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MOTM - Woking

Posted: 15 Oct 2016, 22:25
by Lloyder5
I am assuming this hasn't appeared because it is a Cup match, but in the spirit of posting, interested to see what people thought. Top five please.

MOTM - WOking

Posted: 15 Oct 2016, 22:26
by Lloyder5

MOTM - Woking

Posted: 15 Oct 2016, 23:18
by Jeff

MOTM - Woking

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 00:02
by tomogull
Luke Young
Aman Verma
Sam Chaney
Damon Lathrope
Brendan Moore - one or two hairy moments, but also several good saves from dangerous corners

MOTM - Woking

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 08:42
by goodluckgull
Youngy - a joy to watch
Brendan - agree with above post.
Damon - another good performance
Snoop - 3 gaol line clearances. He deserves more credit
Verma - pushed the team forward. Also best comedy moment when the ball fell out of his hands behind his back just before he did a throw be fair the ball was slippery !

MOTM - Woking

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 08:53
by gullpower
Young - his crosses are too good for Blissett and Williams to get on the end of
Verma - agree with above
Moore - did well in the difficult conditions
Snoop - thankfully the howler he had a few weeks ago seems to have been a one off
Richards - didn't blast the ball out of the ground once

MOTM - Woking

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 09:53
by Willowgull
1. Young by a mile.
2. McGinty - (hooooof)
3. Richards
4. Verma (although he allowed their left winger far too much space).
5. Lathrope

MOTM - Woking

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 10:11
by Iamsuperwilf
Latherope. One of the few proper footballers on show. Young. The other one. Verma. Certainly should not have been subbed. McGinty Certainly tried hard which probably earned him Man of the Match and our esteemed Chairman's vote. Chaney needs a lot of help but must pass the ball sooner-could be a proper footballer one day.

MOTM - Woking

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 11:09
by wivelgull
The game can't have been all that bad; these are positive responses.

MOTM - Woking

Posted: 16 Oct 2016, 17:59
by portugull
Luke Young. MOTM in my opinion. Back to his best.
Damon Lathrope. Played well.
Sean McGinty. Very sound got very cross at times you could hear him clearly in the Bench!!
Courtney Richards. Always involved.
Brendan Moore. Never afraid to leave his goaline. Good keeper.

MOTM - Woking

Posted: 17 Oct 2016, 11:41
by torq2u
Luke Young - a skilled and committed performance, sadly wasted; could have had a hattrick
Brendan Moore - good stopper, and he commanded his box most of the time; OK, some ball-dropping / heart-stopping moments too
Aman Verma - an assured performance and calming influence; so relieved to see him back
Sam Chaney - his game is developing - getting better at pressing opponents into making mistakes
Sean McGinty - kept their forwards very quiet