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Great article in 'When Saturday Comes' June 2019 issue

Posted: 11 May 2019, 08:56
by gillygull
Great four page article/ photographs of the Woking away game in this month's 'When Saturday Comes'. They made it the 'Match of the Month'. Describes the game as the 'River Plate v Boca Juniors of the National League South'! Worth £3.75 for the article alone!

Great article in 'When Saturday Comes' June 2019 issue

Posted: 11 May 2019, 11:29
Yes, gillygull, my copy arrived to-day and a pleasant surprise to see the well-written article. It will be interesting to read the extent to which fans who went to the match recognise the description of the atmosphere etc. The River Plate v Boca Juniors comment brought to mind our old chant of "Brazil from the West Country".

Have subscribed to When Saturday Comes for years now as it certainly provides some alternative takes on what is otherwise a Premiership dominated media coverage of the sport. Its TV Watch column is often wryly amusing together with a usually well-informed Letters page.

Great article in 'When Saturday Comes' June 2019 issue

Posted: 11 May 2019, 13:23
by fred
Thanks for the heads up on this gillygull!!!! Purchased this morning for the first time in years and enjoyed our article and am currently working my way though this excellent publication. Worth pointing out its in the June edition as it is sealed on the shelf. The comment ,If you drop far enough you become a big club, was a sad reminder of the the last decade but hopefully on the up now!!!