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MOTM - Aldershot

Posted: 22 Oct 2016, 17:20
by Gulliball
Up to five players from this afternoon please.

MOTM - Aldershot

Posted: 22 Oct 2016, 17:43
by gateman49
Moore - shot stopper
Young - kept going
Chaney - ditto
Rowe-Turner - better centre back than out wide?
Richards - often all over the place but again no lack of effort.

MOTM - Aldershot

Posted: 22 Oct 2016, 18:28
by portugull
Brendan Moore. MOTM by a country mile.
Jamie Reid.Kept shooting at every opportunity. Great effort.
Luke Young. Worked very hard.
Courtney Richards.You can never fault his effort.

We did well to salvage a point.

MOTM - Aldershot

Posted: 22 Oct 2016, 18:43
by goodluckgull
Willow- Best performance so far
Youngy- never gives up
Snoop- came close to scoring
Gins- stayed strong

MOTM - Aldershot

Posted: 22 Oct 2016, 20:12
by tivvygull

MOTM - Aldershot

Posted: 22 Oct 2016, 23:37
by Modgull
Moore - by a country mile
Reid - never stopped running and several attempts to score
Williams - kept going with poor service
Young - energetic without setting the world alight
LRT - especially when he moved to CB

MOTM - Aldershot

Posted: 23 Oct 2016, 00:20
by tomogull
Brendan Moore
Lathanial Rowe-~Turner
Courtenay Richards
Jamie Reid
Sean McGinty

Luke Young would have been in my top five if it wasn't for a string of misplaced passes in the second half

MOTM - Aldershot

Posted: 23 Oct 2016, 14:12
by Willowgull
Moore - shaky in mid week but superb today.
Young - good energy.
McGinty - solid, but needs to improve his distribution.
Rowe-Turner - seemed more comfortable at centre half.
Read - Tried hard but lack of service.

MOTM - Aldershot

Posted: 23 Oct 2016, 14:22
by Iamsuperwilf
Moore. Outstanding!! Rowe-Turner. Did really well when moved to centre-back. Williams. Played as though he really wanted to be here. It would be great if he carried on in this vein but he needs better support than he got today. McGinty.Played with great determination and great support and encouragement for team-mates.Chaney. Another good shift but must learn to move the ball quicker.

MOTM - Aldershot

Posted: 23 Oct 2016, 15:37
by gullpower
A little bit Moore
A lot Moore
Moore to come
Moore of the same please