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Lee Thorpe Named & Shamed

Posted: 13 Sep 2011, 13:29
by davegull1
I see last night watching Dispatches report on players that were caught testing positive for cocaine and Lee Thorpe of Rochdale was announced! :-/

Re: Lee Thorpe Named & Shamed

Posted: 13 Sep 2011, 13:55
by Robiberto22
Holy crap! that is a shame always seemed on the level to me i met him a few years ago when i was a wee lad and he seemed professional enuff 2 me

Re: Lee Thorpe Named & Shamed

Posted: 13 Sep 2011, 13:55
by Awayday
Don't worry he didn't snort it all the way in

Re: Lee Thorpe Named & Shamed

Posted: 13 Sep 2011, 13:56
by Robiberto22
apparantly he plays for A.F.C. Fylde now ??? who?

Re: Lee Thorpe Named & Shamed

Posted: 13 Sep 2011, 13:56
by chippygull
Didn't help him much, though , did it. He was crap here and no better there, charlie or not!! :slap:

Re: Lee Thorpe Named & Shamed

Posted: 13 Sep 2011, 13:58
by Glostergull
I have to admit I missed that programme. Did they mention any from the Prem or Championship or was he the only one singled out. would be a shame if they picked on an easy target and others not pointed out just for the sake of entertainment.

Re: Lee Thorpe Named & Shamed

Posted: 13 Sep 2011, 14:04
by davegull1
Garry O'Connor and Elvis Hammond were also named but apparantly players from Everton and Forest were tested positive...

Re: Lee Thorpe Named & Shamed

Posted: 13 Sep 2011, 17:46
by Gulliball
Robiberto22 wrote:apparantly he plays for A.F.C. Fylde now ??? who?
In the Northern first division. Two below the Blue Square North, 4 below us. Flyde is in Lancashire, a lovely place and they have a bit of money, so might be at BSN level in a few years, although they'll be competing with the likes of FC United, Chester etc

Re: Lee Thorpe Named & Shamed

Posted: 13 Sep 2011, 22:24
by AustrianAndyGull
Lee Thorpe is shit and always will be shit. Don't want to take the moral high ground here but i've never been a pro-footballer nor had an easy life like Mr Thorpe but i do have more than one brain cell which is why i have never taken drugs.

Re: Lee Thorpe Named & Shamed

Posted: 13 Sep 2011, 22:53
by robc
Er, did no one else think that the whole C4 programme was smug, self-congratulatory nonsense?! Cocaine, and other recreational drugs, in no way aid performance, so why should players get banned by the FA for taking them? The FA don't ban players who commit other illegal activities, like driving offenses or violent crimes, so why ban drug users? Now, obviously, if the player's club choose to ban/fine/sack/whatever, said player, then fine, I imagine there are contractual stipulations that allow them to do so. But for the governing body of the sport to ban players for what is essentially no different to drinking alcohol, and in many cases a far less damaging pursuit... Well put it this way, I think everyone needs to think long and hard about the whole situation before throwing, 'I'd never take drugs and therefore anyone who does is Hitler' statements about... And breath.

Re: Lee Thorpe Named & Shamed

Posted: 14 Sep 2011, 10:39
by Glostergull
In now way is drugs less harmfull to you than drink. There is more than enough evidence to support drug taking leading onto taking harder drugs and many lives being ruined with criminality. Our family has suffered in the past from the evils of drink but it doesn't compare to the evil suffered from drugs. I have lived through that too. The other thing to bear in mind is that these drug takers are also supporting the criminal element by buying and encouraging them to carry on.
That said.It also shows the unfairness of the way that fifa operate and the inequality within the game. They should also hang their heads in shame for banning the drug takers but not those who end up ruining lives after killing innocent people after drinking sessions. I would have banned that Notts County guy. Can't even remember his name. I would have banned all the Millionaires from Europe and the Prem who have done the same.
and that goes for most other crimes too.
I do remember Elvis Hammond. He played for Brizzle Rovers on loan some time ago. Can't quite remember where they got him from. I think it may have been Fulham. He didn't exactly set the place alight then.
Typical of C4 though to do an entertainment report. For that is what it essentialy was. If I am to believe the reports I am getting. It would have had a lot more respect if it had taken a proper look at the problem.
btw. rpbc. I am not sure what your last stament was meant to read. i qoute."anyone who does is Hitler' statements about... And breath". sounds like you have had a sniff of something.

Re: Lee Thorpe Named & Shamed

Posted: 14 Sep 2011, 12:37
by robc
I was using hyperbole to emphasise my point, it's a common enough technique Gloster. Believe it or not I was free of any intoxicating substances when writing that rant, it's just a topic that gets me quite worked up is all. I am not for one minute doubting that drugs can have a terribly damaging effect on families and communities. However to state that 'drugs' are more harmful than drink is a massive over simplification. Heroin? Definitely. Cocaine? Somewhat. Ecstacy, MDMA, marijuana, mushrooms, etc, largely no.

I am not saying that clubs don't have a social and legal responsibility to act in the case of (all) criminal behaviour of their employees, however the problem I have is with the lack of consistency regarding the nature of the crime. As you rightly say, Lee Hughes (although he was sacked by WBA/Cov when convicted) should never have been offered a contract in a million years after the nature of his cowardly crime.

Re: Lee Thorpe Named & Shamed

Posted: 14 Sep 2011, 12:56
by royalgull
Young men with loads of free time and disposable income spending it on drugs, booze and birds shock.

Re: Lee Thorpe Named & Shamed

Posted: 14 Sep 2011, 13:58
by lovinthatsurf
im a great believer in each to their own...but it is a worry that these footballers ( esp the big name ones ) are such role models to the young kids today..i do think they need to take that seriously and be responsible when it comes to drugs /drink /drink driving/ 3 in the bed orgies or shagging any reality tv star that opens her legs!..and the wags that take em bk time n time again...obviously value their prada handbags more than their self respect lol

Re: Lee Thorpe Named & Shamed

Posted: 14 Sep 2011, 14:28
by royalgull
No truer line than the last one. As Peter Crouch said when asked 'what would you be if you weren't a footballer?' his response...'a virgin'.