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Successful Season?

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 13:30
by nicktufc
Following on from the play off final last year, what do you guys geniunly think our final position will be this season?

I think we have a lot of rebuilding work to do, but would be quite disappointed if the progress we have made goes down the pan, so would be pretty unhappy with anywhere in the bottom 3rd of the table.

We do have a lot of recruitment needed on and off the field, we have the building work going on, but the nucleus of a good squad with people like Eunan, Mark Ellis, Manse, Zebs etc.

For me, anywhere 12th and upwards would be good, and 12-16th would be pretty average.

Anybody feel we're in for 24th place, or possibly a tilt at winning the Championship?

Re: Successful Season?

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 13:33
by Gashead1979
nicktufc wrote:Following on from the play off final last year, what do you guys geniunly think our final position will be this season?

I think we have a lot of rebuilding work to do, but would be quite disappointed if the progress we have made goes down the pan, so would be pretty unhappy with anywhere in the bottom 3rd of the table.

We do have a lot of recruitment needed on and off the field, we have the building work going on, but the nucleus of a good squad with people like Eunan, Mark Ellis, Manse, Zebs etc.

For me, anywhere 12th and upwards would be good, and 12-16th would be pretty average.

Anybody feel we're in for 24th place, or possibly a tilt at winning the Championship?


Re: Successful Season?

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 13:36
by ferrarilover
No one asked you.

Re: Successful Season?

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 13:39
by nicktufc
ferrarilover wrote:No one asked you.
I'm not even going to bother replying to the Gash posters, let's just try and get on with our own forum! :lol:

Re: Successful Season?

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 13:42
by ferrarilover
Good plan Nick.

Regards your actual post, I haven't a clue where we will finish, because far too much has changed since last year. It's tough enough with TUFC as it is, without adding in extra confusing factors.

I'll plump for 9th.


Re: Successful Season?

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 13:43
by tufcbrett
Gashead1979 wrote:
Im for one dont think were be anywhere near winning the league. Personaly i can see us around the playoffs if not just outside. I wouldnt mind sneaking in at the end as the form team.

All depends what Mr Ling does in the transfer market and pre season ect.
If he can make Billy lose weight and work on his pace, we have a perfectly good enough striker who could score 20 goals a season if he put pulled his finger out.
Then with Zebs and anyone else we add to the squad. Theres really no reason why we cant have a decent season. Plus we will add a new keeper and aybe few defenders and could have a decent defence again.

Dont rule us out for anything, but dont expect nothing at the same time :lol:

Re: Successful Season?

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 13:48
by Dave
At the moment it is difficult to guess on any likely finish, until we the fans see what the final make up of our squad is,we all know next season is going to be though,and right now i will take a safe mid table finish and be delighted with that,we still have a playing squad of 16 and do not think it will take much in the way of decent additions to achieve a safe mid table finish,once,if we ever see any new signings my opinion may change.

I would also like to add,i think far to much is being made of the lack of signings or the clubs finances,yep i am well aware our club can not go splashing much in the way of transfer fee's,on the flip side however our club are not the worst wage payers in this league,and just because we have seen no new players,that in it self does not mean all we will see is a bunch of trialists either.

My general point is,it is far,far to early to start being negative about next season,there is still time,and plenty of decent players left availble,lets just wait and see who does arrive,and then judge.

Re: Successful Season?

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 13:49
by monkeyboy
The board see this year as one of transition with a lot of emphasis on the infrastructure of the club, with that in mind I believe that they will be looking at a successful season being one with decent cup runs and a mid-table position. Of course, as with last season, we would all take an "over achievement" play-off place, though realistically with the strength of our league this year an automatic place is just out of reach.

Re: Successful Season?

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 13:56
by royalgull
it's just too early to say. We haven't got anywhere near our finished squad. We need a good start, just to get over any playoff hangover and for the new boys to gel quickly.

Who would have seriously predicted 7th place for us at the start of last season? I'd have settled for 15th, so who knows. It could easily happen again, or we could struggle it all depends on who Ling can bring in to support our threadbare squad. Again somewhere around 12th-16th with no danger of relegation with the club improvements going on would be a very good year for us. it's a massive year for us as a club to make sure we don't struggle. If we can be around the top 7 then great if not it's imperative we're nowhere near the bottom, relegation with the ground and training improvements doesn't even bare thinking about.

As for the Rovers fans giving it the big un, we'll see. Bigger clubs than you have come down, spent more and finished nowhere. Of all the players you've signed only Stanley and Gill are two players i'd really have liked to see us take. No one was particularly bothered about Bevan going, jury's out on Carayol and the centre forward you've bought has never scored more than 9 goals in a season before. My prediciton is top 7 for you guys but I would not be surprised if you finished 11th or around that area in the slightest.

Re: Successful Season?

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 14:15
by Regiment
nicktufc wrote: I'm not even going to bother replying to the Gash posters, let's just try and get on with our own forum! :lol:
well said nick, one of the simplest but best posts. :-D

as for the coming season, as Matt suggested, there's no such thing as normal with our club, or indeed predictable, but like the original post, i'd be disappointed if we finished below about 14th. would like to see how the squad shapes up in the next few weeks (assuming it shapes up at all), but ever the optimist, with the right signings, keeping the players we currently have, i'm hoping to be in and around the play-off mix. however, i'm guessing we'll get that place that nobody really wants - 8th. A very tough division to call this year, lots of sides capable of doing well.

Re: Successful Season?

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 14:16
by AustrianAndyGull
It is not wise to comment until we have our squad assembled prior to the season kick off but comment i will anyway! I believe that if M/L gets us within 10 points of a play off spot i would consider it a successful season. Yes i am optimistic and i still await news of players coming in but in losing Bevan, Stanley and Branno who not only were the spine of team but they were there to communicate and get the rest of the players organised. I feel we need another Branston type player to come in in order to add a bit of steel as it is not quite there anymore. Goalscoring will be a problem and i anticipate the arrival of a couple of strikers. All in all a mid table finish for me pretty much regardless of who we bring in, unless Messi wants to swap Catalonia for Torbay?!

Re: Successful Season?

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 14:17
by hector
I think people prediciting a play-off campaign or around that area are going to be sorely disappointed. I really do expect us to be flirting around the relegation area. I just hope we have enough to be not too worried by it.

Re: Successful Season?

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 14:26
by kingsgull
HEART 1st :clap: :scarf:

HEAD 18th-20th 8/ :keepie:

Re: Successful Season?

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 14:28
by JamieE
Obviously, it depends on who Ling brings in. The basis of a good team is still there. Nicholson, Robertson, Ellis, Mansell, O'Kane, Zebs and Kee - all good players who played a part last year and six of them are guaranteed a first team spot (Ling will need to choose between Robbo and Ellis to play alongside another, Saah perhaps?) We do however need two goalkeepers, a right back, a centre half, a winger and two strikers minimum. These players will dictate whether we'll do as well as last year, or we struggle.

Re: Successful Season?

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 14:43
by gullno4