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Ideas from supporters To Help Torquay United.

Posted: 12 Sep 2015, 00:06
by chunkygull
Well, its been well documented the problems the club have faced and are currently facing because of previous mismanagement, lack of smart investment, an apathetic local population and a seemingly shrinking fan base. The call has come out from the new regime at the club various times now for help from the Torquay United faithful, so what can we do.

We had a thread not long ago called ideas for Mr Candy, nice and simple, writing simple suggestions or communications to the previous chief executive of TUFC to help the smooth running of our football club or to make the supporters links or matchday experiences smoother.

So here is a new thread, there are many ideas, suggestions and opinions of what supporters feel needs to be done for the greater good of Torquay United and its fanbase, many of these have been thoughts that have been spread across various posts and threads, some are just a small mention others more elaborate, some suggestions which may be useful might get missed. So, everyone has an opinion, there is always somebody with something to say on here whether positive or negative, SO WHAT WOULD YOU DO? We know people from the club read this forum, so, what ideas do you all have that can help Torquay United, what can we do as a club, as a collective fan base or as individuals. Put your ideas and suggestions here, so they are easy to find, easily digestable and they dont get lost or missed across numerous posts and threads.

Here is an idea I had previously on the players fund thread, it had a slightly positive response and out of curiosity I would like some feedback on how it would, could or wouldnt work. I have a few more ideas as well, but check this out first.
Post by chunkygull » 29 Aug 2015, 00:46

Right here goes, I'm fully expecting to get hammered and take some stick for this, plus get told I'm an idiot, told to shut up, told I don't know what I'm talking about, portrayed as a bit thick, accused of having a duuuhhh moment, and possibly getting my ass kicked. Sod it!

Been mulling this over for a while and have also seen a little mention of this idea elsewhere by someone else but it got missed and didnt get the sort of feedback like I actually felt it deserved. I have had a little look to find some info on this subject as to how it would work or whether its harmless or legal, but its clear as mud to me so ideas, knowledge and feedback please guys.

“ Instead of just asking for donations to a player fund to actively inject some much needed finance into the club coffers why not throw open to supporters a nice, simple, easy to understand, basic, cheap enough, sensible – share scheme.”

Going back a few months the old consortium were looking for a buyer, obviously that takes a lot of money – A group of supporters chucked in a reported 30k each - Dean Edwards after the new consortium took over said they were still looking for investors or investment if anyone is interested (that usually means one or two chucking in all at once a fair bit of wedge) – We have a supporters trust (TUST) trying to raise money through a monthly membership fee to gain some sort of position on the board or whatever their plans are for the greater good of TUFC – We now have the new board asking for a contribution from supporters to a player fund pot of money, which in effect is a charitable donation on top of what they already spend watching the team and buying merchandise etc, nothing wrong with that, the club have to try everything, but obviously the sort of money and uptake of support they need is unlikely to be enough for what is required.

So, when you buy a ticket, buy a shirt, scarf, programme or car sticker etc, you are putting money into the club to help and support them, in a round about way you are putting in investment but you are always getting something in return, with the player fund donations yes effectively it helps us have a better team but you aren't really getting much or something other than a thank you in return, not that supporters ever really expect much back other than a team that tries its best and gives its all. What supporters might open up to more and feel more willing to hand over their money to is an actual share scheme, the club needs money and investment, rather than going after a few people to put a lot of money in, why not go after a lot more people to put a little bit of money in at a time. So, the club sets its price per share keeps it very affordable and sensible, you offer them in the simplest, easiest, safest way to TUFC supporters, they hand over their money either buying shares monthly or as a lump sum as and when they can, and then they get little tiny pieces of the club they love, even if it doesn't mean much or have any effect on the running of the club or have much impact in the grand scheme of things or its just on paper etc, they feel great about having their little part of the club and it makes more supporters/investors/contributors want to contribute and buy their piece, they inject much needed funds to TUFC and its team and in turn it makes them feel closer to the club.

