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Has anyone else bought a student ticket?

Posted: 24 May 2011, 14:23
by tommygull
I am waiting to hear back from the club regarding my ticket which I bought yesterday havign been told that students were included in concessionary prices.

Today it was brought to my attention that they are now telling people that students are not included.

If anyone else is in my situation then I implore you to try and contact the club as I am not getting through and have exams all this week so cannot commit much time to the cause.

Cheers guys

Re: Has anyone else bought a student ticket?

Posted: 24 May 2011, 14:26
by CP Gull
Not being a student myself ..... but all I can say is that I was in the queue yesterday and someone in front of me asked whether there were concessions for students and was told NO. It appears that the concessions apply to 16 year olds and under and 60 years old and over. Sorry.

Re: Has anyone else bought a student ticket?

Posted: 24 May 2011, 14:26
by AlexGulls
My mate brought a Concession one because he asked if Students were included and they said they were aslong as you had a Student Card etc to proove your a Student....And to make your you have it with you up there in case.

Re: Has anyone else bought a student ticket?

Posted: 24 May 2011, 14:28
by Plymouth Gull
I didn't get a student ticket, even though I kind of expected to. It's expensive, but I didn't want to run the risk of getting there and then not being allowed in, or something.

Re: Has anyone else bought a student ticket?

Posted: 24 May 2011, 14:32
by basil75
Maybe it's worth going straight to the horses mouth and phoning Old Trafford to ask?

Re: Has anyone else bought a student ticket?

Posted: 24 May 2011, 16:53
by tommygull
I just got through to Torquay - they never replied to my email.

Students are NOT included as thought. She did not offer a solution but told me that I will be called back 'at some point' to tell me what to do.

This is not what I need right now.

Re: Has anyone else bought a student ticket?

Posted: 24 May 2011, 16:58
by tangull
I have, under assured instruction from the club that this is absolutely fine providing you bring your student card with you. If i later find out this is incorrect I will be absolutely fuming, though I highly doubt OT will be in a position to refuse entry on this basis and considering they have given this information to so many supporters. Was prepared to pay the full price before they advised me of student discount but there is absolutely no way I will be prepared to do so now they have already sold me my consession rate.

EDIT: Tommygull just seen your post...WHAT!! This is an absolute joke what another absolute balls up from the club! Whats going to happen to the supporters who have brought consessions who aren't on this forum? I'm sorry but im struggling to find a reason why they should get my full payment easily now at the moment if this is the way this mess has been organised. I am so overly sick of being told consistent wrong information always at the benefit of the clubs pockets - i'm all for contributing to the club but a bit of consistency & organisation wouldn't go amiss.

Re: Has anyone else bought a student ticket?

Posted: 24 May 2011, 17:20
by tommygull
I just got the return call and you will not be allowed in with a student card. You HAVE to call the club and pay the extra 13/18 quid to make it into an adult ticket. I just had to.

They were very apologetic however!

Re: Has anyone else bought a student ticket?

Posted: 24 May 2011, 17:36
by tangull
tommygull wrote:I just got the return call and you will not be allowed in with a student card. You HAVE to call the club and pay the extra 13/18 quid to make it into an adult ticket. I just had to.

They were very apologetic however!

Thanks for the info. Urgh why couldn't I have been told that 24 hours ago! I dread to think how many other people won't be aware of that.

Re: Has anyone else bought a student ticket?

Posted: 24 May 2011, 17:59
by Modgull
I bought 6 tickets yesterday, 3 adult and 3 student WITHOUT HAVING TO SHOW A STUDENT CARD MYSELF (I am a dad!). The student price is half of the full price. The tickets are stamped with the word "Concession" so the students using them are required to show their NUS card at the turnstile.

Re: Has anyone else bought a student ticket?

Posted: 24 May 2011, 18:02
by clemy1989
as mentioned above all you need is your student card on the gate to get in.

Re: Has anyone else bought a student ticket?

Posted: 24 May 2011, 18:22
by tangull
Modgull wrote:I bought 6 tickets yesterday, 3 adult and 3 student WITHOUT HAVING TO SHOW A STUDENT CARD MYSELF (I am a dad!). The student price is half of the full price. The tickets are stamped with the word "Concession" so the students using them are required to show their NUS card at the turnstile.
From what I can understnad, the issues seems to be now that whereas yesterday they were selling 'consession' tickets to students providing they show the student cards at OT turnstiles, the club are now saying that there is no such thing as 'student' tickets regardless of whether or not you have a student card & all student must now pay for adult tickets. Am I correct?

Re: Has anyone else bought a student ticket?

Posted: 24 May 2011, 18:52
by tommygull
Just to make this clear, you will not be allowed into old trafford with a concessionary ticket unless you are over 60 or under 16. Being a student or having a student card do not get you in even with a concessionary ticket. Thats the rules!

Re: Has anyone else bought a student ticket?

Posted: 24 May 2011, 19:31
by Modgull
SORRY BUT - I see elsewhere that the problem over the 60/65 limit for age concessions was due to the fact that the individual clubs were allowed to use their own concession policies against the £26,£36, £40, £46 and £56 headline prices.

This is why we used 65 but Stevenage used 60.

We eventually conceded on a 60 limit only for equality with Stevenage.

So what about the application of TUFC's student concession policy? It was being applied on Sunday and Monday (when I got my lad and his friends' tickets) and on what basis has the policy been withdrawn.

Please do not tell me it is down to MUFC or the FL - I'm sure we have been told previously that the Clubs' policies apply.

Re: Has anyone else bought a student ticket?

Posted: 24 May 2011, 19:37
by Fonda
Reading between the lines...i'd suggest our club should never have been offering concessions for students. I don't see any suggestion the rule has suddenly changed...