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Fanzines? (Edited with new info and suggestions for name)

Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 17:54
by bobby93
EDIT: This is happening.

If you're on Facebook, head to and 'like' the page. Make sure you tell all your fellow supporters about it too.

You'll notice on that page that I have left the zine untitled for now. I rattled out a few suggestions for names if anyone cares, just scroll down. Please feel free to suggest your own. Once this is chosen I will probably go mental and set up a Twitter page as well. 21st Century. If noone has an opinion I will probably just pick something?

Name ideas:
Highway to Hele (AC/DC reference, my personal fave)
Finger in Pies (an old Lingy quote)
Gull Finger (obvious pun on the Bond film)
Yellow Army
Watery Fowl (Fawlty Towers reference, bit thin admittedly)

My girlfriend had loads more, mostly based off popular songs with the word 'Girl' removed and 'Gull' put in it's place. Some were funny. Others not so much.

I wasn't sure where to put this. I hope people read it.

I'm interested in whether or not there are any current TUFC supporter-backed fanzines in circulation?

If not, would there be any interest from forum users in getting involved in a new one? I have some experience in releasing these things (zines - small, independent publications, typically A5 and costing about £2 for those who aren't aware), and enjoy writing ( - shameless plug). I know there are others on here who write too, so I just had this brainwave that perhaps with some organisation and discussion we could knock something out that would be worth reading - opinion pieces, serious discussion from the world of football, other musings, general fun stuff, maybe interviews with players and such if we can get them, etc.

Come on, it's fun.


Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 19:06
by AustrianAndyGull
I've asked this on a number of occasions bobby and the response I got (not surprisingly) was that nobody gives a shit.

Shame because I'm a huge fan of the old style fanzines and would love to be involved in producing a new one for us.


Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 19:11
by AustrianAndyGull
Top man for willing to give it a go though Bobby.


Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 19:48
by bobby93
Surely between the few of us who do care we could rustle something up? Think Ben would consider contributing? There's three of us that would get involved - that's two more than I'm used to! I'm still keen...


Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 20:08
by AustrianAndyGull
Yeah sounds good Bobby. I know I'm noted more for trivial banal nonsense but I also love writing and one of my interests is visiting the actual places that we play at and not just the ground itself. Sort of like a city / town day out with all that entails, history, places to see, things to do, places to eat and drink - kind of like a guide book but for footy fans. I just love lower league footy and TUFC and I'd get involved if needed man. I'm not a technology whizz or photo expert but if I can contribute any ideas, features or articles about anything then I'd be happy to do so.

Like I said though, sadly there appears to be little interest in any 'extra curricular' fansite activities from most on here which is a real shame. I've suggested things like the fanzine, footy matches 5 aside or 11 aside, TUFC fans forum nights out or meetings all to no avail. I think they are trying to tell me something. :lol:

Good luck anyway Bobby and it's good that fans like yourself want to get involved and are thinking of doing something constructive.


Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 20:15
by AustrianAndyGull
As a separate issue, I don't know why the club don't get more features and involvement with fans in their matchday programmes. It is free, interesting, can make it more value for money with greater content and gives fans a platform and made to feel part of the club. It's a no brainer for me. Sadly the programme editor seems to think not.

I actually think our programmes is one of the worst I've bought this season out of 14 clubs I've visited both in terms of content, detail, layout and features.


Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 20:45
by AustrianAndyGull
Bobby. Are you the lad who I met in the club bar at Wycombe this season with Ben, Rachel and another lad I think was there too but I've forgotten? Just checking so I can put a face to a name mate. :-D


Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 22:44
by bobby93
AustrianAndyGull wrote:Bobby. Are you the lad who I met in the club bar at Wycombe this season with Ben, Rachel and another lad I think was there too but I've forgotten? Just checking so I can put a face to a name mate. :-D
That was indeed me, well remembered! I don't go by Bobby in real life, just plain old Rob. The other lad would have been my brother Jon.

Ben tweeted me earlier (this is so 21st Century), and I know he's keen to get involved too, I think with a bit of thought and planning we can do this! I have found in life that if you just get on with something and show people what you mean, they'll cotton on and get involved sooner or later. Perhaps others on here would feel inclined to chip once they saw results. I don't know. Would you be on board as well Andy? I like the sound of looking at the various towns we play in greater detail, could be particularly interesting next season with a whole host of new towns too. That sounds like fun. I think we could stretch to having guest articles too, maybe from visiting fans and their impression of us and our town? I also know one or two very vocal but rational Argyle and City fans who may be able to give an angle on local football in general. I don't know. Just an idea.