Without getting too excited we aren't talking fan ownership here or a TUST model, or the stock market, the board will still be the bosses/owners/control of the club, obviously unless someone eventually and affordably accrues enough shares of monetary value to earn a place, although that's highly unlikely as they would possibly have done that already. We could all become shareholders, even just on a very small scale, e.g at £5 or £10 a share you pay that then you own one share, you pay £10 a month, in a year you have 24 shares (just a theoretical figure).

look at it this way people are currently giving money to a fund either as a monthly direct debit or contributions here and there when affordable, how sustainable is that, how much interest is there for how long, is it really bringing in enough money? If you offered people shares in the club for that money, say they carry on contributing to it as they already are, you can pay a monthly direct debit or pay as you can afford and you get a share or 2 or 3 or 4 etc for that money, surely you would get more interest and uptake from the fan base, more supporters are likely to fork over the dough for the chance to be even the tiniest part of the club.

(Thinking about it I'm sure something like this sort of thing was mooted and very nearly did happen during Mike Batesons tenure just before he sold to Knoberts, but I could be mistaken.)

As I said I don't know the legalities, business protocols, how taxing would work (if at all) or how you could go about these things, but if you can say to someone come and invest in our club or come and put your money into our club, put your £x,ooo's in and be a board member, or say to supporters could you contribute some spare cash to the club, then as long as there is no harm, cost, or negative or complication to the running of TUFC then why cant each supporter no matter how big or small purchase a share, surely it shouldn't cost the club or do any harm in any way and the feel good factor and interest in it should be very positive, whilst giving TUFC a much needed cash injection.
I am sure there are many variations or scenarios in which way this idea could work, obviously I dont know much about these things but, if people can put funds into a trust group hoping they will eventually a long way down the line buy shares and get a place on the board or put towards buying the freehold of Plainmoor then why not go direct and raise badly needed funds for the club now and by buying into them in this way if there is this sort of fund raising scheme.

Anyway, thats one idea, I know you all have various thoughts so come on guys, its over to you.......

Ideas To Help Torquay United.

Posted: 12 Sep 2015, 15:14
by RussianGull
Unofficial merchandise, bought cheap sold for mid whack, profit to the club.

Ideas from supporters To Help Torquay United.

Posted: 15 Sep 2015, 22:06
by chunkygull
One reply, seriously, one, thats it. Reading across various threads and posts there have been lots of people voicing there opinion on what they think should happen, what should or shouldnt be done and all we get is one reply. Come on guys we can do better than that. Has the apathy and couldnt give a toss attitude really took a hold that much.

So asking again, what do YOU supporters think could be done to help TUFC, what ideas could work. Its a case of “Its not what your club can do for you, but what you can do for your club.

Stick your ideas and thoughts here where readers from the club can easily find and digest them. We need some money making or saving options urgently by the sound of things, so come on supporters what can be done?

Heres another from me, and Im really convinced that this ones a winner. -

Saturday evening 7.30-45 matches.

Over many years I have heard supporters, former supporters, locals and family ask why dont we have Saturday evening kick offs any more. Many have told me how there was always a boost in attendances and a cracking atmosphere. Some have attributed the lack of this as one of the reasons over the years attendances dropped off.

Reasons why Saturday evening matches are a good idea -

1. Many people these days have a lot of other distractions going on to find a reason not to attend games on a Saturday afternoon. Whether it be family stuff (shopping with the wife :) ), sport on tv, certain events on, watching local leagues, gardening, car boot sales, the pub or whatever. So you do your Saturday afternoon stuff, some you possibly couldnt get out of, your evening is free and clear, you have made a day of it, you are really in the mood to go to the match at Plainmoor. A weekend game attendance with an evening atmosphere beckons.

2. South Devon Leagues playing on a Saturday afternoon. Many times down the years local footballers have said they would go to more Torquay games but they cant as they are playing at the same time. Indeed, many older supporters I know of speak with great fondness of the days when they used to play on a Saturday afternoon, have a few beverages post match, head up to Plainmoor to watch the yellows, then head out on the town after the game. Some spectators also pick local games over TUFC as they may have friends or family playing, or they have a voluntary commitment to their club. Going back to Saturday evening kick offs could encourage local league players and spectators to come to the games as it then does not clash.

3.So you are bored after Saturday afternoons activities that you have been forced to do, still got a while until kick off at Plainmoor, there is a game on BT or Sky, head up to Boots and Laces for a few jars and the tea-time game before the Plainmoor main event. (Dont know the situation with Boots, if its still in house or not but or when it is this could boost takings).

