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Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 15 Dec 2015, 22:12
by CraigUnder ... story.html

It is only my alarm bells ringing with some of that article? Not only did the club give Norman Smurthwaite the cold shoulder with his offers of free help but now also Colin Lee.. hmm.

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 15 Dec 2015, 22:30
by PhilGull
Colin Lee? Probably wanted another hundred grand a year to "help" us!

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 15 Dec 2015, 22:36
by arcadia
Colin Lee is the ideal person to be alongside Nicholson plus his experience of how the club should run would be invaluable.

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 15 Dec 2015, 22:36
by Dave
Exactly Philgull, lets remind ourselves of what happened when CL was C.E.O at Torquay. Massive loss posted, accounts audited, and he was so quick to turn down his pay off, wasn't he ? All sorts of rumours flying around at the time, alleging as to where the clubs money was going, none proven as far as I know.

Well done Herald Express you've managed to strike again.

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 15 Dec 2015, 22:39
by Southampton Gull
Lee never does anything for free..........

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 15 Dec 2015, 22:42
by arcadia
forevertufc wrote:Exactly Philgull, lets remind ourselves of what happened when CL was C.E.O at Torquay. Massive loss posted, accounts audited, and he was so quick to turn down his pay off, wasn't he ? All sorts of rumours flying around at the time, alleging as to where the clubs money was going, none proven as far as know.

Well done Herald Express you've managed to strike again.
If this is fact where is the proof, so why state this.

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 15 Dec 2015, 22:43
by Southampton Gull
arcadia wrote:Colin Lee is the ideal person to be alongside Nicholson plus his experience of how the club should run would be invaluable.

No he isn't. He left the club skint before so why should we welcome him back with open arms? Whatever good he did once he soured during his tenure as CEO, good riddance as far as I'm concerned.

Added in 1 minute 11 seconds:
arcadia wrote: If this is fact where is the proof, so why state this.

Have you just arrived from another galaxy?

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 15 Dec 2015, 22:51
by arcadia
Southampton Gull wrote:Lee never does anything for free..........
Point taken.

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 15 Dec 2015, 22:51
by taunton_gull
Although he left under a cloud I think there is a lot of truth in what he says. I've always felt following his departure someone had to come in at boardroom level with proper knowledge of football operations but sadly for us this was never the case.

It all seemed to start to go wrong when managerial appointments were put into the hands of Baker et al. Would we have taken a chief exec/DOF getting paid 100k a year to still be in League 2 or maybe even 1 - compared to the losses, payouts and relegations we've had otherwise? I appreciate it's not clear-cut but I'm convinced that this kind of experience which has been badly missing over the last five years or so could have made all the difference.

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 15 Dec 2015, 22:52
by Dave
arcadia wrote: If this is fact where is the proof, so why state this.
The massive loss and accounts audited is fact, don't have to prove that. As for the rest of my post read it word for word, if I could prove even half what I was told at the time, believe me, my words would not have been so carefully chosen.

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 15 Dec 2015, 23:00
by Southampton Gull
I'm amazed people have such short memories where Lee is concerned. He's up there with Dean Edwards on a list of people who took the club to the cleaners...........

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 15 Dec 2015, 23:01
by Dave
Taken from facebook written by Stephen Breed in reply to someone "Steve i have not personally spoke to.colin for over 4 years so i would like to.know what help is being offered"

Hope Mr Breed doesn't mind me posted this, and I will remove it if wished. So come on then Colin and the H/E do tell what offer of help has made ?

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 15 Dec 2015, 23:14
by PhilGull
taunton_gull wrote:Although he left under a cloud I think there is a lot of truth in what he says. I've always felt following his departure someone had to come in at boardroom level with proper knowledge of football operations but sadly for us this was never the case.

It all seemed to start to go wrong when managerial appointments were put into the hands of Baker et al. Would we have taken a chief exec/DOF getting paid 100k a year to still be in League 2 or maybe even 1 - compared to the losses, payouts and relegations we've had otherwise? I appreciate it's not clear-cut but I'm convinced that this kind of experience which has been badly missing over the last five years or so could have made all the difference.

I would agree that someone at board level with experience of lower/non-league professional football would have been a great help over the years since Lee left. However, the clubs record with this role is unlucky to say the very least.

Added in 1 minute 31 seconds:
What is going on between the HE and the club? There seems to be a constant stream of negative publicity against the board since they took over...

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 15 Dec 2015, 23:15
by arcadia
Southampton Gull wrote:I'm amazed people have such short memories where Lee is concerned. He's up there with Dean Edwards on a list of people who took the club to the cleaners...........
I have only been here five years and know very few people I have only recently been invited to talk or be near to the club. This is why I was not aware of how the club was managed.

Colin Lee has his say on TUFC current state

Posted: 16 Dec 2015, 01:36
by ferrarilover
Absenting previous behaviour, if we take him at his word and what he says at face value, could we not take a punt on receiving his 'report'?

Worst to the worst, we get the legals nailed down. No money changes hands and he produces a report which says 'X needs to change'. He then demands £50k to tell us how to go about effecting that change. We've got a few ideas for improvement and we are free to tell him to shove his report up his arse. All the while safe in the knowledge that any nasty letters from Kitsons or whoever can be batted back with a watertight contact signed afore the event.

Best case scenario, he's genuine and comes in, makes a real difference and asks nothing more than a free season ticket for his troubles.

Gotta be worth a phone call, Shirley?