On the subject of our programme, I think it's okay. When it got overhauled 2/3 years ago it was great but since then there hasn't been much in the way of evolution. So I am inclined to agree with you when you voice your disappointment with it. I feel like some kind of zine could co-exist nicely with the programme and ideally coax a bit more of an active engagement from some fans. We've all got stories to tell, it's just about finding the voice with which to tell it (er, cheesy...).


Posted: 27 Apr 2014, 22:52
by AustrianAndyGull
Yep, sounds good Rob. I'd be happy to submit stuff and ideas and you do with them what you see fit mate if that's ok? No probs. I've always liked the comedy element in fanzines too and when they rip the piss out of their rivals in a humourous but not too offensive manner which doesn't seem to go down too well on here I don't think but a good balance of entertainment and information would be ideal.


Posted: 28 Apr 2014, 20:53
by stevegull
Alright Bobby. I might be keen on getting involved. I've been doing some online stuff for WMN but would still be keen to get my writing out there more in a published format. Keep me in mind.


Posted: 28 Apr 2014, 21:13
by ferrarilover
I can have a bit of A5 with some old shit on it for £2, or the best programme in the division by a country mile for £3.

You can have a poke in the eye with a sharp stick for 50p, or a night with Angelina Jolie for a quid...

It's a lovely idea, but it can't be two pounds. I get "Warcry" every week for 20p (seriously, you try saying no to Bob, the bloke who roped me into it, like trying to kick a puppy). I am a mean bastard, but if I were asked for two pounds sterling for a fanzine, I'd openly mock the seller for being in cloud cuckoo land.

That said, I'd lend a hand where I could, if it went ahead.



Posted: 28 Apr 2014, 23:58
by Glostergull
ferrarilover wrote:I can have a bit of A5 with some old sh*t on it for £2, or the best programme in the division by a country mile for £3.

You can have a poke in the eye with a sharp stick for 50p, or a night with Angelina Jolie for a quid...

It's a lovely idea, but it can't be two pounds. I get "Warcry" every week for 20p (seriously, you try saying no to Bob, the bloke who roped me into it, like trying to kick a puppy). I am a mean bastard, but if I were asked for two pounds sterling for a fanzine, I'd openly mock the seller for being in cloud cuckoo land.

That said, I'd lend a hand where I could, if it went ahead.

Matt. The guy seen playing football with a puppy in the back yard. Until it scored a hatrick against him.


Posted: 29 Apr 2014, 00:23
by Louis
I could sponsor / subsidise it to make it free for readers in exchange for adverts.


Posted: 29 Apr 2014, 20:45
by EmetEdadsBeard
Fanzines in their heyday were infinitely better reads than the clubs program as they mainly reflected the tremendous wit of the fans rather than the sterile club info/pictures format. I always bought them, but their demise came with exactly what we're doing now-opinions posted on forums.
I'll submit some jokes though unless you just glean mine from the jokes thread ........ :-/


Posted: 03 May 2014, 10:56
by bobby93
ferrarilover wrote:I can have a bit of A5 with some old sh*t on it for £2, or the best programme in the division by a country mile for £3.

You can have a poke in the eye with a sharp stick for 50p, or a night with Angelina Jolie for a quid...

It's a lovely idea, but it can't be two pounds. I get "Warcry" every week for 20p (seriously, you try saying no to Bob, the bloke who roped me into it, like trying to kick a puppy). I am a mean bastard, but if I were asked for two pounds sterling for a fanzine, I'd openly mock the seller for being in cloud cuckoo land.

That said, I'd lend a hand where I could, if it went ahead.

Matt - I was initially quite offended when I read this. I have since calmed down, but to come into this thread and essentially insult the idea without anyone even having had a serious discussion about price, content or regularity, and then graciously say you'd "lend a hand"... I find that quite patronising. I've put zines out, I've bought zines. Yes, some are 20p. Others are £2. All I'm trying to do at this stage is generate some interest. Price is the last thing anyone should be discussing because it's not the motivation. If you do want to be involved, great. But please leave the attitude at the door. Thanks.

Thanks to everyone for their interest - Andy, Ben, Steve et al. Is there a better way that we can talk about this, or would this thread be the best way? I'm going to do a bit of thinking about content and I would encourage others to do the same.

Louis - that could be an option I guess but dependent on the adverts not dominating the thing, if you get my drift. Did you have any specifics in mind?