4. Saturday evening kick offs could give a boost to away attendance giving fans a bit longer to get to games so they may be more tempted rather than endure a very early Saturday morning set off and trek. Some more than usual may boost the local economy by staying overnight in Torbay.

5. Apart from Doctor Who, Saturday night tv is a load of crap – X factor, Strictly Come Dancing, Ant and bloody Dec, Casualty. Not really much choice, probably stuff a lot of blokes cant stand. Not much on until after 10 anyway, either Spanish football, match of the day or a decent boxing match. If you were worried about missing anything most of its repeated next day or all week anyway,plus its all on catch up or on demand.

6. Really make a day of it, enjoy your Saturday, a few tea time pints, watch TUFC, go out on the town, couldnt be better surely.

I used to love the Friday night games when I was a kid, I remember us having a few with a great atmosphere, attendances traditionally are a bit down on Saturday afternoons though. Again from what I have been told the Saturday evenings had the best crowds. Surely its worth the club sounding out the possibilities or whether this would be a popular move.

I can see our police or council being the obstacles here as usual, but I really cant see the harm. I know all too well why the Saturday night games were stopped in the 80's, Wolverhampton Wanderers fans getting pissed in the afternoon and smashing the town and the ground up. Believe me I remember it, I was 11 years old walking down Market Street when they were putting bins through windows, scary stuff.

However that was 30 years ago, and times have changed and to be fair now we are where we are, non league, attendance from away fans is likely to be quite minimal and trouble is much less of a normal thing now.

Surely this idea is worth looking at and the police or council cant object, you can bet Argyle or Exeter wouldnt get or put up with that crap, neither should we, its not like we need a police presence anyway and we have more than enough stewarding. There are plenty of events on of a Saturday evening through the summer, loads of people boozing etc, plenty of crowds, nobody puts a stop to all that.

I really do think this is an idea that could boost a few attendance figures. :-D

What do you guys think? ;-)

Ideas from supporters To Help Torquay United.

Posted: 15 Sep 2015, 22:16
by tommyg
But the Conference wouldn't agree to it and I can't see away teams being happy playing away in Torquay on a Saturday night. They wouldn't get back home until 4am on the Sunday and with so many Tuesday games throughout the season, plenty of clubs would surely object.

Ideas from supporters To Help Torquay United.

Posted: 15 Sep 2015, 22:27
by gullno4
that's a good idea, but you have to take into account the away fans/players travel, etc. Also, we'd be the only team in the country, I don't think we'd be allowed :/

Added in 1 minute 5 seconds:
beat me too it tommyg!

Ideas from supporters To Help Torquay United.

Posted: 15 Sep 2015, 23:37
by DaveysBarTab
Sounds great but rules out kids unless its a 5.30/6pm k.o.

And only for games v teams not long travel distances i.e good v chelt but not for gateshead. Anyway worth a try.

Cup run anyone.... just thought maybe thats our only way out this mess. Ideally argyle in 1st round, hammer them obviously, then sheff u in 2nd n liverpool in round 3.

Piece of piss

Ideas from supporters To Help Torquay United.

Posted: 16 Sep 2015, 09:44
by CraigUnder
Looks like Steve Breed has been impressed with your ideas chunky!

Ideas from supporters To Help Torquay United.

Posted: 16 Sep 2015, 11:16
by Behind-the-Gulls
Worth a try for a couple of games at least.
I would market any Saturday evening games as a chance to escape Strictly/X Factor-what more of an incentive do you want!

Ideas from supporters To Help Torquay United.

Posted: 16 Sep 2015, 19:51
by chunkygull
Wahay, nice to see after all these years a TUFC that finally takes fans thoughts on board. :bow: Or were they thinking it anyway and its just conicidence (probably). Anyway maybe trying new things can be really good, if we just keep on doing the same things over and over again without the results we want whats the point, I know a winning team would bring back the crowds but no harm in giving other options a go.

