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Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 28 Dec 2013, 22:02
by SuperNickyWroe
Boxing Day sales.

what is that all about?

sad ba**ards.

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 20:49
by EmetEdadsBeard
SuperNickyWroe wrote:Boxing Day sales.

what is that all about?

sad ba**ards.
Did you see the traditional Harrods one on the news? You know the one when in days gone by people would sleep overnight to save money on a fur coat or a settee or something?
It looked like another tsunami was running down Brompton Road, it was a sea of Japs fighting their way into the store! :}

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 29 Dec 2013, 21:10
by AustrianAndyGull
SuperNickyWroe wrote:Boxing Day sales.

what is that all about?

sad ba**ards.
and they think it is badgers that need culling! :no:

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 10 Jan 2014, 17:31
by ferrarilover
How, how how how how how is the average speed of traffic in the UK so bloody low?

Driving home today, perfectly happily. A busy time, but not in central town, so should have been relatively quiet. Turned right at a mini roundabout and came up behind a 1,000,000 year old man driving a very old Range Rover. He was doing an indicated 18mph, so probably realistically around 15mph in a 30. Having given him a little flash to suggest he might like to stop driving like a **** and get his boot down (to which there was, predictably, no response) I overtook. The road for a stretch ahead was clear and, by the time I got to the NSL zone some half a mile ahead, I'd come up behind another moron doing 30.
I followed him until I came to the traffic lights over a narrow bridge, which, predictably, were red. Just as the lights change, who should plod up behind us and sail straight through on green? Yep, Mr Range Rover. So, we follow the 30mph loser along for a little bit and leave Mr RR long behind us. Just as I think about overtaking, I spot a flashing orange light ahead of us and decide to see that that is before going past. Lo and behold, it's a sodding great lorry going EVEN SLOWER than everyone else. So, we follow the lorry along at a snail's pace and who should pop up behind us but Mr RR. He catches us just as he turns off onto a side road having not once (presumably) exceeded 20mph.

How on Earth is the average speed along 5 miles of road, 4.5 of which are subject to a 60mph limit, less than 20mph? What's the matter with people?


Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 10 Jan 2014, 18:45
by Gullscorer
Matt, henceforth you should be known as rangeroverlover.. =D

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 21:43
by Scott Brehaut ... -new-drugs

I sincerely hope they are not expecting anybody to feel sorry for the fact that this guy suffered whilst they were trying to execute him.

Reading what the guy did, it seems that he didn't suffer enough....they should have killed him very, very, very, very slowly and agonisingly - I do, however, have some degree of sympathy for his children who had to watch it, but that pales into insignificance when I read what he did.

What happened to the above should have happened to this guy: ... ive-years/

Yep, you read that right (if you read it!!) the guy who had over a million images of kiddie porn on his computer, the majority at stage 5 (the highest, most disturbing images around), got just five years inside - FIVE YEARS!!!! What an abomination of a sentence. I'm ashamed to share an island with scum like this.
As far as I'm concerned he should be killed - plain and simple.

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 21:54
by AustrianAndyGull
I totally agree Scott and await the 'he has been given a sentence so he should be allowed to serve it then get on with his life' that is usually trotted out. That's fine ordinarily but this bloke is not a burglar, he hasn't just got hammered and drove home. He is sick in the head and will continue to be so when he gets released therefore the courts have essentially contributed to more kids suffering when he gets out as he will just carry on where he left off. Personally I would just get rid or at the very least bang him up until he perishes inside. The sad thing is that if it was a crime where some money was involved like a bank job he'd have got 20 years. Also what has the internet become? I don't know much about it but surely, surely people making and distributing this stuff can be found? It's just f*cking madness to believe that anyone can put anything out there for all and sundry and there is no way of banning them or sending the police round when something criminal pops up? I take it this is what is happening then? Insanity.

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 22:00
by SuperNickyWroe
bit harsh that scott.

he/they should be castrated without anaesthetic first and then done slowly.

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 16 Jan 2014, 22:01
by AustrianAndyGull
Also, is it me or can you not walk anywhere nowadays without sidestepping on paths and pavements to avoid big thick wads of spit? It's all over the place and many a time I just see people randomly gozzing on the floor! Even young kids like about 6 years old! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU DIRTY BAST*RDS?!!! Commonplace now. Scrubbers!!!

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 25 Feb 2014, 17:08
by EmetEdadsBeard
Six months ago I started a new job with Canal & River Trust. It entails driving around a lot from canal lock to bridge to base, much of it along country lanes. Its lovely, out in the countryside, fresh air, wildlife, and doing a job I enjoy. What's to rant about I hear you ask?

You wouldn't believe how much crap is dumped in the rivers and canals, I never thought about it until I started working on them but everywhere we go there's plastic bottles and countless other crap floating around. It's disgusting, but that pales into insignificance compared with the amount of fly tipping that we see.
Dozens and dozens of tyres, one every few yards obviously thrown from the back of a pick up, bags full of general waste, furniture you could fill a house with and one day half a dozen TVs dumped at the side of the road! The people leaving this crap everywhere (there's a big pikey site in the middle of the main area where this happens) are having to load this stuff into their vans and drive it away anyway, WHY NOT TAKE IT AN EXTRA 3 MILES TO THE OFFICIAL SITE YOU DIRTY PIKEY FOOKWITS?
Then again they don't pay any council tax so it's up to other people to fund the clean up (which happens about once a fortnight).

Then they wonder why there's always resistance when they want to set up camp anywhere. :@ :@ :@

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 14:27
by Gullscorer
Young people consume more alcohol than most other groups in society. And these days, more and more young women.

And so a growing problem is more and more young women consuming alcohol during pregnancy, despite being warned of the dangers to their unborn children. Are they really unaware of the dangers, or do they really not care?

About 7000 children are born in the UK each year with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. But if just one child is affected by Foetal Alcohol Syndrome, that is one child too many.

Foetal Alcohol Syndrome is the biggest cause of non-genetic mental handicap in the western world and the only one that is 100% preventable.

Ladies, pregnancy and alcohol don't mix. Do you really love alcohol more than your unborn child..??

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 17:21
by EmetEdadsBeard
Don't think its sunk in yet, nobody has the slightest interest. :zzz: :zzz:

God knows what she did to you to make you dislike women so much, but I think from the cack you keep putting on this site she had a lucky escape :-/

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 18:25
by ferrarilover
For someone with such strong feelings about mental illness etc, your last post shows a catastrophic lack both in understanding of and compassion for those afflicted by the mental illness of addiction. Still, just as long as it's only evil, nasty women who suffer, I guess we needn't care... :}


Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 19:32
by Gullscorer
Can't imagine what makes certain people think I don't like women. I love 'em. It's not me who has an obsession; just two or three others, out of the many members of this forum who form the silent majority..

And if I don't post items of intelligence, importance, and essential interest, who will..??

Can't allow the forum to be dumbed down too far, can we, Matt..?? :-D

Whinge, Moan, Rant And Anything Else Put It Here ...

Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 19:54
by EmetEdadsBeard
ferrarilover wrote:For someone with such strong feelings about mental illness etc, your last post shows a catastrophic lack both in understanding of and compassion for those afflicted by the mental illness of addiction. Still, just as long as it's only evil, nasty women who suffer, I guess we needn't care... :}

I'm not sure who that is aimed at Matt.
I have realised that Gullscorer is addicted to trolling the internet and particularly Youtube for crap uninteresting videos about the empowerment of women and boring everyone else with them.
Is that classed as the mental illness of addiction?
If so then do us a favour and send for the men in white coats and green vans and do us all (well me at least) a favour... :-o