie
Scott - I'm not so sure who is rubbing their hands with glee? - I could have predicted we would lose on Saturday to an in form Bromley but actually thought we would win last night. To lose again to a part time bunch of no hopers who are actually worse than us leaves me depressed beyond belief.
Got to say a massive thank you to the Plymouth fans who turned up. That is a fantastic effort. The crowd of 1700 was actually staggering.
The plain fact is though that fans are just not going to turn up to watch this garbage.
Ok I have only seen the Cheltenham game this season but that's all I needed to. The major fault with this team is Exodus G. He is the worst centre half I have ever seen.
This is the position that needs addressing - a decent centre half must be the priority of the new manager. Possibly with the return of Heslop and Courtenay Richards along with Berry and a new central defender we maybe strong enough to get a result or two perhaps.
Remember there are a whole host of bloody abyssmal teams in this league as well.
We need to get a new manager in - who must abandon this ridiculous formation, kick out Exodus who is a liability and start getting us some points pretty damn quick.

Torquay United v Boreham Wood TUE-22nd

Posted: 23 Sep 2015, 20:19
by Trojan 67
SteveDeckchair wrote:What a load of miserable doom mongers some of our fans are.
The ones who moan most weren't there last night and were not missed. It was my first game at Plainmoor since the game v Wrexham, FA Trophy semi final. Compared to THAT game, last night was a cracker, the atmosphere electric and I enjoyed it. Pick of the bunch for me were Hurst and Berry. Hurst won more than a fair share in the air - I'd push him further up front.


Torquay United v Boreham Wood TUE-22nd

Posted: 23 Sep 2015, 21:37
by DaveysBarTab
Exodus.... wow what a decline. So good early season, so bad last night. Is he carrying an injury?

Torquay United v Boreham Wood TUE-22nd

Posted: 23 Sep 2015, 22:16
by CP Gull
DaveysBarTab wrote:Exodus.... wow what a decline. So good early season, so bad last night. Is he carrying an injury?
Actually the answer to that is YES! I was told by someone who knows, that he has been "playing through the pain barrier" for the last couple of games, so whatever some of us may think of him he surely deserves some credit for that. It would have been all too easy for him to pull out of recent games but he has soldiered on. I would rather that than some of the "sick notes" we have seen in recent seasons that would have been on a heck of a lot more money than big EX .... Shaun Cooper and Ben Harding being just a couple of examples.

Torquay United v Boreham Wood TUE-22nd

Posted: 24 Sep 2015, 09:20
by PhilGull
CP Gull wrote: Actually the answer to that is YES! I was told by someone who knows, that he has been "playing through the pain barrier" for the last couple of games, so whatever some of us may think of him he surely deserves some credit for that. It would have been all too easy for him to pull out of recent games but he has soldiered on. I would rather that than some of the "sick notes" we have seen in recent seasons that would have been on a heck of a lot more money than big EX .... Shaun Cooper and Ben Harding being just a couple of examples.
Makes the management look even worse! Why the hell is he playing? Most managers would have used the smallest 'injury' excuse to quietly drop him and use it as an excuse to change to a back four.