As for the replies, nice to get some feedback :-D - Just to reply back, I dont think a Saturday night would be negative for away fans, read point 4, it gives them longer in the day to get to the game, I dont think many would be too bothered what time they got home, those who would have a long journey to get here wouldnt have to set off so early. And its not the same as having to make a Tuesday night game as its the weekend. You dont really get many fans or teams moaning about the midweek night games, its just taken as the normal order of things that you have to play those games, so I cant see a problem on a Saturday. If you look at the crazy fixture list of our league at times it could help.

Also if the team we are playing have a long journey to get here, if the games on a Saturday night, rather than have to have an overnight stay bacause of a 3pm ko, they could travel up on the day and get here in plenty of time. Saving that sort of dosh for teams in this league is of paramount importance as we know only too well.

As for the kids, well its a Saturday night, they get to stay up late, do many kids who are into football and old enough to go to Torquay matches go to bed on a Saturday night before 9.30? I doubt it. Parents do stuff sometimes with their young kids of a weekend which often neccessitates a later bed time, so I cant see too much of a problem here. Anyway, nobody really says anything about that for a Tuesday night game and there are still plenty of young children at those, its always a little treat when you are young and get to stay up late during the week.

If there is a round of Tuesday eve games the following week then you just play on the Saturday afternoon. We arent talking about playing every Saturday game of a night time here, just worth trying it out and then maybe playing a few at carefully chosen phases of the season (weather etc). Apparently though we did used to play a lot on Friday or Saturday evening, almost as many as Saurday 3pm.

Either Friday or Saturday night would be worth a try, just to see how it goes, but I think Saturday would be better, Friday night has been done before, although not for quite a while, it contributed to a better atmosphere but not neccesarily attendance as you still get a lot of the same drawbacks that you would for a Tuesday night. Dont see the harm in trialling one of each in the near future. However, I would say the best time to do it would be up until mid-late November then from mid February, you dont really want to swap a bitter winter afternoon for an even more bitter evening, this would probably have a negative effect. The ko time would definitely have to be at least 7.30 also because there are always BT or Sky games on at tea time, so you would need to avoid a clash, but read point 3 for the positive on that.

Ideas from supporters To Help Torquay United.

Posted: 17 Sep 2015, 09:30
by BayGull
It used to be the 'pools' companies that objected to an evening kick-off because it made the match null and void.

Are the pools still going now?

Ideas from supporters To Help Torquay United.

Posted: 17 Sep 2015, 11:36
by Yorkieandy
Hi Chunks, great posts and good to see at least one person down in TQ1 still with a bit of fire in their belly. There are others of course but nowhere near enough to affect positive future change. Apathy has always been the biggest issue sadly amongst modern football fans in general, not just Torquay. Interesting reading nonetheless.

Saturday night games IMO would be a disaster.

In terms of away fans, I have my suspicions that many do stay overnight in the area as it is so just moving the kick off 4 and a bit hours later won't change this. I can't see that many more fans would be tempted to stay overnight just because it's a night game, in fact quite the opposite. Some fans who wish to make the long journey and back in one day may decide now not to even bother going as a later kick off time would mean arriving home in the small hours or paying for accommodation for which they hadn't planned on doing.

Further to this, Saturday nights are maybe precious family time for people who work all week, they like to go to the game in the afternoon and then go out in the evening for a meal or cinema or whatever so it would mean making sacrifices and as we've seen from the alarming number of people who have stopped going to watch the club, there are lots of people unwilling to put the football club first ahead of other things. Also lets not forget the footy shows on Saturday night tv which now start at 9pm which for some are an unmissable element of Saturday nights.

Lastly not forgetting the decision a parent has to make to take themselves and their kid(s) down to Plainmoor on a night game whereby they might not get home until late. I'm not sure replacing afternoon games with night ones will be a popular decision with that demographic.

Sadly, despite me wanting to have more faith in people, the fact is that people will only turn up at Plainmoor for these reasons:

1. They are the hardcore and go whatever the club throws at them.

2. The team starts to do well and / or is playing scintillating attacking football.

3. It's dirt cheap and a real value for money outing despite a crap product and service by and large.

The hardcore at TUFC is pretty much at the level it is now. It cannot get any worse so i don't think too many more fans will stop going so eventually the current board should be steering the club towards at least breaking even at these crowd figures. The more fickle fan will swell the numbers the more they get access to reasons 2 and 3 so they will be a bonus but I've always said this for many years and will say it again.

