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Buckle interview

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 21:00
by rodneyjackjackjack" onclick=";return false;

Just listened to the interview of Paul Buckle and it made me very angry for the lack of respect he shows to Torquay by publicly admitting he would opening take any of our players. His arrogance is really shocking and if he could do that to Torquay he will do it to Rovers as well. If he continues sniffing around Torquay United for players and takes any other of our key players god knows what the future holds to Torquay.

Re: Buckle interview

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 21:04
by AlexGulls
All we can do is price them out. All of our players (Excluding Branston and Stevens) are under contract. I wouldnt entertain any bids from Rovers unless they were serious money not Buckle trying to get a bargain because he used to be here.

Re: Buckle interview

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 21:04
by happytorq
rodneyjackjackjack wrote:

Just listened to the interview of Paul Buckle and it made me very angry for the lack of respect he shows to Torquay by publicly admitting he would opening take any of our players. If he continues our football club future is looking very bleak.
As mentioned elsewhere, though - our team only finished 7th last season. That's ok for little old Torquay, but I'm sure his new paymasters will be looking for something better. Some of our players are out of contract, true, but the majority of them still have at least one year to run and will require a fee. If we must sell - and the perception seems to be that as soon as someone shows up with a cheque we'll cave - I hope we can use the incoming cash to fund the rebuild.

but we need a manager first!!

Re: Buckle interview

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 21:18
by Dave
Least we forget that when buckle here,he knew Tisdale's plans,i believe he knew Tisdale was considering moves for Sills and Benyon,he knew which players he could go back for and get,and duely did,aswell as snapping up Sills and Benyon as quick as he could.

He has done the same to us,and no doubt should he be sucsessful with rovers he will do the same to them,Buckle is a climber,Buckle will climb all over the back backs of everyone around him and stamp on anyone who gets in his way,he wants to make to the top and believe's this to be the way to achieve this in my opinion.

As said above and i agree,our club have to put stick a high price tag on our contracted playes and make sure the squeeze every penny whoever makes an offer for them,lets not be blinkered here Bristol Rovers will not be the only club in the market for some of our better players.

Re: Buckle interview

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 21:24
by gullno4
Who knows what offers the board are going to accept :@ I think he'll be back for zebs, obviously branston, and probably okane who they won't be able to afford

Re: Buckle interview

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 21:28
by happytorq
If Zebs has to go, I hope Buckle makes a double swoop for him and then signs Paul Wooton from Yeovil. :@

Re: Buckle interview

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 21:32
by Plymouth Gull
forevertufc wrote:Least we forget that when buckle here,he knew Tisdale's plans,i believe he knew Tisdale was considering moves for Sills and Benyon,he knew which players he could go back for and get,and duely did,aswell as snapping up Sills and Benyon as quick as he could.

He has done the same to us,and no doubt should he be sucsessful with rovers he will do the same to them,Buckle is a climber,Buckle will climb all over the back backs of everyone around him and stamp on anyone who gets in his way,he wants to make to the top and believe's this to be the way to achieve this in my opinion.

As said above and i agree,our club have to put stick a high price tag on our contracted playes and make sure the squeeze every penny whoever makes an offer for them,lets not be blinkered here Bristol Rovers will not be the only club in the market for some of our better players.
Sills, Benyon, Hargreaves, Nicholson were all lined up for City before Buckle stole in.

Re: Buckle interview

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 21:32
by gullno4
Is zebs definitely off?

Re: Buckle interview

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 21:35
by Dave
gullno4 wrote:Is zebs definitely off?
Who knows?Should imagine there will a number of intrested clubs for Zebs and O'Kane.

Re: Buckle interview

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 21:40
by gullno4
forevertufc wrote: Who knows?Should imagine there will a number of intrested clubs for Zebs and O'Kane.
SG most probably! I'll be surprised if we see zebroski or okane in a Torquay shirt next season :L hopefully they'll stay but just can't see it :(

Re: Buckle interview

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 21:42
by PlainmoorRoar
Jeez listening to that interview, can't believe i liked this tit through thick and thin

Re: Buckle interview

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 21:47
by divingbboy
PlainmoorRoar wrote:Jeez listening to that interview, can't believe i liked this tit through thick and thin
It's not necessarily wrong that he's come after Torquay players, but there's definitely a dignified way of behaving, and that interview isn't it. A little humility and less apparent glee at asset-stripping the club wouldn't go amiss. He can basically say the same thing in a much better and respectful way.

Re: Buckle interview

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 21:49
by Dave
gullno4 wrote: SG most probably! I'll be surprised if we see zebroski or okane in a Torquay shirt next season :L hopefully they'll stay but just can't see it :(
Would still only be speculation even from Dave at the moment,i think its fair to say offer's would have been received for O'Kane and Zebs again thats me speculating,all us fans can do is wait until a new manager is appointed,it will be difficult come what may for the new manager to keep hold of O'Kane he is set for bigger things,even bigger than Rovers i.m.o.My hope is that the new boss will however be able to convince Zebs to stay should he be the managers plans.

Re: Buckle interview

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 21:49
by Plymouth Gull
"I'm not going to come on the radio and lie"


Only for the past few weeks, yeah?

Re: Buckle interview

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 22:01
by Fonda
Why is he discussing our players? You'd think having behaved the way he did in the last month of his tenure as our manager, he'd be reluctant to say anything remotely contentious about our club and it's players. He knows exactly what he's doing - it's unsettling the players we have here that he's interested in. He knows our financial situation. He's done nothing wrong up to now - by signing out of contract players we can have no complaints. But he will surely lose respect of even most pro-Buckle element of our support if he starts making derisory offers for our contracted players. Not that that will bother him. Why would he think ripping off his old club is reasonable behaviour? What is he trying to prove? When that phone rings, it's up to our chairman to treat him with the same contempt he's displaying to our club. Unfortunately, i can't remember the last time an offer came in for one of our players and wasn't ultimately successful.