The reason the club is still ploughing on is obviously because of the new board stepping in but other than that it is PURELY because of you lot that go every / most weeks. Without you the club would fold regardless. This is why I have been banging the drum for those running the club to PUT THESE FANS FIRST. Forget about the floaters and the fairweather fans. They'll come when they want, why waste time, money, effort and energy in schemes and ideas trying to tempt in new fans when it has been proven that they will only come if reasons 2 or 3 are a reality. Sod 'em. The club should be looking after those who have looked after the club during all the dark and lean times and whose support and finance have been unwavering despite extreme situations on and off the pitch. If the club do this and embrace and reinforce that bond and vice versa then the bond will become ever stronger and a more close knit, community spirit will be fostered and EVERY single person involved in some way with TUFC on a regular basis will feel that THEY are as important, as vital and as much an integral part of the TUFC machinery as the Chairman, programme Seller, catering lady, receptionist, manager, goalkeeper and so on. You have to work together and be positive.

It's all about the hardcore.

NOTE: There are valid reasons why some fans don't go, I have some of my own as you know and also exiles, people on low incomes, work and family commitments, disability but if you don't go to games unless it's cheap tickets or the team are doing well or the weather is nice then quite frankly it's bizarre that football clubs still continue to waste their resources trying to attract you to come to games. They'd be better served putting their energies into showing gratitude to those who keep the club afloat. Gratitude is a highly potent tool to make others feel better about themselves and it costs absolutely nothing. The more involved, and engaged fans become, the more they should be appreciated for it. The more the club shows it's appreciation the more the fans feel it's all worthwhile and they are making a difference. This positive reinforcement is a cycle that keeps on giving. AND IT'S ALL COMPLETELY FREE.

Ideas from supporters To Help Torquay United.

Posted: 17 Sep 2015, 18:54
tend to agree with andy here, dont think it will make much difference when the games are played, most floating fans will only come if the team is winning, back when our games were played on saturday nights things were different then , there wasnt much else to do in them days apart from footie, plus we had a bit more to cheer about then as we tended to win a few games in those days,
sad fact is the bay is full of man utd, arsenal ,chelsea armchair fans etc who have there heads up there arse, i dont know what the answer is other than a miracle.

Ideas from supporters To Help Torquay United.

Posted: 17 Sep 2015, 20:00
by AlexGulls
For selfish reasons if they fancy moving the Grimsby game to the Sunday so I can make it that would be ideal ;-)

But in all seriousness I don't see what the club has to lose by trialing it. Gives a chance for those who play football on a Saturday afternoon and those dragged out shopping etc the chance to still make the game afterwards. Were not getting big enough crowds at three o'clock on a Saturday so whats the worst that can happen by trialing kicking off later. I don't really think away crowds will be too badly affected by it. Its still the weekend and added that most teams in this league bring less than 100 generally and most make weekends of it down here as well anyway.

Ideas from supporters To Help Torquay United.

Posted: 18 Sep 2015, 11:28
by Yellow4life
I know this is not supporter related but I think more sign posts directing people to the LWS would be beneficial, it also acts as advertisement. I drive to Exeter everyday and there are signs at least 5 miles from the ground with directions. The furthest sign for TUFC - that i can remember is by Hele road, which is about 1-2 miles away?

The same with PAFC - there are signposts on the A38. Again quite a few miles from the ground. Who do you contact regarding this?

Ideas from supporters To Help Torquay United.

Posted: 24 Sep 2015, 15:59
by tomogull
yellowsmiffy wrote:I'm thinking of doing the Great South Run in Portsmouth October 25th (?) in aid of the club?

This would be a great gesture. Let us know on here if you decide to do it - I'm sure you would attract sponsorship.

I've just had a thought (yeah, I know - dangerous at my age). Considering his local roots, I wonder if Gary Monk would be prepared to bring his Swansea side to Plainmoor during an International 'no Premier matches' week for a friendly/exhibition match? If the club charged an entrance fee of, say, £10 (under 16s free) I think there would be gate of 2000 which would bring £20,000, less Swansea's expenses etc, into the coffers. The only snag is whilst there are no weekend Premier matches, the National league continues so it would have to be a weekday game. But just a thought ........